1987-01-29 '(TI~c Q1tt~ of ~~urrl~, 21lus5udlltsrtts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERL.Y, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JANUARY 29, 1987 ~EMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Bill Liss, Paula Richards, and Paula Bartlett. Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. ~otion to recess for a Public Hearing made by Paula Richards Bill seconded ALL IN FAVOR " #5-236 Phoenix Development Richard Doherty Engineer. (A plan was displayed) For the installation of a sewer line along Grover Street for Thaxton Heights Subdivision. To place hay bales up and along the private way. Also, to move the hay bales closer to the wall. HEARING CLOSED #5-237 Arthur single maInly Willow Pond Lot #13 Giangrande, Somerville Engineer. Construction of a family home. 63 square feet of BVW will be disturbed for the continuity of grading purposes. HEARING CLOSED #5-238 Willow Pond Lot #14 Arthur Giangrande, Somerville Engineer. Construction of a single family home. Due to the narrowness of the lot, the house will set way back. Approximately, 4500 square feet of BVW will be disturbed, mainly for the continuity of grading purposes. A letter from the owner to complete the filing. RE: Permission to replicate. GENERAL PUBLIC ~ary KoKoska Lot #15 owner: questioned the piping. HEARING CLOSED (2) #5-239 Willow Pond Lot #16 Arthur Giangrande, Somerville Engineer, The corner of house encroaches on the wetlands, minirndl gr-ading, flattening the 80 contour to support the house, 4600 square feet of BVW will De disturbed. Wetlands will be replicated on the side of Meadow Rd. Between road and the pond. AT THIS TIME JOE ~ANZI JOINED THE ~EETING GENERAL PUBLIC ~ary KoKoska commented that her husband was told a year ago, this is not a buildable lot. So now, why is it buildable? Chairman told her it ~as not a consensus of the commIssion, Just an opInion of one member. HEARING CLOSED RECONVEM: ORDER OF CONDITIONS #5-230 City of Beverly Brackenbury Lane and Pickmall Road Drainage proJect. Bill motioned for standards -work on the counter weight for the flap valve -work to lower the box culvert, to preceed any other work to be done. -substituting a temporary silt basin in lieu of hay bales as shown on plans. Joe seconded ALL IN FAVOR " Wilson Lot # 26 Longfellow Place. The requested information has been provided. Bill motioned for standards, Joe ~anzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR ~! George: to extend the hay bale line closer to Whitman Place. ALL IN FAVOR " DISCUSSION To elect a Vice Chairperson (3 ) Joe Manzi motioned to elect George Batchelder Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR " COr! t-'J UN I CAT IONS members have copies. ORDER OF CONDITIONS #5-236 Thaxton Heights Sewer Line. Bill motioned for standards George seconded ALL I'J FAVOR " #5-23~ Willow pond Lot #13 Bill motioned for standards with no filling of the 63 square feet. George seconded ALL IN F /\ VOR " Willow pond Lot # 14 and #16 Motion to table made by Bill Joe seconded ALL I;\J FAVOR I I ~otion to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. made by Joe seconded by Paula Bartlett ALL 1:\ PAVOR 'I ******************************************M***************** Marie S. Cotreau/clerk