1988-04-21 . Wqe (11it~ of ~euerl~, cffiassadlusetfs CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLV. MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON APRIL 21, 1988 1"if:::!"IB;:::: FC: ? F:ESEJ'IT Pr<\\' p.,>)(;i-1;~,RD, F'ETEI=< Ci I i. r-i" F::C ~ CEJ) r:C;F::: BA-I-C:-1E:!__!)E:!:~.~ J"()E. MAi\IZJ., VI!\ICEN1-' COTF~E~AlJ~ Al\II:) !\;AI~(:~Y 1._i~)DGE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45P.M. Motion to recess for a PUBLIC HEARING made hu Peter Vinnie 5.E,'cc::.nc!E:'d ;\!....I_ It~ Ff.\"../i)F: (i;"./7/E:E{) &I PEbID:::::r.1TIAL.-' COlTimOn Lane L.ot .._. (cDnt" Thomes, Randy Waterman made a Plose~tation, aiSD, Ct[:I(j:i.i:i(}J'~aJ. in'foi~rl)a'tloTl reC1Lle~;.t:ec:~ 'fri::)fl"! ].a~;t 11'leetiI'~g . ~ ~~:~ k E~ t c: h in c: J u ,j(.::,.;:;. P(""~ 0 F'CI'5 f-:? d h CJU. ::;;(-:':':.::' C..i n -I: h f:?: 1. Cl t II ,.IORTHLAI\iD Bf?a.ls .:?l.liCJ ~:;:.U blTI i i:: t c:::: <:::1 C<:JnsuJ.1:ar1"t:, A].<~tr~ 'T'auber':~ SEes j'lO prc)bleITI wl-t:i-, '::1"12 engineering as?0cts of this project. 0i (':'::' D t", ,] f..:, c;. tJ (.:.... ~~. l.. :i. C:. 'n (~~~ c:i t 1-; {.:':.' L.J h E-? (" c.:' E:\ be) u t =.~. 0 'f Rar)(jy Wa.te1~il)al'l ~;i:ated 1~~lere would be ~ ~!arlcy a~;l.::e(:j if tt~e brc)o~< t12d a name? .!~ hE.:' '.':.-:i' i::Y ':::', ";U, c: :::- :I. .!"" Cf .i. I~':,' n ";,-, ]. \/ f::.! l..U E.:;. :-.::1 " W2.te1~~n~2n: !~(~ t:o ~')is j.::rlotl;le(jgeu V:innie Ql12S'I::ioTled furi:~icr deve:Lopn)eI.~.t 31'l(j "~r'i'i'-' t...J {':'~. t (,.:.:0 Y" ITl.::\ Ti: "r ! : ':':;.' r' t::.' t!.l i 1], bE' iT: CJ r~ E! d F_'..../ (-? .l C) pin (.J .~';'~ 1 ':;.~ C) ',: .:.. Ci Y-' ]. ....,f E' Lt. I .:":':i. 1...1 ::::. :.l.l:i 11 bE; bu. i ]. t. ~IE~~A!~ING CL(=)S!~:D AL..I_., INF(}RMA-!-ION SUBM:r"l"l'ED IS ~A.r"IS~:A(:l-ORY FINN Morningside DrIve Lots 7-8-9 Representing, Lisa Willwerth from Townsend Engine0~ing Dan Finn made the presentation Completion-midsummer Peter W811ts c!e"tailso'f )~e~Jlj,cation Geolnge (~~lestic)Tlec! t!1e s'l:eepness o'f ttlP ~;].(::)l~e, ~(:JW i:"~.!e soil is moved and put in. { 1 D'I: 7..... tCi be:. 1" 111 ed be r'E::'plicated.} George questioned, is Finn: a walkout, off ranch. Off of Lot 9- (4~JCJ[1 sq. f t. ) Lot 0- 4000 Sq ft to a basement included. the basement floor-similar to a split area to be donated to conservation. .j .~ To Issue an Enforcement Order Immediately. Once the wDrk is completed--Please get back to us. John Nestor requests he be the contact person. A letter to be submitted to the Commission. 5 MINUTE RECEbS AT THIS TIME Upon Vinnie and Robin's inspection and approved. Bill motioned to grant Baldwin~ Paine Avenue #5-244 a Certificate of Compliance Peter seconded it. ALL IN FAVOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Allen-Willow Pond L.ot 30 #5-139 George motioned to table Seconded by Vinnie ALL IN FAVOR George motioned to grant a Certificate of Compliance for N.E. Telephone test trench #5-282. N.E. Telephone Harbor Crossing #5-296 Bill motioned to table it~ Peter seconded ALL IN FAVOR Ratification of 2 Enforcement Orders Winthrops Grant Subdivision Re: Fill brought on site unleveled. All members have a copy of it. Peter motioned to ratify the E.O. George seconded it ALL IN FAVOR End of Beverly Hills Avenue Illegal dumping in the wetlands. Bill motioned to ratify the E.O. Peter seconded it ALL IN FAVOR COMMUNICATIONS- members have copies. George discussed the sign for the J.C. Phillips Estate. The commission concurred to go ahead with the project. Bill motioned to adjourn at 10=00 P.M. Peter seconded it ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/clerk ************************************************************ . " GENERAL PUBLIC Mark Foster 13 Morningside Drive Commented on the property Iines.Due to the replicatiDn it places FDster's property in the buffer zone- is concerned. Almost all the land has been used fDr replication purposes, therefDre, leaving the homeowner at a IDss tD do anything with his own land. (because all the lots will have already been replaced). What's left tD repIace? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ReplicatiDn plan with details of replication area. ProPDsed building lot to be blown up to a 10 scale. continue to May 5, 1988 RECONVENE REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY Randy Waterman, Beals and Thomas, representing. To extend the sewer up Branch Lane, tD flow from Common L.ane. Wetlands areas to the North and West of Branch Lane" Sewer 5' deep in most area, 8' deep at some points. The swale would be maintained. WDrk proposed wDuld be very close to the centerline. Work will be in the buffer zone, no work beyond the stDne waIls- work will remain in Branch Lane. The stone wall is the right of way for Branch Lane. George questioned the rip rap? Waterman-Rip Rap on the inside confines Df the stone wall. The confines of the work will remain solely on Branch Lane. Vinnie questioned the culvert size? Waterman: Large enough to accompany the project. Joe: How many square feet of rip rap? Waterman: 5' wide- 10'Iong. Bill motioned for a positive due to an existing stream" Peter secDnded it. ALL IN FAVOR Wellington Hills Subdivision (informal discussion) Attorney Harvey Rowe, Robert Rowe, an owner. John Nestor of Nestor Management. Jai Singh Kajlsa, owner Ray Bouchard: Re: Hay bale replacement. The place is a mess. Boulders strewn all Dver the place. Re-flag the area before replacing the hay bales. Remedial work in the resource area ShDUld be done immediately. Consultant Alan Taubert abstained due to a conflict of interest. George motioned a cease and desist until the hay bales are installed, seconded by Peter OPEN FOR DISCUSSION George: the work in the wetland area has to be done, sedimentation is taking place ALL. IN FAVOR