1988-02-04 " . lIT4e QIit~ of ~eutrl~, ~Cl5sadllt5ttt5 CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON FEBRUARY 4, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard. Joe Manzi, ~eorgp Batchelder, and Peter Gilmore. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 8:00 P.M. Peter motioned to recess for the Public HC3rlng, Joe seconded ALL IN FA',,'OR #5-293 p,:r. RPORT cont. Db~ 1\)[ FPi~Nt< OPj\JE ~;UI)TH ()F~ L" F " HENDE I~E;Orl F?f),t:'.:D ,.. Hayes Engineering, Representing Peter ugren from Hayes EngineerIng Co. eplained the 100 yr flood plan displayed. Copies o~ the leport sllbrrl:i.tted to ttlE COfl",n):i.ssj.on at tl-!:is tj;"r!e., CiE3Cj"r-' {J E' E..:?\ t c h f:? :1. ciE'"(' c:1 i c.i n L,) -t !='<;';. fro i:: i c: i. p.::~. tel nth .~, ~:::. h C::'_' .:~. '1' J n r.:.:J" du f:'::" t C) c~ C:l~n 'f- 1 i c i:: C) of :!. Ii t (.:.:,('- (.?::::.. t " (:I. i. "'lE'~. i 'n t h <7"2 ~::\ y.' c.:. .::~ ) " Alan Taubert s0es no mitigation of the plan. Also, inquired a. J::) Ci I.J t 3. :I. E':' t t ~? r" '(" (::..~ <.:j .:~l. yo, cf :1. y-", ':J thE:' c 1 C) 5 U. y", I;? F-' 1 ';:'1. II {Y" E-;':: "f-:I. :::..j:::i, ~. h ) Pete~ is not pleased with the filing, referring to the area a. ~:;:. a. II du ITI P fI C h.::t i y-. ITi.3, l'l cl. ~::: k E' cl Mr. Manzi his opinion of the filing, Joe 'nclt CO!TIP 1. et E!. plan will be submitted within the next 30 ~'eplied, it is: R",..'::l: A C 1 o,:,:,u. Y' E dc\'::l~~ " Peter is not in favor of a 60 Day extension Joe is unsure if the work could be complete. Taubert: The work will have to be seoped with All not in favor of an extension. Asked to withdraw with out prejudice. Peter ask: when you re-submit, would like complete plan and filing. Chairman send a letter. DEOE. to see a 5 MINUTE RECESS AT THIS TIME. " -2- #5-292 Laurel Ridge 300 HALE ST. A~=t(~l~ney Jol1n (:~lovsl.~y l"eferred to a lette)'~ Sllbmitted t:o the commISSIon requesting an extension un~ll March 3. He then p,- c., c:." '.'0.' c:!c,..j t C) )r. (.':..~" d the ]. f? t t I:?i'. tot he c c,,, c:c:::,. n e cI PC7!(j pI:.:.: in .3. t 1: E'r"! C;i0. rJ CF:: .. Peter surprIsed that so much work still W~]l March 3rd be enough time, to avoid rej...... G ] u v'=::. k ~c, 'J ,::'. t t h :i.~.:; t i ITI e , .f E' e. 1::;. t h '3. tIn :3.cld:i..i:iciCli:.l infe,rmation !!Jill he r.eacl~.l "".'-Id ITI E~ ITl b E~ '!'~' '3 'f" C) 'j'" F::! r"! CJ 1...1. q h t i. rn E.' t I=' Y" f:-? \/ i e 1.1.1 i t: f Cl Y" rJif'::;:C0t i nq" Peter and George feel unprepared a~ thIS time to contlue t h i <;,; h t:? E. jr. i n (J . CONT. UNTIL MARCH 10TH I"L,'.':: t!J be c1oiH?" anuther continuance. 2 weeks, all the to be given to the c'. 1'1:::, jr c h 3 y. d ~: E C () r'~ !....,.' E~ I') r~ REOUEST FOR A DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILlTY r: i. t ~:1 o. f Bo:;?vc'?y.. 1 ~J Signalization and Roadway improvements of Elliot and McKay :3 t .,r. E?e t:::.. Alan Taubert DPW Commissioner made the presentatIon George: Any change on pond side of road? Taubert: No just mainly a paving job Ge~~ge motioned for a negati~e determInation Peter seconded it ALL IN F I:"V';F: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #5-159 WARREN 10 Stone Ridge Rd. Commissioner voted to table it. ORDERS OF CONDITIONS #5-286 Cross Lane Trust--Birch Woods Peter motioned to deny it. Gporge ser:::on dc"d It is not d. "I imited project" AU_ IN FAVOR Motion unanimous. Peter's views: -applicant underestimated the flood plain -replication plans were unsatisfactory would question the replacement areas/ function. -this being an environmentally sensitive area, would not like to see this Commission vote for a project of this magnitude in such an area. #5-297 Northland Investment- Common Lane 5 lots (14, 15, 16, 17) check dams. A motion for Standards plus 2 additional item made by Joe and seconded by Peter ALL IN FAVOR ._- ----,_.-- ----- , ~ -3- Discussion with Alan Taubert sewer w th this project to Stone L. .:":\ n e . suggestion to R i. dgE? Pt'oj ect connect the on Common Discus~:ion l^e~ pal^ticip.::'ltc at r'F.:'PO'I'..t~::;, etc. inviting certain persons to speak and our meetin9s- first, based on Robin's Motion ~n adjourn Secoilded tJY Peter' r\L.. L J j\J F A \..1 () R at 9:20 Gilmore P.I'1. made b~.1 \..10 E' 1'1 ';1 n z i Marie S. Cotreau/clerk , , , ,