1987-02-25 . I > . O~~e mqe QIit-g of ~euerl~, cffiassudlltsetts FEBRUARY 5 , 1987 MEETING CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS Meeting called to order at 7:50 P.M. Members present: George Batchelder, Paula Richards, (conducted meeting) Bill Liss, and Paula Bartlett Recess for Public Hearings made by Paula Bartlett and seconded by Bill Liss. All In Favor. #5-243 LONGFELLOW PLACE LOT #16 Prospective buyer, Maureen Reynolds made the presentation. Hopes to start cohstruction in the spring. Hay bales will all be staked. George questioned draining the pool. No other questions, information submitted satisfactory. HEARING CLOSED. #5-240 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Present: Mgr.,Greg Chapman, Edmund S. Dawes, Jr.jDufresne-Henry Engrs. Dawes made the presentation. Explained tree clearing for safety purposes mainly. Bill questioned the state of the stream, now and later. Wetlands boundaries, lOa-yr. flood plan elevation, a more accurate presentation, in writing, re: 5-acres. Areas: resource, buffer zone, stream, streambeds, leeching fields, septic system (protection of). There is no change in the septic system, but it is still to be shown onthe plan. also. Bill mentioned flagging of the wetland. GENERAL PUBLIC & CONCERNS Joe Pavowich, 50 Trask St. re: water run-off. How will houses on Trask St. be affected Ray Bouchard arrived at this time. Dominic Manzoli, North Beverly Action Committee. Talked about flyash, water concerns, no sewerage only septics in the area. He feels cutting trees would increase water flow. Charles Perkins of Danvers RE: Maintenance Shop. George Batchelder FAA dowes abide with Conservation Commission ruling, etc. Runway 34, to provide a safer area so that the ground can handle the weight of the aircraft. Drainage will still flow into the existing stream. Size of square area-7000 sq. ft. approx. Chairman suggested more accuracy. -2- Feb. S,1987 GENERAL PUBLIC Charles Perkins of Danvers, concerned with larger planes. Dom Manzoli, North Beverly Action Committee, wetlands affecting the drinking water. Manager, Greg Chapman withdrew without prejudice. A letter to follow stating such intention. -5-minute recess at this time- #5-238 WILLOW POND LOT #14 Motion to deny made by George and seconded by Paula B. Reason: Wetlands being replicated is way in excess. Coss of wetlands to the project. Loss of flood control. ALL IN FAVOR. Bill opposed. Motion carries. #5-239 WILLOW POND LOT #16 Motion made by George and seconded by Paula B. As in lot #14 (reasons). Bill opposed. Motion carries. ALL IN FAVOR. Discussion with HAMILTON 320 Elliott St. #5-197. Motion to allow Hamilton to loam, seed and clean up, made by Bill and seconded by Paula Richards. ALL IN FAVOR. Motion to adjourn made by Paula Bartlett and seconded by Bill Liss. ALL IN FAVOR. Adjournment: 9:20 P.M. MARIE S. COTREAU/CLERK