1988-12-01 .,( . 'ij!~e QIit\l of ~tuerl~, JfhtJJttt~Ulettl CONSE"VATION COMMISSION IEVE..LY. MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON DEe 1, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Bill Liss, George Batchelder, Joe. Manzi, Nancy Lodge, Peter Gilmore and Vinnle Cotreau. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7: 50 P.M. Nancy Lodge excused herself from the meeting at this time, due to conflict of interest,Re: Laurel Ridge. LAUREL RIDGE #5-320 Reirement Community, 300 Hale st. Chairman Bouchard, at this time read aloud, a letter submitted today, December 1, 1988, from Beverly HO~;Pltal, a letteln of withdrawal. Peter Gilmore motioned to accept the withdrawel Vinnie seconded George commented re: redesigning at their own risk. ALL IN F,c:NOR To withdraw without prejudice. A new Notice of Intent will have to stand on its own merit. What happened prevIously will not pertain. Ga,IERAL PUBL I C Francis Amory Commented giving back Hale St. to the Plannning Board. Chairman said it is not necessary. Joe motioned for a Public Hearing Petey' seconded ALL IN FAVOR #5-324 Continued JORDAN BAKER mini warehouse Tozer Road Peter Ogren, Hayes Engineering He commented on the newly revised plan submitted on November 21, 1988 No filling of wetland. Vinnie -saw a large portion flooded Peter-Flooding on land owned by Johnny Appleseed's. No flooding on this property. Vinnie- Flooded UP to 39.3 line. Also, still not flagged. Difficult to determine the wetlands and also the drain pipe. Re: Storage areas, not much supervision, not caring about the wetlands. Discussion Re: Cove CrOSSlng Submittal of a Compromised plan. #5-258 Letter submitted by Berry today Vinnie motioned to approve the concept, Bill seconded ( of substituting> DISCUSSION among the mebers re: legalities, In favor of moving the original motion, ALL IN FAVOR except Nancy and Peter Nancy motioned to table the matter In order for attorney Gilmore to delve into the legalities, Peter seconded it ALL IN FAVOR Joe not in favor of tabling the matter. CERTIFleATE OF eOMPLIANCE #5-262 Glen Urquhart School Peter motioned (full) Nancy seconded ALL IN 'FAVOR #5-300 Kelly Nissan Vinnie abstained due to possible conflict of interest. Pi?ter motioned, Bill seconded AI_L IN FAVOR #5-195 Longfellow FULL Letter submitted today Peter motioned George seconded ALL IN FAVOR Ray Bouchard, being a member of Jubil~e Yacht elub, has no financial interest, therefore, does not have to abstain 5 permit extensions to follow #5-65 Tuck's Point Water St. Motioned to grant the extension, by Bill Liss seconded by Vinnie ALL IN FAVOR #5-66 Tuck's Point Marina Water St. Motioned to grant the extension, by Peter seconded by Nancy ALL IN FAVOR #5-120 McNeil 405 Essex st., Vinnie motioned Bi 11 seconded ALL IN FAVOR "-'---._- Peter ogren- To fence (chain link) entire parking lot area. George: eommented on the lack of flagging, a bunch of brush is there. Again, to flag the area, number them either by the plan Ion judgment in the field. On the plan indicate: -Flagging -Locate corner of building closet to the wetland- 25' from the existing building -Indicate fence location. Peter questioned the close proximity of the bUIldIng being so close (3') to the wetland. George: Inside the concrete berm, is all the area to be paved? Ogren- Yes Vinnie and George to meet with Peter Ogren on Tuesday Dec 6th, 2:00 P,M, to view the flood area, etc. BuildIng will be staked out before Tuesda!::l. Vinnie- Water level 27 ft., how will the wetlands be fed? Ogren- From some groundwater source. No particular stream feeds it now, there's a swale that does so. HEARING CONTINUED JANUARY 5TH RECOI\Il./ENE REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY AMTRAK (Insecticide spraying) George commented delineating the wetlands. Chairman- There's a certain process pertaining to a power company Vinnie- Re: The lIttle bridge near Johnny Appleseed's, what's happening with it? Ch~irman: Will brIng it to their attention Bill motioned for a negative determination' Peter seconded Chairman normally, when spraying, do not go beyond ten feet, as to not affect the wetlands. -Vinnie- invite them In, let them explain the spraYIng procedure. George will call them (Sanford EcologIcal Vinnie motioned to table, Nancy seconded, ALL IN FAVOR Bill Liss abstained George Batchelder to call the applicant. '-' ORDER OF CONDITIONS #5-321 CHUBBS BROOK 1~25 Hale st. George motioned Standards plus to replication letter, 'Nov,1,1988 Don Kent Joe seconded AL.L IN FAVOR ~-...---. #5-41 eherry Hill Industrial park Peter motioned in favor Joe Manzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR #5-140 Zambouras Vinnie motioned in George secondli'd ALL IN FAOVR 17 Noble Hill Road favor Peter motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:30 P.M. Bill seconded ALL IN FAVOR Marie s. eotreau /clerk Peter 1