1989-11-27 . mqe QIift! of ~euerI~, 2RUSSctcqusetts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS lvl I ,.....n.rrE::E) F" F{Ci/V! "."IE.[:.""( I r\ICi or\l I\J()~../I~r-'iL'IL.U :,:~ (. ') Cj,:.:,i."' 1'1Ei"'1BE F~['; P F~ E~~:;E:f..IT: 1'. i .1.1 L i ~;~;:;, f.!" r, Ctj f U '::.' , , , \/ :i. r, , .1'" + C~() i:: i' (e' J U ~ "". n c:I Pt., t E-" (' Gl1mDir'E:' (l!)ho c:h,,':,i("E'c:J th,,::' n'C:'.0'!:::Lr. MEETING CALLED TO ORUER AI 7:50 P.M. 1'10TION TO HE.CI:':)~~: F'OF~ l:; PULL ,; H[,';!~Jr,l(i ITi,::\dE~ b!J Vinn:ie <;;,;c;!condecl b~ Bi 11 ALL. IN F'(;\.J()H ( cc)n t ) BE); 1. ci:i.'n i P t.:/. i f'i Ei /~ \/ (_:,:''1 II :fi: ~s .. :.~':.~ .:t :;~ PE;tE:?i~ G:i.lmol~cl ',r'c'?';;ld CI lettr:::!r-' r-'equesej.n(] ,;;', cDn!::in1i:"lIlCC' untIL [;c;:c. )'tr" due to ,':1 d d i tic) n ,:... 1 J n f 0 'i" ITI: , +: .!. D n ',- (:~ q u ",~ ':, t [".' ct b ul:: h E' C C. IT'IT' :I. ~::; S. 1 e::, 11 , nut b (~ i n (;:I 'r' E-! .:::\ cl ~-J . Motiuned by BIll LISS to gr2n~ the continuance. NClncy Lodge secunded f;I....L. IN I'::A')()(~ (cont) Grasso Liberty St. and Newbury St. James O'Day, represented the Clpplicant. He feels all has been dune CIS was preyiousl~ requested by the cummISSIun. The wetlands have been re-fIClggecl. All cCllculations ~ave been submitted. Vinnie Cotreau: The commIssion usuCllly Clsks for storClge when there's CI 10% wClter increase. Jim O'Day: The whole site drains to the dItch nuw, the slope IS now very flClt. The ditch could becume a wetland In the future. A dl~Clini::lg(~ ditch i~:; not i3. llJE,tl",lneJ. .\t th:i.':5 pc,:i.nt, it i!::'. not Wl?t nOLLI. Vinnie Cotreau~ If we pClve the road now, CI source of pollution could go into the dItch now. O'Day: We could make sewer catch basins. and it will trClP the SlIt. Now, the basin IS 2 1/2 feet Clbove the ground. PC! t C?l" C:i :i. IITJcnr (.:.?: [,,,Iou I d 1:i. k C! ",\ !:::i .l.:t::, Y 1 sit \t1 j t h Dj'. hen t . G'~nE.'l"Cll Pu b 1 i c: Fred Feldman 61 Corning St. Brought photosl swamp is In my backyard. Water backs into my yard. Water in basement. HCls CI pump in the bClsement. Rentention Clrea is part of my yard. Not CI ditch, is CI clrainage thClt doesn't drain. During a rClinstorm 8 feet of water up the cellClr door, and ducks In the l.1later. For the rE.\col"d, thr",re's CI I iabi 1 i ty her'e. 12 photos submitted for our files. P,;:,'\t O'Brien DOE~(:; con c::u l~ cit:~"~ 15 not 59 Conling St. with Freel FeldmCln. funded to properly "rhe stl"€:?dm does c:lE,'Cln it nUUJ. neE!d cIE>aninc;. The Richard HClmilton: Were any restrIction or environmental impClcts elone Dn thi.