1987-08-20 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON AUGUST 20 , 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Bill Liss, George Batchelder, Joe Manzi, Peter Gilmore, Paula Bartlett, Paula Richards Meeting called to order at 7:55 P.M. ~otion to recess for Public Hearing made by Peter Seconded by Paula Richards ALL IN FAVOR !! #5-258 Cont. Cross Lane Realty Trust-Berry A letter was read requesting a 2-3 week continuance. GRA~TED Cont. ERIKSON 886 Hale St. Lot 50A A letter was read requesting a one-month continuance. GRANTED #5-261 Cont. 220 Common Lane A letter was read requesting a 30-day continuance. GRANTED #5-269 FINN Morningside Drive Lot # 19 Representing , Lisa Woolworth Sevales have been added on each side of Lot #19. SITE VISIT Requested NOTICE OF INTENT to be modified, due to it infringing on Foster's property BILL LISS ARRIVED AT THIS TIME Lot # 17 Area- Wetland border should be reviewed with engineer, extend the pipes, etc. Plans to clean channel, to be put in the NOTICE OF INTENT. To be revised accordingly. GENERAL PUBLIC Mark Foster 13 ~orningside Drive Questioned the possibility of the project not starting. Al Chalifour 17 ~orningside Drive (to be put on record of his presence.) HEARI~G CON~r~UED TILL SEPTEMBER 10,1987 -2- #5-272 LYNCH PARK PARKING LOT PAVI~G AND GRADI~G Peter Phillips, Planning Director of City of Beverly, made the presentation. Electrical lines to be placed underground. Sidewalk is 100 feet away from the ocean. Precast structure to put the drain in. Information sufficient HEARI:-.JG CLOSED ;5-271 Commonwealth of Massachusettes Department of Public Works Route 127 Highway maintenance P:paving and grading from Haskell Street to Oak St. Robert Carter, Stated Engineer ~ade the presentation. Nothing done beyond curb lines. Work to be done right by the colvase on Oak St. I~FORMATION SUFFICIENT HEARI~G CLOSED 35-270 ~alcol~ Bruce 10 Fosters Point Lot #5 Paul Danforth, Engineer made the presentation. This is for a single family dwelling. Notice does not mention the existing dwelling. A revised page showing that the existing house I removal be shown on the Notice of Intent. Plan also showing the water mark to be indicated. HEARING CLOSED Leonard's Greenhouse 87 corning St. Lot # 57 Gravel Parking area for additional parking. L. Rossi, represented. Locus map to be submitted. No intention to pave. Also, to clean out the culvert (on the downh ill side). George questioned the culvert being on the Leonhard's property Rossi: Yes it is. Only a 20 foot culvert. GENERAL PUBLIC Vincent Oliver Victor Ave. questioned where is the gravel going. Is it going on the corner of Victor Ave? Rossi: No, He showed where it will go. Ray , at this time, read the 7 Interests of the Commission therefore explaining to Mr. Oliver that the layout of a road has no Jurisdiction with the Commission. HEARING CLOSED -3- 5 MI:'IlUTE RECESS RECONVENE REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATION Bruce Gardner Boyden St. Lot #5. Ray referred oack to the request filed over n year a~o_ Difference is the house size changed and moved 0\' bit. (basically the same) Bill motioned for conditions as was in the prevluus request. Paula Bartlett seconded ALL l~ FAVOR !! CERTIFICAT OF COMPLI~NCE Lewey #5-106 3 Melvin Avenue Peter" I-,or. ioned to tdble, Joe seconded ALL IN FAVOR ~, TABLED #5-121 Connolly 152 Conant St. (Plan Revision) Joe motioned -Chang is insignificant for a new filing. A letter to follow. George seconded ALL IN FAVOR !! LYNCH PARK PARKING LOT Peter motioned for non-significance ..loe seconded ALL IN FAVOR " Mass. D.P.W. as above Leonhard's - waiting for a file #. 10 Fosters Point -waiting for additional information. George Batchelder-- Herbicide Spraying. Beverly Water Board Wenham Lake/Salem Beverly Golf Course- Filter Fabric Bass River Interceptor/Modern Cant. The Commission will review before writing a letter. Motion to adjourn by Bill at 9:10 P.M. Seconded by Paula Richards ALL 1:-'; FA,VOR !! Marie S. Cotreau / Clerk