1989-06-22 . mlye <1Iitll of ~eutrIll' #iClssarlyusetts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 22, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Manzi, Nanc~ Lodge, Vinnie Cotreau, Ray Bouchard, and Bill Liss. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:50 P.M. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to recess for a Public Hearing Nancy Lodge seconded ALL IN FAVOR Thomas CargIll, 43-47A Water St. Located east of McDonald's off Cabot St. . Gus Sharry, Hancock Survey, representing. Mr Cargill would like to remove the boulders from the present location. As fas as flood controls, there will be no impact. The project is to maintain an existing riprapped slope adjacent to Beverly Harbor through placement ofa new boulder revetment. Present: Attorney Hilde Feuerbach and Thomas Cargill. Information sufficient HEARING CLOSED Motioned by Bill Liss for a Standard Order of Conditions Seconded by Joe Manzi ALL IN FAVOR RE: CON\JEt\/E REPORT FROM ROBIN LEVESQUE Re: Stein vs. Berry at Cross St. COMMUNICATIONS, Discussion Re: Vinnie Cotreau and Robin Levesque responding to a complaint... Tree cutting-Gauthier at Longmeadow Rd., A complaint from Joan Murphy,abbutter. Bill Liss motioned to adjourn at 8=00 P.M. Seconded by Nancy Lodge ALL IN FAVOR MARIE S. COTREAU/ CLERK