1989-08-10 0', '. if 11I11e (!Iit~ of ~rberlll': ~C15521t~ltSett5 CONSERVATION COMMI5Slm-J BEVERLY. MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON AUGUST 10. 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: William Liss, Peter Gilmore, Joseph Manzi, George Batchelder. Vice ChaIrman Goerge Batchelder chaired the meeting. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:50 P.M. MOTION TO RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Peter Gilmore Seconded by Joe Manzi AL.L IN FAVOR FIRST HEARING Loring Merrow Lot #117, To grass area at 4 Lakeside Avenue. Representing (Loring Merrow) Himself. He explained in detail the project. To put up a fence, grade area within the buffer zone, to keep present contours. GENERAL PUBLIC Julie Weaver 11 Lakeview Ave--Fence location will it be on your property line. Merrow- It will be on property line and that is where grading will take place. Will move the area. Would still like to keep trees from growing. Linda White 13 Lakeview Ave. Questioned the height of fence. Merrow- No building permit at this time for the fence. Joanne Liss- If the fence is an issue, no meed to put UP a fence. Bob Weaver-Questioned the procedure regarding obtaining a building permit and the knowing of the wetlands regulations Alderman Raymond Battistelli, present. also indicated the ruling on erecting a fence, especially in the wetland area. JUlie Weaver A fence would delineate the boundary. Peter Gilmore suggested a letter be sent stating a fence would not be erected. Also a stamped plan by an engineer. Peter Gilmore motioned to close the hearing Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR SECOND HEARING Northland Lots 20, 21, 22, 23 Common Lane Greenwood Ave Representing, Randy Waterman from Beals and Thomas, explained In detail the scope of proposed work that is to be done on the 4 lots. Also present Barry Gaw from Northland Associates. The first 400 feet of Greenwood Avenue will be widened. Prior to construction, erosion control barriers will be installed. Three wetland areas have been identified. Common Lane there's a large swale there, will stay away from the area. Hay bales will be backed up with the erosion control barriers. Wetlands are flagged (yellow) On the plans, the symbol of hay bales delineation to be marked. Peter motioned to close the hearing, information sufficient, Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR. RECONVENE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Peter Gilmore motioned to Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR Kelly Lot 3, 220 grant a full one, Common Lane #5-261 COMMUNICATIONS Members have copies George Batchelder met with Some Willow Ponders and discussed -Replication -Cleaning of the pipe/ditch -Banks In Conclusion, to invite Gulf of Maine and the Willow Ponders to a meeting to hear both sides and finish this project. ORDERS OF CONDITIONS Northland Common Lane, Greenwood Avenue Lots 20,21,22,23 #14 -No construction vehicles shall be parked within 100' of a designated wetland area. Peter motioned, in favor, Bill Liss seconded. ALL IN FAVOR Merrow 4 Lakeside Avenue, Lot #117, Peter motioned for Standards, Joe Manzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR A perenial grass seed mix will be added to any existing short term plantings in sufficient quantity as to eliminate any future erosion. Commission voted for notification of the Enforcement Order at 28 Paine Ave Lot F Motion to adJourn at 9=10 P.M. made by Bill Liss Seconded by Joe Manzi ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreaul clerk