1989-12-14 ,~ l./ . mq~ QJit~ of~~uerI~', ctflZt5Satftlt5~tfS CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON DECEMBER 14, 1989 . ,'IFI'-'IEEFr; PF:EUEI',JT.: B<,,','o,1:c:hE!.1. dE!Y" '/ :E',:!, J 1. Vi'nnj,(~ C'CJtl"C!i:iU Chairman Pay BCJuc:hard, Vice-Chairman Geolge Liss, Joe Manzi, Peter Gilmore, Nancy Lodge, and >"II::'E'''!'' I >\1':' c: ':~, LI Ct'\ ,T ,",0 I _.. I~.l ...11 .t;,....~v ... Or:WER ,c'lT 7: .:1,'5 F'" ,v'/" MOTION TO RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Peter Gilmore seconded by Bill Liss ALL, 1,'1 F',c:\\JOI:;; Two continued hearing as follows: Grasso-Liberty at Newbury St" (3-10t subdivision) Representing, James O'Day, Seites Engineering Co" P E' f (0,1" Y" \7::' d to Dee E:' IT! be r-' 2, 1 <j 8? , sit E':' \I:i ~:' it. /\ t t h :i ~::' t i ITi E:' , ,01 P J a, n u] a ~~ submitted to the Commission" Spoke of the eXlsting drain~ge ditch, to clean and to reshape it to hold the 100 year run-off. Ditch 400 feet will hold 6100 cw"ft. of water. Two f~et of silt, at this time, IS at the bCJttom of this ditch. Vinnie Cotreau: Ditch, what are your plans for holding water in it? Pe: A 100 yr. storm O'Day: Normally all playing fi~lds are not sloped. The ditch could be made wider than 10 feet. It is 2 feet deep now. Vinnie Cotreau~ Questioned the ditch being City property. D'Day: Technically it is Mr. Grasso~s. Defined by FEMA it is not in the lOO-year flood. If we did nothing, 4-5 inches could flood" Peter Gilmore~ Still asking for drainage calculation re: A 10 YE:'ar and a 100 year storm. We can't rely on your hunch we want to know, by numbers and calculations if your mitigations will work. It may be n(,:,~gli;;:l:i,blF'!'! bu,t I..t1E' want to be:? S'Ul^e, i.f in 3, YE'i:':'\1^'1 l.Uf.:" don.'t l!.Iant PE'DPle coming back complaining" George Batchelder: Concurs with Mr. Gilmore" We have to know where the 100-year flood is. Peter Gilmore~ Re: Constructing the weir in the wetlands. What kind of equipment will bE:' ~sed? How it will get in there and out? O'Day: Construction of Weir done in a couple Df months, done with a small backhoe" Ve~etation will grow back then. George Batchelder: Talked of delineation of the wetlands, the weir is into 80-90 feet of thE:' wetlands, etc. All in qUE:'stion. VinniE.' COtl^f'?,OIU: Re: The weir, is it at level 38'1 how much will it hold back? ()'Day: E:leva"tioI"l=3E3'; "T"ol:)=40,,~j~ Vinnie Cotreau: How will the wier work? Invert of weir appears same as top of the ground; also losing 40' of wa tel'" S; t o( ,:~(3 E? <:iENE::: I~,'\L. F'UBL I C Fred Feldman 61 Corning St. Calculation taken, ditch dry or not dry. Existing manhole contains brown water, v j, si, t. PetE:'r referred to the proposed 12" drain into the manhole. Shows 2 d i 5;, c: h c'" ,'g i n (J . O"Di::(~j: ~3houlci be Dnly Dn<-::~" J ("(,::,:'eC)rJ'ilTlf:'::''I',c:J on (,:,,' 12" ci,"C':\in bE:' in~3tallE\c:I, eliminate the one on the side of the playing fieJds" Does not go intD thE' c!:i,i::c:h'l ,:~,nd I wilI P,"C)pu,;:"\,:,, th,:;I,t :i,t dC)C"::;,fl"t gc, inte::, th{,':! ditch" F ," c! d F' f2 1 d m Eo. n ~ 'f 1;.-::: E:i ',", S:, d n d c Ci nee ," n '::::, 0 f f Ion d ", H [) tel Ion ~J I,LJ ill i t t ,::i k E':' before I get flD[)ded? ~'Day: If properly maintained (ditch) you shouldn't get flooded" If aIL p)"ope)"t~.! 