1988-10-20 ~I~UTES FROM MEETING ON OCTOBER 20~ 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Vlnnle Cotr ~~! George Batchelder, Bill L..:i.':':":"") .Jew;' ,"IEtnzi 'J PetE')," Gi 1 ITiOY"E:'; !"'..L".nC'i I_Cd;' E'" MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 7 : :~!. ~:~ f' jvj B:i.ll n"lo.tioflE(j i:o Y'Ec:ess for d !~ublic Hear:ingu Vj.f'IT'~ie ~~~;econc1ed itq i....f.;.i. j" ~... .;':~. \/ C) "1'-. " ," .... (c;::)n t " Co\/e C:y" O~'":; :i. Ii 'J bu bel:;. \/ :i. ':':. i c::.r: ..... J:'. (':' Y' Y' ',:1 .. Ch a i Y" mi~n 'r"' E'.:::' cI c" IE' t 1:: E'Y" submitted requesting a 2-week continuance-November 3.. <:i F:~ /\ t) or E I) C(::}r~'i::~J'~\.!e(:i--' <:t)ubbs Brool.( Pl~opelnty '1"r\ll~5t:, dwelling. Don Kent, Botanist- requested re-"~5.t(~I.~e the aY'ea. .~;j FI /" hi;" E: n 1025 Hale Street- single a 2-week continuation to #5-320 (cont.. l Laurel Ridge. ~~ar'lcy L.odge- abstainec!- P(J5~3ible c:(~n'fli[:i~ Steve Leonard, representing the applican~_ U!2.l.!.~~~ :!.Y'~ tt'le area~ St.lbn)ii:"l:eci WE.I.l Y'ep(:)}'~t: r:, 'i" :i. n t c -r" E:' ~:; t .. ': :i. {~.:- ~f~) C::C)IT,rnE'n t E~ cj "J""f.?I".]c.":;.Y" c:!:i. nq C'. ;_ l::h :l.';:::. t J IT!t:;' .. f::..J:;C'~ fr. (:= .~:; Fi CJ T"! dE':':' c; i""'l A].aT'~ laLlbel^t)s (rl(:Jt pr'e~~el'l.t) :~et'1:'el~ arld (=OITlrrjer)'ts~ ':3 u ;::.i rr: i t t c.:.:' c:! '} :i. n I..~~ "r-' J. t :i. n Id ':! 1:: c). t i"j E,:,:; C:: CJ rn iT' i :::;. ~::. :i, CJ n l: No change in velocJt~ is expected.. Chaj.r~n)ai"M"- E~Llbmit: velocity calcl.l:La1:ionsu Now submittecj- Hydro/Plus Software Information.. Dowart- commented on Alan Taubert's comments #8 and #9, and that #8 relates to perched water. George- Is groundwater in test pits 2-6 feet? Dowart- Groundwater 3-6 feet in several test pits, and are on some of the highest points. Small pockets of water in high spots are perched wa tel'~. Peter- Will they always be there? Dowart- Yes, until evaporation or someone drains them. George- Groundwater concerns. Bedrock analysis~ etc. Dowart- 500-600 feet dig before possibly reaching groundwater. A clay berm across the trench to stop the overflow of water. Comment #9- Peter questioned the probes. DOW2r~t'-- 1~~:~oIJe~~ iTl t!";e !Tlj.ddle or~ on tl-IE sIde 2Y'e ~;'t:i:lJ, .t!"!e ~5a!T!e del~th ur. Fairbairn- In late August~ Wetland 1 was dry~ mucky under foot. l,...I~.:,::'tl.::'i'ncJ 2- ~::,t.!"r""'f.::).Lf::':' u..j~~::\tE,:'r" l:::":-:':i.=;i::f.-?ci.) HIU(j;::::1211 cii';:':'E::'P tiF' '1~:CJ th.:.::.' 