1988-08-25 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON AUGUST ,--,e ~~" :1.9b8 MEMBERS PRESENT: George Batchelder. Peter Gilmore, Vinnie Cotre2u~ Joe Manzi. Bill Liss. MEETING CAl.LED TO ORDER AT 7=50 P.M. RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Peter seconded by Vinnie. ALL IN FAVOR #5-312 (cont. STURTEVANT ST. E/T. lots 1. ~. and 5 Attorney Herbert Boudreau, representing. also Environment Engineers Paul Summer~ Chris Mello (Land Surveyor) Owners: Prince (Mr. and Mrs.) Contractor: Fra~k Raffa Paul Summer made a presentation. has investigated the area, searched for resource areas, drainage ditch.No sufficient wetland plants near tne ditch to declare it as a defined wetland area. Doesn't connect an upland stream to a downhill stream. Not a defined wetland as mandated by the wetland protection act. Doesn't support wetland vegetation. Manmade ditch does go down to Elliott St.- not a wetland ditch. Peter: If this appears to be trus, then this commission has no Jurisdiction re:this project. Paul Summer: feels the commission can extend the Order of Conditions. Vinnie: Right of way is the driveway. Paul Summer: The pipe will go thru the driveway. (BILL LISS ARRIVED AT THIS TIME) Consultant Alan Taubert has reviewed the drainage calculations. Engineer Chris Mello: Hay bales depicted on the right of way onto Elliott St., also on greystone ave., also, on the top of the ditch. Down slope side to be protected from the up slope side. GENERAL PUBLIC Roy Gelineau: Rep. his parents who live on Colgate Road. He stated the drainage be put in place before anything else takes place, Re: elliott S~. , asks the board to take jurisdiction in order to prevent flooding problems. HE,L)FUNG CLOSED ~ln8 13 Foster St.-sewer tie-in. Representing Albert Rossi, Contractor/Engineer Stated the city sewer passes thru the buffer zone within 100 feet. Vinnie~ requested the area be flagged to determine the area. Peter: concurs with Vinnie to flag the area George: Existing sewer, gravity main. Questioned planned manholes. Rossi: none are planned in the buffer zone. George: Requested that a data base be placed on the plan. HEAR nlCi CO NT . (E3E:PTEJ'mEF~ ErrH) SHEILDS 357 Hale Street- Land scaping and fill To cc)ns:.i::r'uct 9.I~anitE.. s.teps~ leadin(] to grass~.J knoll c;\i~(:"a.! hF:'i::'.Vq ~'.tonE... to fill the ravine basIcally to finIsh off an area where preVIOUS building has been done. Bill: quest:i.oned <3.mC)Unt of fill. r~o.=.si: ~:,o ~.!ai-ds of fill (sma.ll Elmou.nt,:; Vinnie~ questioned the procedure. Rossi: 2 feet large boulders, loosely placed In - rip rap effect, will !:)f:'::.' bir.C3U.qh-l:: iTi UJ:i.th .... bl...l.c:kf:::t lc)a.d(eY"~ H E: :':~! F~ I 1\11.::1 (:: 1.... i) ~:) E:: I) #5-261 MODIFICATION 228 COMMON LANE KELLY T~iaddetlS S:ierr!as!~:o, ~"ePl"esentingu additional 150 sq ft. to the project. 56.6 =100 yr. flood elevation. A~ additional plan was submitted, on Augusted 25,1988 (dated) SUFFICIENT iNFORMATION HE:,ciR I N(::; C:LO~;E::D #5-288 MODIFICATION WINTHROP'S GRANT Attorney Robert Cornetta. representing Since the order of conditions December 1987, the wetlands now differ. Charles Wear, form Carter and Towers Engineers, stated the newly defined wetland area. No construction will enter the wetlands with the exception of a water main crossing. George : questioned the water main crossing Charles Wear~ Anticipated the inquiry re= the water main crossIng. Will submit it on paper. George: Requested the water line from the original plan to be applied to the new plan. Peter: another filing is required. George: East side drainage line? Charles: To put in a swale in that area. Small area 20,000 sq. ft. Lots 5 to 7 area drops 4 teet. Peter: questioned siltation guards. Define it on the revised plan. l.'