1989-09-14 , MINUTES FROM MEE1'ING ON SEPfEMBER 14, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Peter Gilmore, Vinnie Cotreau, Bill Liss and Joe Manzi. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at 7:50 P.M. Motion to r.ecess for a Public Hearing made by Vincent Cotreau Seconded by Peter Gilmore ALL IN FAVOR Chairman Bouchard stated the Wetlands Protection Act. #5-339 Cove Circle Carbone Property 7 lots Eisenhower Avenue, Lots #229, Map 22. Gus Sharry, Hancock Survey represented the applicant. Also Attorney~ Michael McCaron. Storm water divides into two groups, the upper portion goes into the Law.rence Brook, the lower portion goes into a no name by'ook tht:l.t goes under Pasture and Morrison Roads. The water flow constricts at #15 Eisenhower Road.fhat has been made into a small channel. Runnoff from Cove Circle goes into a catch basIn there. Also, a catch basin at the end of Eisenhower Ave. retains runoft at the upper portIon. The flow will be allowed to continue without changing the retention Z-:l. y. E.: ~':t .. Related to the I Performance Standards No bank In area where filled area IS. ReplIcatIon area is within the wooden swamp. Doesn't expect any problems. Re: vegetation replication. Peter: Problems WIth plan. Doesn't show proposed extention of sewer plan on EIsenhower Avenue. Gus Sharry: See sheet #3. Peter: Questioned drainage also. Sharry: On sheet #2- pOInted out sections #4, and #3 on East side, #~ flows into drain hole #5. Peter: Wants to see all this on the plan. Area to be fille~~rain on the plan. Maybe should split the plan, too much on one plan. Sharry: Will do a separate exhibit showing the 4960 square teet. (on a 10-20 scale figure.) Peter: Where does the brook begin? f3harl~y~ E:-:I::ll,3.lned in (jf".o?tc:\l.L, locatIon C)'l" dltc:h "".n,.:! p'Ji"i,..:il'nq .3.,~(=!a" Sharry: It's a water course, does flood from time to time. Peter: 10 year flood to be shown on plan. George agrees with Peter Gilmore. Sharry will provide a 10 year scale -10 year flood -100 year flood -intermittent stream -replication area. Peter: wants wetlands flagged by a botanist. beorge concurs. Vinnie: Would like a site visit after everything is completed. Joe Manzi: 120 wide existing easement. Sharry: Not in use, is a utility easement. Runs through wetlands, will not be used. (Scala Property). Synopsis of drainage on Hutt Property. Ditch in woods (upper portion) does fill up. Did not show it in the buffer zone. The water from the proposed front yards will drain off onto the road. George explained "No bank" Sharry: From upstream #15 on so, there is a stream, (no bank) a true bank provides cover for fish, wildlife, etc., no protection is provided. GENERAL PUBLIC Ed Doherty 13 Eisenhower Ave. To Sharry: Explain the Lawrence St. brook location. Sharry: A 6' long brook in the upper portion of the subdivision. Doherty: Looking at Sheet #2, it shows water on my property. Top of hill-66', my house is 42', is concerned regarding the blasting. Ihe stream has a substantial flow 6-8 months out of the year. LeRoy Hutt- An abutter 14W acres) Ihls land abuts his property.fhe property to be blasted is forty teet hIgh. Water concerns. Enter the property through Hutt's the best way to do so. Much blasting will have to be done. Brian Cook- 20 Crestllne Circle A 10 year resident. Same concerns. Regarding future drainage, etc. Sharry: Road blasting WIll have no ettect on storm water. To meet on November 9, 1989. RECONVENE REQUEST FOH A DEfERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY New England Telephone. Underground conduits on Dodge St. Richard Piconi representing, from the Wakefield office. George Batchelder: 10' sink behind the site, drops off the road. Is it a wetland? Piconi: Not sure, much vegetatIon is there and cat-o-nine toils. Bill Liss: Familiar with the area. Motioned a negative. Peter Gilmore seconded. George: The plan doesn"t show the differential regardIng the wetlands. Vinnie: Put up a siltation barrier and also hay bales. Peter: Also, a letter from the telephone company stating the intent to comply. ALL IN FAVOR of a negative determination. WILLOW POND Permit Extension Lot # 31 13 Meadow Road #5-J11 Motion made by Joe Manzi Seconded by George Batchelder (For a one year extension) ALL IN FAVOR. DISCUSSION Robert Vivenzio, Lot # 17? Common Lane Beals and Thomas did flag the wetlands, Bill Liss: How much time do you need? Vivenzio: At least 2 weeks. Peter questioned: the Enforcement Order. Chairman: It has not been lifted. Vinnie: showed photos of the area. #5-297 Wednesday, 9-13-89. COMMUNICATIONS Willow Pond Letter submitted. All other correspondence--members have their copIes. Motion made by Peter Gilmore to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Seconded by Bill Liss ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreaul clerk