01,1)1"1 ei" E'", clean up f<,::\IIi:::!n h'('Elnc:hE:'<::;, ,:::!tc. the{"E! s-:;houlrJn't be' ,;:1, p '," C) b 1. e ITI " ~.J D u I cI I i, k E~ D)"" h (,= nth (d {" (,:~ E:', t thE' 1"1 t? >~ t m f:? i':~ tin (] " Feldman~ For thE:' recDrd, we've hired a civil engineer. Also and would like him to appear at our next meeting" Also I've brought a plut plan depicting my property and Grasso's property. Streams along the wall, will they be indicated on the plan? Ray: Should be shown on the plan, an~ indication of water. -Delineation of Wetland -Method eCJnstruc:tion of weir ""'C,"C)':;;~::; ~::;r~c::tio'f"I'l ditch s;(Juthr?'r"ly E''i',d" -Compertation -Ditc::h- 10 and 100 year -Cross-seetinn of the playing field -- S t ("1:':)"'\ iT; , i f s;,o, ,,:i Ion (a t h (::! ~" D U t h ;::.. n d E:' ,':~ <:::, 'i:: -Check elevation of weir structure Mr. Grasso: Vague of what the CDmmission really wants? Peter: To stake house on plan HEARING CONTINUED ON JANUAPY 4, 1990 i Showed photos Df the ditch. as seen CJn December 2 site RECE:E;S laurel Ridge #5-340 Retirement Community P'I~ e f::.; en t: ,P clU:I. SornlTiE:"f", SOlTilTie'i~ En v i 'I"' on ITlE?n t ",'11 A letter submittE:'d by Renee Mary for contact. Also, Paul Sommer, at this time submitted a proposed order of conditions. George Batchelder: TCJu many assumptions, not sure about the future. So much is lc,:~ft undonf~. hie nE:'c,,'c:! "HF:;Lt.lf.0)^':;" Paul Sommers: Re: Basins, recommend concrete for the Dutfall '3 t .,...' U c t u )" E~ ~::; . CiE'O{"qt:::':: I.._E~VC:'J~:::, (:)1" tc)~.;ic::i,tl::l~1 (:?te" in thE' 1,!,IE,tland~::,,, bUJEI1 f:.' Vt-::,l""':;U',::, di,tch in thi~:; C,,:iSE!. Paul: bwale originally developed beforE:' this board as a pollution retE'ntion. George: Detention Basin 7000' cw.~t" of water, stones. Paul: That's cOl~rect. 2El(1,~':!0(:1c::w. ft.::=lYl~. €:!Vi::mt. I\nnu"d )"'ain'f'alJ. f.'?vent .33. George: Unrealistic figures- numbers look good, stores easily. J Kim Martel: Carlson ASSOcIates. Regarding ,,33 This retains water at the bottom of the basin. These fIgures from data from a Boston weather station. A one-year store in the worse storm (2.6) comes up 1.. lA.lE' cc:\n Y'E,tc:\in c':\nd s5tO'('E' th:;,s i,:IITIOunt. (180,,")0121 cu.ft). Normadeau Associates, Bill Arcerriere Water Quality Expert. SpokE:' of water flCJw, water detention. Alan Taubert, stated his comments. Re: First flush containing pollutants. A large rainstorm will flush thE:' pollutants out. Bill A.: Re: Continuous discharge, submitted correspondence to the comrJ'i i s;.s i on. Taubert: referred to applicant's calculations submitted. Depth being shallow, will go right through the pond. Nothing will be removed (pollutants), all this from documents from the applicant should see reduced flood flows, that will require a larger basin. May be in solid rock at the bottom of the ponds. Shoud be an earth embankment at the top of the weirs. Would like to see this on a set of plans. Pc1,ul ~~;r::lmme)": 28v),0(,')(21 cu. ft. i~:; ITIOi"'e thi::IT'l ju::~i:: flood cDntl"ol" George Effect of blasting to the wetlands. re-desIgn of the wetlands. ,0, IT! [) U n t 0 f bid,s, tin g 1 El, 0 (2) (2) cub i c ~'.:I c:,\ i" d s:: .. R E' f E:' r r' E' d t 0 1'1'('. 