1990-06-14 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 14, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Gilmore, George Batchelder, Vinnie Cotreau, Bill Liss, Glenn Terry, Joe Manzi, and Nancy Lodge. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to recess for a Public Hearing. Bill Liss seconded. ALL IN FAVOH Endicott College-asking to withdraw. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to accept the withdrawel/ to grant the wi th dralJ.lel. Glenn Terry secoded it. AL.L IN Fl:,\/OR James Manzi of 8 Fitzgerald Way dwelling. Paul sommer, Sommer Environmental made this time, submitted a stamped plan as Explained the project in full detail. Bill Liss motioned to close the hearing Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR Joseph Manzi arrived at this time. Lots bRand 7, single family the presentation. Also, at required by the Commission. RECONVENE DISCUSSION Re: Laurel Ridge George Batchelder motioned to appeal it, Nancy Lodge seconded Asking for an adjudicatory hearing. A letter to be hand carried into DEP's Boston office of Friday June 15, 1990. 2. . Bill L.iss JnOtL;::med for an e>:ecutive session Vi nn ie Cotf"~ seconded ALL IN FA\)Ot<. ROi.L CALL I\W... I N FAVOR-Voted II Yes" . all, other ~&~ members or staff, asked to leave the room. Discussion ~ut the rights the Commission has, versus law suits, etc. LitigatioV\. e.tc. Bill Liss fl>\otltmed to adjourn back into regular session Vi nn ie Cott"~ ~~econded ALL. IN FAVOR. 3. RECONVENE Back to George's "draft" letter; Regarding Laurel Ridge. Bill Liss motioned to add a paraghaph re: capacity dewatering. Glenn Terry motioned to table until we speak with Tam Alexander, Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR REQU~ST FOR DETERMINATION Frank Orne- L.P. Henderson Rd., Airport Property Fence Installation. George Batchelder, abstained, is an abutter. Conflict of interest. Mr. Kwasnik of N.E. Powere Service Explained why fencing is necessary. It is a hazardous site and dangerous. Site is not in a wetland, is in a buffer zone. Is along the edge of the wetlands. Steel posts will be installed. Vinnie motioned "POSITIVE", Glenn Tel~ry seconded ALL IN FAI./Oli REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION Seawall Repair at 12-24 Congress St. Representing, North Shore Contracting Co. Bill Liss- Is this entirely a maintenance project, as opposed to new construction? Answer-No George questioned working on the shore Answer- Yes. Will work at low tide using a raft to work and mix the sand and concrete on. Joe Manzi forsees this:. to be a problem. Possible spi llage. Vinnie Cotreau motioned "Positive" George Batchelder seconded Bill Liss disagrees with Joe's feelings about the spillage, II Negai: i veil. George Batchelder feels a lot of work on the beach. ALL IN FAVOR OF A "POSITIVE" OPPOSED- Glenn Terry and Bill Liss. , Bill Liss mctioned Vinnie CotrE~U seconded to go into an Executive Session. All >> Yes ~- Glenn Terrw "No" to discuss Litigation with City SolicitOln, jom Ale~.:ander. What person~l liability, if any, do the Commission members have in voting agair\:;t a project, etc. Tom Alexander, if inLgood fai th, there~ s no problem. So long as nothing is dOne willful. George Batc~elder motioned to adjourn, Vinnie Cotre3U second~d. ALL IN FAVOF -~::; ~ RECONVENE to a Public Meeting. Laurel Ridge letter/ adjudicatory hearing -capacity, location, dewatering, pollutants. ALL IN FAVOF< CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #5-65 Tuck's Point- Warren Sawyer "Second and final phase". George Batchelder- No plans were required at the time of the project. Vinnie Cotreau- Orders of Conditions still in effect? Answer- Yes. Joe Manzi motioned to issue the Certificate of Compliance, and George Batchelder seconded it. ALL I N F,6.vOI~ #5-66 Marina at Tuck's Point for a One-year Permit Exltension Bill Liss motioned and Joe Manzi seconded ALL IN FAVOR Walcott Road Residents Bruce Bretton 9 Walcott Rd. Bill Liss submitted, after visiting the site, a letter to the Commission of what he discovered that the perforated pipe is not within our jurisdiction. Should file, if they want to hook into another pipe. ORDERS OF CONDITIONS #5-355 Longfellow Place, Emerson Circle Lot 2. A 1, 2, 3 & 5, Bi'-.5, Cl ,2 ,~~ Dl, 2, 3, 4,5, amd Hi, 2, 4. George Batchelder motioned to inc. the above numbers in the Order of Conditions. Vinnie seconded ALL IN FAVOR #5-357j Beaver Pond Management Geo~ge motioned to allow the project with special conditions as was read by George Batchelder .Vinnie Cotreau seconded ALL IN FAVOR #5-358 40 Fosters Point Joe Manzi motioned Standards Plus Coastal Regulations, Bill Liss seconded ALL IN FAVOR To Contact the MDPW regarding the Salem Beverly Bridge Adjournment at 9=50 P.M. made by Bill Liss Seconded by Vinnie Cotreau ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/clerk