1989-10-19 / MINUTES FROM MEETING ON OCTOBER 19, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Vinnie Cotreau, Peter Gilmore, Bill Liss, Joe Manzi, and Nancy LOdge. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7=50 P.M. MOTION TO RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Vinnie Cotreau Seconded by George Batchelder ALL IN F/i\,)(j R .rHOI~E,(\U CI RCL..I.~. i:f~j-"3if1 Lot 15 Fred Smuckler Representing: Deborah McCartney of Hayes Eng i neel" i nq. Wetland flaqged const. with in buffer 20ne, staked haybales, base of slope, create lawn with loam and seed. George - proposed drive and walkway. Deborah- Whats on lot is all proPosed. Bill- Plan not stamped, should have a stamped plan. -Will be submitting stamped plan- George motions to close hearing Sf2cc.lndc.'c:l b~J ,Joe f; l._L. 11\.1 F f;')O I~ LAUREL RIDGE RETIREMENT #5-340 Ray went over the Protection Act of the regulations Representinq: Paul Sommer from S6mmer Environmental Technoloqies Inc. Paul- approach as new filing- hIlly terrian, construction, roadways, utilities, drainarJe. Nancy Lodge explains why in the past why ~he had to remove herself form the hearing. Worked with Ethics committee, they said there was a legal way she could vote. Submitted letter from Mayor to Ray Bouchard Which Ray read aloud. '" Buffer zone actIvitIes- no taking of wetlands. Removing roadway away form Wetland #1 to upland areas. No alterations of wetlands 80% of site will remain undeveloped detention basins- been designed to dIscharge into large swale areas that are designed to dlsch rge Into one ~ear storm event. Have ':--.""7I'lI:"'::"'~'-~ 1-10-100 year storm control. No increase peak flow. Flows into and out of wetland changing 10% flow into wetlands- decrease winter months not going to dryout, increase in summer. 3 wetlands development around them but no changes to them. Around water flow pre and post development in N.O.I. storm water quality- impacted by development addressed the problems large swale systems-detained in detention basin. Energy dissipators through adjacent 40 foot upland vegetation intlows away from out flow areas anticipate vegetation will grow to maintenace schedule. Blasting study done, range of blasting 10 foot tIght bedrock. No blasting taken place adjacent to wetlands. Small gravel walkways around pond monitor blasting pre and post construction. Conditions passed out by Paul who proposed Order of Conditions. Siltation to Wetlands disturbed slopes-seeded No chemical de-icing catch basin checked for siltation detention basin outlets checked and cleaned weekly- staff will be on site to maintain. Report every 30 days in writIng to commiss~on. Lengthen pipes up Witch Lane flagging indicates no bordering vegetation wetland in that area. 15 feet of pipe to existing culvert Bill~ Little more detail on wetland 1 and 2. Paul: Adding 15 feet of pipe to both wetlands. Nancy: Is there a weir? Paul: Just replacinq what's there. G c., 0 1~ 'J (2: D 1;":.,1: E' n t ion :B i::\ ~3 i n ~:, # 1 Pip e 0 u t let - 5 II - Y e ~,; 1/ 2 ' d iff e r f:? n c e detention basin and pipe yes. how close to bottom of pond is that (68.9-one foot will not retaIn wai::er) discharge of pipe how far away from stream-basIn designed Paul: Not retaining water, basin will become vegltated at the bottom designed as detention but will retain water In large storm events. 20rge: Maintenance of pipes ,::\ul= If 1.!.Ic;\te.l~ is not i':\ble to flc.lI.!J Dut of 5" pipf:? dr::"tention bi9.sin will fill until it reaches next level then spill out. George: pollutants why is there a difference? Paul: Not that many vehicles George: Many cars will be sitting in parking lot. Paul: Have calculated trips National Survey Control from solid material MDC trap and maintained catch basin. Paul: Have designed the best system we can regarding pollutants. C;(.,,'OY..