1990-11-29 ! . m~eQIitt! of ~euerIll' c8ffassatlyusetts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES NOVEMBER 29, 1990 Meeting called ~o order at 7:45 P.M. Members present: Chairman Peter Gilmore, Vice Chairman George Batchelder, Nancy Lodge, Glenn Terry and Vincent Cotreau. Vincent Cotreau motioned to recess for a Public Hearing and Nancy LOdge seconded it. All in favor. FIRST HEARING: Oak Bluff Realty Trust-Bridal Path Lane off Hull St.-Lot 2. Dan Finn, Trustee. Single family dwelling. Representing, Lelito Engineering Co. , Mike Juliano and Environmentalist Nancy Jarman. Mr. JUliano explained, in detail, the Notice of Intent, proposed house construction. A double row of hay bales will be installed. A foot bridge is also proposed; it is an upland wooded area. Nancy Jarman was on site, August 8 & 16, and discovered an intermittent stream. Hemlock, beech and red oak depict the site, typical of uplands. The foof;bridgewill cross the narrowest area of tl1e stream. George Batchelder viewed the site, difficult to reach, very wooded. Vinnie Cotreau questioned the driveway, will it be all concrete, also questioned the runoff. Re: the bridge, how will it;be' built? Finn: It will be completed, then. lowered onto the site) It will be constructed of wood planking. (20-ft. span). Nancy commented, wouldn1t a pebbled driveway be better for drainage purposes? George Batchelder questioned the runoff from the roof and the parkIng lot. No point discharges. etc. Also, no curbing proposed around the parking area. Roof will be sod. Vincent Cotreau questioned what is the highest point? JulIano answered: 114 feet. 'The watershed area is approximately 4 acres. A walkout deck in the back. The wetlands are flagged. George Bat6helder wants the building staked. Also, the east end of the dr~veway and the foot bridge. Finn sees no problem to change the driveway. HEARING CONTINUED JANUARY 3, 1991. . \ " . 1 ~- ,") -L.,- SECOND HEARING: THE BEVERLY Ocean CapItal Tozer Road-Lot 55. Representing, Attorney John Rose. Kevin Deloye from Vanasse Hangen Brustlin. Owner: Connolly Bros. A 6-acre site. Drops down to the North Beverly Brook-drainage site. There are 3 outfalls for drainage. A precast industrial tank will be installed, also serving as a control structure. A couple of weirs to be inc.luded into the structure. The lOO-year flood should not encroach across the property. It comes up to #21 elevation. Gene Crouch-Environmentalist \'li th Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, depicted the wetland species and plants. All tYPlcal upland wetland plants. An exJ.s t ing stonewall ends where the Het lands begin. Eros lon control barriers have been installed. Hay bales would be 5 ft, right in the middle. Vinnie Cotreau questioned contaminatJ.on from the parking lots. oils, etc. Deloye: Hoods will be installed. George Batchelder questioned if test borings are being taken? Deloye: NQne to date. George Batchelder: Being 10 ft. from wetlands. questioned some engineering problems: Deloye: Not sure yet. Connolly'commented that he is familiar with the soils from previous buildings having been constructed there. George Batchelder stated that this building project is much heavier than the previous ones. The contractor stated a grade beam !. 24" in diameter) would be used. therefore, preventing damage during excavation. Connolly concurred that catch basins with hoods have been installed to prevent oil. contamination. . Peter Gilmore wants the catch basJ.ns to be shown ~ore clearly on the plan, also, a written description showing a sequence of events, a design of the tank, to include the functioning. Deloye: Tank size=57 gallonsl Peter Gilmore stated that 'tie are to be notified of any change' whatsoever. At this time. a first Dacre reVl.S.1Cll'[35 submitted statJ.ng the existing building will remain, not to be removed, as preVIously stated in the original Notice of Intent. Peter Gilmore asked that the back corner of the building be staked. (An increase of 1.5 acres, less than 50% alterationl. Rad Romeyn, President of Ocean Capital. his input: 140 units of independent liv1.ng. rlcness .3 net health areas. There 1,.-flIl be dumpsters at 2 locations, both enclosed. ParkJ.nq also. lnslde the building. " ,) -3- Vinnie Cotreau also requested a maintenance plan depicting when th catch baslnsand the grease traps wlll be cleaned. The Commissio wants both a siltation fence and hay bales to prevent siltatio erOS1.on. Flagging=blue and white. l General Public Joe Baker-Postal Service, questioned the location from the new pas office. Deloye: It is a half of a mile up the road. For our records, an ownership letter from Mr. Steve Connolly. HEARING CONTINUED: January 3, 1991. Reconvene to the regular meeting. Discussion with U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Proposed facility-Tozer Road Representing, Keyes Associates; Paul Finger. Charles Vidich, Environmental Engineer for the Postal Service. Construction of a distribution center. The existing building i to remain. No additions included. Spoke of the wetlands and th drainage areas. No proposing to alterate any wetlands. Pavemen to be added adjacent to the wetlands. Will clean timber. etc. fro the edge of the wetlands. To file with us, a Notice of Intent. The public hearing will be held on January 3. 1991. Discussion with Hayes Engineering, re: Beaver Pond. Lot 10. Futu~ owner: Philip DePalma. Representing, Carl Balsley from Hayes Engineering. To fill less than 20~ cubic feet (197 to be exact.) No alteratio of flood levels in the pond area itself. The elevation of the control structure will not change. Water ha never seen to flow down the ditch. Excavation along easterly sid could be done. Pipe=130 ft. of added pipe. Vinnie wants a more clear plan showing just what work is to b, done. The Commission wants to see the lot before deciding. Als to stake the proposed drain and the end of the pipe. To be discussed on January 3. 1991, re: the significance to file !-t7l"SOT'T' 222 Common Lane. Orders of Conditions. .l\boYe grounl mrr1.l.ng pool. Vinnie Cotreau motioned "Insignificantll Glenn Terry seconded it All in favor. George Batchelder abstained! having not been present durlng thl hearing. SANTIN Vinnie site. 123 Brimbal Avenue. Permit Extension for six months. Cotreau motioned to grant the extension having viewed thE Glenn Terry seconded it. All in favor. V '"l -4- DiscuSSIon re: The Warlng School, City vs. soccer field. Assistant City Englneer, Gerry Marsella staked the field. The Waring School has encroached on city property re; their soccel fleld. George Batchelder wll~ send a letter invltlng them in on Janu~ry 17, 1991. Copy to Clty Solicitor. Tom Alexander. Discussion re: 611 and 613 Essex Street. Saks and Tauberts. Saks should not have removed the pipe. A letter to follow to thE Saks to include any further work that is to be done in the buffel zone, the Conservation Commission is to be notified. Inspector, Robin Levesque. is to check the Route 128 installatior of a water pipe re: the Salem-Beverly Water Supply Board. Re: Walter McGlynn. Peter Gilmore suggested the Nature PreserVE as a memorial. The Commission prefers Lynch Park. At 10:00 P.M., Vinnie Cotreau motioned to adJourn, and Nancy LodgE seconded it. ALL IN FAVOR. M~RIE S. COTREAU/ClerK