'l'"'cJck JE-:'c!':,:JE'" Item #9~' nowart- returns after probing, excavate muck out, use clean f ill " Chairman- To re-cap all the above, inwritlng, to Alan Taubert. I t PIT. '1~':L D..... [,iE'. n Cc:, ('. bi-:-:' t t f).' O!ll Ccl. r .1. son (:~<.;~;o c i 2 t i. on. Pc' ~ "";\';::' cl i m C-:'1I t a.~: i Dn , t h ':':' owner will maintain the wetland area. Dr. Fairbairn- 'fhe buffer zone takes care ot tip wetlands. The grassy swaJ.e ~JO)~~~~; (~lj:i"te we:!. 1., Peter- Has the site beon staked? LeC)Y"lard-'- !~{:J'!: ypi::., Sj.t:e vj.~;:i,.t-... Sat:t.lf'c1a0~ I~(:)vej'ober 5thR (~i (.::.:. C) Y" (.:':J i:?::' ..... r~ E.:' c=!, U C'::' ';;: l:. t'::':' c:1 .:::';. '::::.1...1. iT! iT! E:',. r" i :.:.: E:'~ 1:: :i. Cl n 0 '1:' t h E~ P r" c! j e c: t ,::t. t t h :!. ~:::. t:i. rn (.:.! n M)~" C(:))"bett-- I)j.cJ SC), displa~ed the l~lan~ Peter- Questioned the removal of 18 1/2 feet of ledqe. Cc '1" t:l~::' t t.... . , r'~ n ::;; H.l f:':' -r-. I~-~' (] ~j Fl s:; . Chairman- Questioned Type II tD Type 111 stone. Kim Montella explaineel the types. 'fype III is smaller In a rainfall E' ...._/ E'1"1 t " C h c':t.:i. Y" 1Tl!':':\ T! : j C} .~.u. brr! i. -i: t ;""; (~:::' F:.' >~ p:1. E~. n ,";:I. t i C111 c)f s t CJn El in Lt.IY" i tiT'! C! " F'!'", c)\/ :i. dE' calculations of type III Stone. (',Fi!!:Y,;L.. PUBL Ie Ben Eisenstacly representing the opposition.. M:~ke 1~2Y"!'((:)~S, ~3)^n Bj,o:!"(:)gj,~;t of New England E,'~vironrrleTltal~ eXFJressed concerns from all of the neighbors and residents in opposition. [/(.:::, t E~n tic, n \::; i,". '::: in,:" ::::: .... ,:+ I..U o I...!. I d bE' n ~?('2 de d , dps t y..u c t :i. Dn u f !J.iF' 'j:: 1 d n ci ',':. lIJOU. 1 d oc:c::ur" -rl"lis prDPc~s;2J. is not a reasonable OJ'le~ 'I:CJ l!~5e the ~j0i:laI')(js a~;; '=; t u Y' <,:\ g 1::-:' . He feels upland detention basins would be more preferable. Thpy would eliminate siltations" Once the project is built siltation will go into the wptlands. Replication area 15 close to the weir. A difficult area to work in. Does not meet with the Performance Standards. Outlpt tJ,..:':\ s:. i n *j:::~:.-. c!c:){-:.=~:::. ~::; h ()td bCIY' dE?)'