(:je:: lrJh;o\t.'s the 'C;lope CJf the sUJ'3le7 Paul: From 85 down tCJ 65 apprCJximatley 300 feet. Vinnie: What amount of flow will the detention basin take away! Paul: Can't tell what the total % Df flow street and roof runoff. 80% remaining undeveloped. Peter: Surface runoff mostly rainfall Paul: Moved buildinqs back-driveway upland area. Peter: Where in volume 2 post run-off Paul: 3 sub-drainage areas flow into wetland #1. Will have one of the engineers look it UP Nancy: Water in granIte beneath land. PE,.ul: I~::. pu.r-tIon uf t!Ji;<.t€?l'. f.101.1.Is thl"Ouqh uJetlanc:l<",. c:Iu.l~in(] ,!rou(::)ht r.LH.1 c: '.J: :,:: t,d i': 1 j .", ..- :; e:, t'::,. u "1". Jr.":} t F' r. -- "::.1.1 p p.i :1. c: ~::. f c:I.IT, 1. .I J c,:.: '.,. ... P Y ;:::, V J n" 1"' Y.. .:';' c t u (.. e ,,; 1 n :-::j(-::' ci 1'" r:.' k It George: Area of trees that will be lost.. Paul: Doing only buffer zone work upland remove some. Peter: Drainage area 6.7 acrels how much will become impervious area Paul: 11 1/2% of area is to become impervious Ray: Get that paqe verified re~ post run-off George: What storm event Pi::iU 1 : 1 YE'ar George: Probably turn to Wetlands rip-rap Vinnie: What kind of wetland? Paul: Bordering vegetated 5' area of rip rap Vinnie: Water standing Paul: Running now slower months stops heavy metals taken up by brook and eaten up by soil eventually going out to the ocean. Nancy: Great many birds and animals live on the brook should take it into consideration. George: Concerned about discharge area Paul: Stream off the corner of property George: Wetland 2 increase of water 16 % Paul: Not changing culvert weir will be installed. Plan says pipe and weir same elevation as eXIsting but including 8 to 15 foot pipe. 5 r"IINUTE FxECESf3 Pay opens the meetIng up to the general public. Relates to the act of ,JUY'if3diction. Steve Crain 3 Robin Road plans change in location of main buildinq blasting areas: Identity topography of area- where's water going taking 28' of Mountain top concentrated drain down to wetland areas. Sizable amount of blasting to adjacent wetlands should be a concern to the commissIon. Was 1 year event utilIzed for all the wetlands. Paul: The whole site. Paul: Impact of blasting into wetland will be closely monitored. Steve Crain: Math not available of pollutants caused by auto Renee Mary 274 Hale St. Have you notified Army Corp. water pollution control been notified? Paul: Not destroying wetlands D of W.P. control not required. Renee: Wetland Res. area G. work proposed 100 feet. of wetland near bl"ook. Paul to Ray I believe I controlled all the potential wetlands Renee: Loading dock discharge W,#3 Paul: All silt barriers will be in place to control area. Renee: Vegetation around wetlands- for wildlife Pi::\ul ~ Substantic":"t.l ve!]F:::tation ar..nund buffel~ zone::.'. Renee: No fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc. be used long term testing regarding blasting-Bond be used to be sure people don't lose their water. revised noi Paul: Doesn't think blasting an issue he should answer, but the commission should. Renee: Species on site. Paul: Provided that information in N.O.l. Renee: Will resubmit information-water from project site entering into catch basins on Hale st. What do you plan to do? P L:"'U I: r,Ic::, t c,.u .,~ e I:: h ]. 'c: I.IJE' tIc.:'. n d ]. ':" :::.U F'" , il II I, 'I p C~ n E' F:' Ii..! h E:il:: ..::'.,'.. C.:' ,::":1,1 c:.u ,J.-:":I. ;,. "L (:rf"j :::: F',.:.,,! I:: PI'.. ,:'~:I. f'J ij ,'-I: T'! iJ 1.:' r ~. < ~-:_':' n 1- i.::" c:l I' i".) 