1989-07-20 . mqe QIit~ of ~euerI~, ~afiSttcqltSett5 CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEEIING UN JULY 20, 1989 . MEMBERS PRESEN1: Ray Bouchard, Vincent Cotreau, Peter Gilmore, and George Batchelder. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:50 P.M. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: #'j-112 C I '1'1' OF BE\'EHLY' Rear of Elliot and Rantoul Street UtIlIty Metals. Peter GIlmore motIoned for a Full CertIfIcate of ComplIance VIncent Cotreau seconded f\LL 11\1 : /'. \/(J R #5-263 LOT 24, THOREAU CIRCLE Longfellow Place Subdivision George Batchelder motioned for a Full Certificate of Compliance Vincent Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR COMMUNICATIONS Members have their copies. DISCUSSION Amongst members Re: Deveau Property on Rte 128. Open space acquisition. Also, Chubbs Brook Re: Inviting Manchester Residents In. Peter Gilmore motioned to adjourn at 8:00 P.M. George Batchelder seconded ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/ Clerk