1'1 a 1"1 z i ' s inquiry a few weeks back stating 54,000. Peferred to private wells in the area. Spf?cies bref?ding neE:,d a cel'.'tain E~IT!CiUrd: of Wi.iter', Il.uant 1"1 u m be}" s j'" e': the c h a 1"1 (;j i n g 0 f de p t h j, 1"1 t h f?3 wet I and S5 .. Patrick Fairbairn: Spoke of last year's very dry winter and how water can build up near the bed rock. Also, the asymety of the basin will contain enough water for breeding. Salamander are long-lived. Confident of the area. George: Swales, pollution standards. Bill A,,: PrCJvided data for runoff at the end CJf the pipe. Goes with an extended retention basin. We need 80-90% remCJval, these basin designed properly can do this. Much discussion designing these guidelines. George: Doesn~t believe in graa swale Bill A,,: State highways use them. George: Referred back to Mr. Taubert's first flush statement. Nancy: Spoke of the 6" pipe and a silt build up and the maintenance would have to be maintained. / Renee Mary: 274 Hale St. Introduced Michael Emerson a professional engineer, Chase Technical Associates, a blasting E:'xpert. Spoke at this time. The effe~~ of the w0tland and the alternatives. Suggests ~2c EngineE:'rs do sub-surface excavation, tCJ understand the materials, to determine the groundwater regime, this will show the effects to the wells in the area. To consider the alternatives to bJasting" Critical area such as trenches" Elevation of the rock excavation in the main building's either 78 or 79. would put 1.7 ft" below the wetland ponds. ElevatiCJll of bedrock is 5 feet below the adjacent rock. Incyease of flow to Wetland one i:':\ I t (:,:,'1'" ~:~ t E:'ITI pc",!," i;";\ t u. I" E! . Tl" (::;n c:: h (''2'5 c:;; h.oL.t I d not bf? )" 0 C k b 1 c~ s t E? c:i" Bruce Munson= 31 Boyle StrE:'E:'t Read a letter and will submit to ~he commiSSIon. Peg Brady: Director Mass. Audobon Society Spoke of wetlands habitat loss. Submit,ted a letter from Nov.7th Re: Retention and detention Basins amount of water. ~ Paul Sommer: BedrCJck at the elevatIon of further upland. Peg: If the drainage Ray Bouchard: Always Peg: In summary, the Bruce: After reading vote against the act. George: Shopping list. -knowledge of swales, energy dissipator -chronic levels of water standaMds -storage shed problems -pollution George motioned to close the hearing Peter seconded ALL IN FAVOR groundwater. Basin #2, IS swale fails who's responsible? the owner. Society is not satisfied with the WPA feels a vote for this the project. project would be a 5 MINUTE RECESS RECONVENE ORDER OF CONDITIONS Motioned by George to reject this project for various reasons. Doesn't think the wetlands will remain wetlands seconded by Nancy Lodge ALL IN FAVOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Beverly Municipal Airport #5-2~6 Peter Gilmore motioned to table Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR Baldini #5-342 PainE Ave. Peter Gilmore motioned Standard~ Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 11:26 P.M. MADE BY BILL LISS SECONDED BY NANCY LODGE ALL IN FAVOR !!! MariE:' S. Cotreau/ clE:'rk