1 'I 1- \i i; Renee: Radon active gases have you check liquid goes into ground very concerned because of wells. Paul: Haven't tested for Radon Renee: Drainage Paul: Post construction run off throughout project have changed but maintained pre and post runoff. Paul: Depth of boring did not blast further than depth. Renee: letters submitted to commission about species. George: Plan #'s on showing depths of bedrock post development ground level or basement. Paul: is no basement slab. Depth required by engineers to set slab correctly. 2 floors down. George: above bedrock detention basins how is it done. installation of detention basins. Paul: No blasting to take place and when the installation of detention basins occurs. Another option increase grade of berm. Peter: Does any imprevious surface into wetlands. Paul: No-all overland flow Paul: Street drainage is controlled through' catch basins Peter: Roof drainage from 1 area what about the other area. Paul: By the elevation of the plan all the water goes toward the streets. Peter: Is there a berm along the street? Sheet F don't see berm Paul: Catch basins don't work will with outa berm Granite curb part of design Peter: counts six catch basin dischargInq into wetland #1 needs to be clarified. Nancy: High point of land changed by blasting wetland #1 has changed will it dry up? Paul: drainage area changed collection point moved-retained surface to maintain water- maintained flows into wetland. post development water shed Map. Peg Brady: Mass Audubon: submitted letter addressed to Ray Bouchard. Contamination coming from the outside 100 buffer zone. No development beyond 300feet boundary. ActIvities outside 100 feet that will affect wetland Contamination to stream no net increase pre and post development. Chemicals herbicides pesticides. George: you said research done outSIde the 100 foot buffer zone Peg: Yes can submit information about buffer zone Ray: May not that Conservation Commission has Jurisdiction outside buffer zone. Steve Leonard: ActiVIty outside 100 feet jurisdiction can be taken by Conservation Commission if there is an impact on wetlands. d jj 'I II !! 'i ii l. '1 I: n II I,; I' !"' ~ ! tl Ii !: i! II . . I.i (, (I I: Ii .1 I: 11 II I' l' Bruce Munson Boyles St, Very complicated asking Conservation Commission for help. Peter: Applicant to provide us with detailed information 01 equipment. Ray: Clearification Meryle Newman Attorney: AddItIonal information -depth of blasting -blasting equipment _.~'P)~l'"1 f-)t" .1. . slopes and dimensions regarding swale -functioning of water depth of wetland #2 Joe Manzi: We didn't hear how many cubic yards of ledge where is it going? Paul: Will be clarified Renee: Is the attorney trying to shut us off. Jane Whitecloff Hale St. Clarify the size of Will it be continuing? building and parking lot. Paul: 314 cars designed new parking area. Upland parking infront most has been moved. Size of building has not changed parking infront of main building catch basin drain into detention area. Peg: 80% open space will it remain Paul: Is not impervious Nancy: Runoff from parking lot will it go into the wetland Paul: Drains to the detention Res: taking every piece of land th~t there is to take. Vinnie: Like to see the areas of blasting HEARING CONTINUED TO NOVEMER 9, 1989 RECONVENE REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY Balch St. proposed Police Station-fest Borings Ray read letter from applicant Alan Taubert (representing the city) withdrawing applicatIon read letter City solicitor from Tom Alexander. DISCUSSION ommon Lane Lot 17 Robert Vivenzio #5-297 no show abled motion by Nancy Seconded by Vinnie ALL. IN FAVOR COMMUNICATIONS members have copies ORDER OF CONDITIONS STANDARDS NEW BUSINESS Order of Conditions #5-341 Smuckler George motioned a standard Nancy seconded ALL. IN FAVOR Peter motioned to adjourn at 11;10 p.m. Seconded by Bill ALL IN FAVOR NEXT MEETING ON NOVEMBER 9, 1989 Marie S. Cotreau/ Clerk