~' in t;J \/E~~J E~ t E.i i: f? d tJJ2 t J c:-~ n rj~:;. (~'~IP r-']. i eel. ""', t :; J:::.;. p]. d. n does not: st)(JW replacen~eni::= Thr~(.?e ,""'fe'.::tS on si te ll.1he"r"E' tIH::! bi~ink is bei ng 21 '\::i'::"j"'ed" Applicant= 21 linear ft. of bank being altered. Two channels will be altpred, not one. There are existing culverts under Witch Lane. Since the road is being widened, additional wetlands are being altey'eel. Feels 67 linea'l~ feE,t of bank is being altel~ed" (5l'l ft Blne only to be altered according to regulations). Referred to a "block culvert" meeting our specifications? Submitted to the Commission all the comment!:, , in ll.witing. Renee Mary 274 Hale St. -concerns re: fish in the water; -planning board-referred to 7 years, where will this go to. -would like to see calculations -MEPA stated the driveway is in a dangerous location. ;'~, ,~.. ... ~:) i.. t.:. Lrane 3 Robin Road '--'; ,'. :'. tIC'....' r" E': d j" C't i n a <;:'1 €;< ',i b J c,! ~o:. l:: i n <.:;) 'J r'f?::f i 1 i f"j(J 'J (:.:J C):I. n (~i bDc::k t C) !.:l"!(,:.?' "'C' F' :L ':;':.'. roO! Y"! i n ::;;3 b [j Ei (~ cI n Chairman: We're divarc::ed from the plannIng board. r~ul)l:ic: i-iear'iJlg FJrO(:ess, etc. E>;pla.inc.'d thE"~ [\1 en'" iTji:':~ Ti J>::):.J C h (.~~ 3:3:3 1"1i:1 J (.::.' ~J t .. r~ {:::,:: :- i '! .::;: UJ f5: 1. 1 ~ C C) c1.t :i. n (~! c Y' (::1. c k ~;::. ".! Cj n b E:~ c:i', . 1..:.1 c: k ( =, ~j ,_. 6 IZ; cI ~:.? '~:J y' (,? (-"::! '::;) It .t) i::'; U.i ~';':~. .... t ,: :-.. "". c:: (" :i. h f:?! cj thE.:' P j'"' CJ C €-~, (j U fr, ~;! ... ::::.;) .. F~ i: ~::::;-::'~" 1.: u. Y" d,:::l.~ f',ic)\/€-!n', bE'Y" :~j, 1. '::)[j~:::: _... :!. 1 :~ jZiC.~) {~~!.: IVI" r: ,':.:.:. 'J.: ,:::.: u.' i_ .1, LJ 1 :i. k i-? t Cj :::. i:.::" (.:.~, t h t'::!; E;;. r" E.! {.~( C) f' L; 1 ~~. =. t.: i n ~:.i .r 1. ~;;j. 9 ~1 E'! cl" I'. r'.!':.: ':;:=. r- .i. I _, L_ inued to November i -.:' -I.:' 'J 1988 Steve Leonard rebutted on Marcos' comments. Will place the welr Just bC::~DW the 2 streams coming together V:j.r~r):i.e COmITIE11.tecl c)n the fragi).eriess (:)1~ tl1E ~Jetlands~ .ny." t "l' L'{';':\ 1 'r'" (1 ~ 'r h E'Y" e tv i 11 be SC)ITIt.::' tJ,lc3. t f:.-:'Y" c h.::',. n <::J E'~" t Y' eE~S they" E' C c;l, i'"i .j 1 OJ:: j"; :j t i:7t. ; ! c~ ';:::. u b ri"i E~)I' ~:-:. i C) r't an cj ci. 1 t-. E' a (:1 ~,:J h {,-:\ V' (.? " -r h E.' ~:. E~, ]. E.i ITl ~'3. n d E~ '1", :::' c a 'n "5 .,:: ::';'i. ,!', c1 varla~lcn"rhey have a very long life. ~! l~i:::f:)~;;.,. GJate~~~ leaving upland al~eas lD(Jt,!:!.cj IJE c~ualj.ty llJater'1 ~~; 'i:. t~~, ~,,: E':' 1..... '! ' ,;;':.1. j"'! {.:::' q, l...1. E' :;~. tic] n f.:::' c! thE! I..lJ ~;:i. t (::::' ,(, f 1 .: :i t~.l " :j r1 I !\t j.) 'r [' f.~ E: C E~ ~:) ~J ;.....i C:~ tic) n !; 1 t ,;':':i. 1:::, 1 E~ C :1. 1:: ~l Ci f p. E' \/ e y. J !::.! .