.),.:::. tc!!'.. m;::l i n C),.. us;::" i n':=J . RE'qu i .r~E',::; n ;:~Y.)" t::, t i \IE' to bE S:.Ll bnj :i. 1:: t (0 ci.. -Sylvester Ave- separate filing RE=water main -Veloctiy reduces for drainage intu wetland. -calculations, drainage for flows into swale on easterly side.. -double rows uf hale bales. -All plan revisions- dated -Perm~nent easement fur wetland area- covenant. -Report re:elevation at SESD sewer line. Ci!::!\IEHf:;'L. PlfE.L. I C Frank Abram Sylvester Ave. questions the reason for this modification.. and the commission's jurisdiction. George and Bill stated that the Commissions jurisdictiun has not c:h",:.n(;:jed.. Robert Cornetta. explained that the field conditions have changed. f:! t c, Frank Abram feels this should be entered as a new submission. Questioned: the plan stating for discussion only, will the construction be different from what we see on the plan. Expressed flooding concerns, also the fill over the S.E.S.D. line.. Joe DeLorenzo: Did the work there- a manhole cove is there, 1~ e::< pos:.(~d ~ t he area has never been tot!. cl.t:ecl. Frank Abram: Since the pipe has been f.illed over, Abram cannot now identify the pipe. (To meet Tuesday 6th at 2:00 P..M.) Consultant Taubert: discussed hiring Gulf of Maine to evaluate the wetlands. Requested a reimbursement of 5750.00 Attorney Cornetta= Will consider the request. Cant. September 8th (5 minute recess) r~~ c::' c () n \/ f:::l ro! e or a continuance. MEDIPLEX cont. Chairman read letter WILLOW POND L month extension d :i. sc:u ss; i on. George read letter, proceeded with a Joe: motioned to give the 2 month extension.. George: We could choose the Time limit, either way. Bill: concurs -seconds the motion ALL IN FAVOR CI~:R1.:i:FICATES ()F' CO~II~!__]:AN(:~: 357 Hale St. #5-199 Vi.ny.}j.e IDot:i.c)necl 't:o g}t~arlt 1::he (:ell'tificat:e Peter seconded ., I h!.._I_M IN I=AV(lR p;'~E:~~;.T()~1 PL_ACE L<:J.ts A aTl(j B #5.-.'1.98 Bill motioned for a certificate of compliance. pp.te)ft sec:c)[)c:!ed ALL IN FAVOR (~RE!~NW{)(::)D AVi~ #5-.159 (TABLED AGAIN) Pe'!=er~ 5,.!ggest:ed tha.t we Issue a partiaJ. ljJit~! .the excEF>tj.on of tt'ie curb and t~!e dl^iveuJay" Bill motioned to take no action tonight and to invite Greenwood Ave. to the ?le:<t !T!eeti.%lg. Seconded by Vir~T1ie ALL IN FAVOR ORDE:J~ ()F' CC)~!D:[l-]:O~!S 11-25 Water St. #5-315 Standards plus -disposal of dredge soils not to go back to the ocean waters. (proper permits to be obtained). -copies of all permits, etc. to be supplied to the Commission. -Certificate of compliance from previous filing to be completed before starting this new project. - add Haley and Aldridge to the list of plans to be compiled to the commission. -No dredging materials to be stored on the site. Motioned made by Peter Seconded by Bill AL_t._ IN FAV()R Discussion Re: Common Lane. Viewed by Peter-Vinnie-George-Robin Hay bales should be replaced. Place is a mess. Bill motioned for an Enforcement Order to be issued. Peter seconded ALL IN FAVOR Motion to invite Northland to our next meeting Sept 8th. made by Peter Seconded by Vinnie ALL IN FAVOR AGENDA POSTING -TABLED DISCUSSION RE: WELLINGTON HILLS/HAYBALES MOTION TO ADJOURN MADE BY BILL at 10:25 P.M. SECONDED BY JOE. ALL IN FAVOR