1992-01-23 REGllLAR 14EmNB BE VERLI PUBU C Ll BRAR~" - BU 1 LD 1 j~G CUr'll"!l 58 1 ON JANUARY 23. 1992 7:30 PM Present: Jack Coogan and Neil Olson. Also present: Thomas Scully, Sheila GlowaCki, Jeff Hoover and 1::111 I L,,-:i.OOne. Jack Coogan presided. Nell Olson moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be acceoted. Motion oassed. Report of the Librarian: 1) ConCernlnq the move. there seems to De a clscrepancy between our uncerstandlng and the mover's lnteroretatlon a~ the soeCltlcatlans. Mr. Olson moved that the Lommlssloners torwaro a letter EO the Cltv solicitor reauestlng trlat ne straignten the mat tel'""" out \..,lth tne movers. 1"10tion passeo. 2) ConCernlnq the ~alton house. they have started to tear cown tne oaCk oart bt the house In creparatlon at tne move. 3) We nave reCeived the Signed contract trom TLT. Recort Ot the Arr;:h 1 teet: U Concern Inq tnI$' Ha.rd lQ S~hOO'. the basIc work 1:: done and the Duncn t1St wil j be gone over rHilxt week. 2) We Will then nave to ~et a cer~lficate of occupancv. ~ooltlonal drawings are Delnq made-for our variarice request. -2) F-lans were distrlbuted and dlscussed for the wheelchair lltt. 1+ there is asbestos to be removed during the Installation of the 1 ift, the archltect would I ike to have It removed under the same contract as the maIn library building. 41 Payment to O'Connor is due 15 days from completion accordlnq to Massachusetts law. New buslness: Three bills were presented. One from Taooe and ~SSoclates and tnree from Winer Brothers for palnt. Nell Olson made a motion that the bllls be paid. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM Sheila GtOwaCkl - Recorder