-.. i'" f:':' Y'. ;::: h i ri (.~ r-i \/ ~.:;.' P u rf! FJ i n (=.I ~:) 1:: ('::~ t: :i. C; '["'j !T! i:':i. C' ':'.:':' b !.) Pi! 1 f:; :-:':' :~:. (J 'j 'l de:.:' c! t~J ~:j ..,T CJ F:! p, L... i.. I :--'.1 ii:' :"; ....J n H D';';.",';l :... 1.-..1 1.: 7 11{~i~n:irlgs:ide Dlnive SjY'lglp 'f~tl'I'!i,ly dwe.Llingn Will er.lclose W{:i.~_J. U;.i.J.J. <::je:lineat:e 'tl~e lIJe.~:],ands 'fl~(:)~TI Lt.i i:'~, 1 .!. J .:::t Y" CJ unci t: h E' U. p 1 ~':'i. n cI !'::'I.'f' '.:-:.' ~;l, " .t~je rear and tt1e sidesn , , . . "'f ., ;0', \/ :1, 'n 'j""1 J. ;:-:.:~ :....) .:':'~. .!. .L :" F' :L r"! T', ~ Fc)u. 'j'" {7:~ d C:CJY"'; CY" E' t f:2.. Wall 3-~." abc)ve grass lC)~:a ~2(::))'S2:; Ct~Je~;tiOT)ed elevatj.on :",.!' 'n'? C) ,,::::' f E' E~ t "T' 0 p 0 f l!../.,:'. 1 J . CfeCJrge heis1'1i: of wall atJove e~.~ist:i,r}g wetland? 1= j, nT;:: ~';;L, _... .".h J i ne. Bill: discussed post orders of conditions -also, wetlands barrier. -10' center poles to be used -slope- nothing steeper than 2~1. George would like to see a visual plan re: vegetation plants and gr'owt h. Leo Panumzio: Health Dept. Agent Re= Fill to replicate the wetlands. 15-20 loads of various fill,tires,steel poles, etc (junk) Finn: will remove and fill with good fill. HEARING CLOSED INFORMATION SUFFICIENT RECONVENE ~ CONTINUED REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILIIY J. ii- ::) t.....! (7:~ ~:~. t r-. ..L.. .::::' i_. ..-. . -- .... " .... ':':~ .1. j ! '.;j .J. t.:: d i..U {.:.:.:, 1 :t i "(", t.:3 ...J Ci h '~"j Die k .....1-.' -:;":\ n C (j c k :.:::- U. l" \/ C:':' ~.A " Peter motioned for a negatlve determination I,J ejf!} :::.2 CelT"! CJE,ej tiLi._ I l'~ Ff.":;'v'OH ~r /\P,L~ 1::::1) I\EL.L..Y NISSA~~ 420 C;a 1::)0 1:: St. #5300 Certificate or Compliance Vinnie abstaIned -being an abutter. Motion to table made by Bill Sec:c)ndeci tJd Pe.t'er~ AL.L I r,.! F'f-\',./OF: ~,\i ill D ll! !=-\::";)': c: Iv!otioY'l b~ Pete}~ -to ttll~:t.t:e .t(~ R(:]c::(:,~ B(:)i:1:a~ seconded by Vinnie ALL I N F,~lv)OR r~ C) b :i. n r-' f..:.:, PC),' t (::::' CJ Cl T"i hE':' "(", I..U (.::.! t.::: k 1 L! rn [::' f:':' t :i. n q ~::. t C) ~".J \':':"i. -!:: E.! Y" F) CJ} J l.l. .!. i ;'.:) T'! ~;;t n d SaJ.em'--Bevel~J.s :~~)~j.dge ~"IC)1::i.c:::r'i tCI ,:.:id....!c:ju.r~.;..'i ;ij.;::i,'".ii::" 1::)Ll Tj';.:j J L.l::~.:::~ i::l."l:: lfZJ:: ':';'J F.. r':j" SPCDll cled L~ ,.rUE' :r t'.l r::'/.,:; \/ (, ;:~ i-""; ,';~. 'I ", :i. f:::" c: C C) t y"' (':':'3.:;:'i. u. ./ c:.i. (.:~:; Y"