1988-05-26 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON MAY 26~ 1988 t1EMBER~3 Pf~ESENT: Lod(.=Je, :Bi 11 Lis.s., Gilmore. Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Nancy Vinnie Cotreau, Joe Manzi and Peter MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 8:05 P.M. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LODGE 239 Hale st. #5-267 Nancy Lodge abstained due to conflict of interest. Joe motioned to Issue a full Certificate of Compliance George seconded AL.L IN Fl,,\lOI=< !! Longfellow Place Lot 5 #5-249 George motioned for a full Certificate of Compliance JOf.~ 1'1anz i seconded i1LL IN F::- tiVOR {Bill Liss arrived at this time} RATIFICATION OF ENFORCEMENT ORDER 10 Marf5h Avenue Activity is going on there. George motioned to ratify the Enforcement Order Bill Liss seconded ALL IN F,o.vOR ORDER OF CONDITIONS Finn-- Morningside Drive Lots 7,8, 9, #5-.298 Peter motioned to deny the project George seconded Both George and Peter feel that the replication is too close to the road. Bill doesn't like the replication area nor the plan. Joe--getting too close to the buffer zone Nancy -- Too close to the road, would end UP with trash being dumped there. Motion to deny ALL IN FAVOR MR. LISS RECORDED SOLELY AS "BEING PRESENT" Connolly Foster's Point #5-283 George motioned for standards plus additional coastals to meet certain building codes for building in a flood plain. Petel^ seconded ALL IN FAVOR Burke 55 Cross St. #5-305 Much deliberation relating to Cross Lane/superceding orders. Bill motioned for the standards, ,Joe seconded it. Bill-to delineate the wetlands for Burke. Chairman explained maintenance versuS alteration of a wetland. To delineate, set a boundary, allow Burke to remove the debris, leave everything elso alone until the "other" mat ter is SE.t tied. Peter -Some limit/delineation outside the wetland, his right to cleanup the stream and not to alter the wetland. To delineate from the house Motion to table by Peter B:i. II seconded {.~'LL I t.J FAVOR (Tabled until June 2,1988) DISCUSSION Lot 42 Wellington Hills Robert Raine To hold off from planting and seeding until the sewer line goes in. Peter motioned to lift the enforcement Order only in Lot 42 and to invite Mr. Nestor in for an update. Seconded by Vinnie P,U._ IN FAVOR A LETTER OF INVITE TO JOHN NESTOR WINTHROP'S GRANT (no letter from sanford) Motion to table by Peter Vinnie motioned to accept Gulf of Maine's Report rather than to table--Peter withdrew his original motion, then seconded the motion to accept Gulf of Maine's Report./Delineation for "their" consideration. Joe feels to lift the Enforcement Order , if they did whats they were told to do, George agrees, Peter felt it right to keep the Enforcement Order on and to put in writing how we feel. Chairman Anything within the hay bales is not to be touched, Vinnie motioned to lift the Enforcement order Peter seconded ALL IN FAVOR DISCUSSION Re: Cross Lane Superceding Orders #5-258 1'1c.i~J 27 Deadl i ne Peter motioned for a request to hold the adjudicatory hearing, and that the Chairman sign the letter. Seconded by Vinnie George discussed the plans ,etc. Joe disagrees, feels it's a DEQE's court, and to let them ha.ndle it. Petel^-yes Vi nn :i. e.""-YE:~S J"oe-.No Bi ll-..yes beor<.:;Je -yes The Chair Votes yes to file for an appeal 5 l'1INUTE I=<ECESS Vinnie motioned to adjourn AT 9:35 p.m. Peter seconded it AL.L IN FA'-JOR Marie S. Cotreau/clerk ~r~;-o"""",,,,~