~; Peter GIlmore: Referred to the previous pICln re: the Request for the Determination filed a few yeClrs ago. Nancy Lodge would like CI site visit Cllso, Clnd for Dr. Kent to be pr-'C:~'3C'i'1 t. Peter Gilmore: Feels Clt the southeClst corner of the lut IS not Just CI drClinage ditch. Wou.ld like thClt defined Clnd expIClined. Tu get to Lot C, through Lot B, to be detined better on the plan. Crossing Lot B would be cutting through a resource area. Corners of the house and drlvewCl~ to be stClked. Lot A out of the resource Clreas. Regarding flood elevations, to do a 10 year Clnel a 100 yeClr flood plan. I VinnIe Cotreau to Mr. Feldman bring in your plot plCln. NOTE: Mr. Feldman grClnted permission both to the commission and to the applicClnt to ellter onto his propert~. Vinnie Cutreau explained to Mr. FeldmCln how the 10% wClter Increase could result In a storage situation. SIrE VISIT SClt December 2 preferClbl~ or December w 10 A.M. ShoPPIng List for Lut C Water going laterCllly. Ufillt~ Huokup, flagging corners of house and drivewa~ Hoarlng to be contInued un December lqth Mike Kelly: Stream stClrts in southeast corner of Kelleher's Pond Clsnd enes at Rice's BeClch. REQUEST FOH H DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY Greenhouse Clt reClr of 718 Cabot Street. Commission vuted for a pusitive determinatIon. MotIon made b~ Vinnie Cotreau secunded b~ Bill Liss AL..L TN F(,"/()H To fIle an abbrev:Lated Notice of Intent. In the buffer zone. :~i' ~j h. ", 'I ~'7 -:':;" C 1 i Fi I :,(':.:,y-. 1...) <,',\ \j Clnd Certificate of CompllClnce Motioned for a 6 month, made by Vinnie CotreClu l... :I. c,'. '::, P ~:-:.! I . ITI i. +: f:~;< t f'.:. n ~~;. 1 C) n P f:~ Y" ITI 1 t E :': t E' n t ion SE~CC:.'n dE~c1 t:'~,.,J B 1 J. J. ALi_ 11\1 FAVOF< R :i. c r,.:.:\ (' d Pu s,~:;o to contact the orfico the the morning. Certificate of CompliClnce Motioned b~ VinnIe Cotreau Seconded by Nancy Lodge AL.L. I ~,I FA\)OR BIll Liss abstaIned "-an ,"i.buttf?r "f1: ~5 _n' ;;.:: iJ. E: ~j ":":1 ~.:::~ C) 1) t h r ....:-:.:. I ". t" ,"::1, c: E.:' C h c), ,r_ .1. F.: .:::: r~ .:) l.J iT r c:; ";'1 cl ~1~~T1l.=y l.oclge n"o.tlOl"lE(:J fc:)~'~ ~ F)orf:i.a,L C)illL~ tOl" tt"'2 1"IO~_l!;e. 1-0 Fjj~(~)V:l[!e a ':::: 'j. t f;:' F:-; 1 .;"~. TOI .. VInnIe Cotreau seconded ALL. IN FA'vOH #5-208 Thaxton Heights rc~b J. ed Motioned b~ Bil! Liss, :3c'conded bU 'vInnie..> CoheClu Al...l_ IN F,';~./Oh~ DICSUSSION with Manchester ConservCltlon Commission regClrding C lr. (:"! c.~ k 3 members attended --Members: lhomas Walker Chu bl:::..::; Ei~:i kd Sun de)" 4i~ 17 H a)" bu (' ~}I::. "',In i Vc,o,ir'<:::l ty 1.._ .:inc.:' Helen Bethy S9 School St. Street talked about the Coastal Regulatluns submitted CI mClp, delineation Beverly Clnd Manchester. Would like to be in contClct WIth us when building us going on neClr the MClnchester line. !\I,':tnc',j Lodc]e ,,:tttc'nded the s:ite ViSIt i~eg<::lr'd3.ncJ CE.1:i.l:i.n Roael/ !'<(,:llf:::l,c'('~"; Pi"OPC:?Yty. ComrnentE'cI on it. Dorn Manzioli WE:!S thel~(;? Ed <::,0. l'~.3Itf.H' runnIng Clll over the place. Area to be reflClgged. Onl~ limited to the '('oCid. Motion to adjourn made by BIll secunded by Vinnie Cotreau AL.I._ It,.1 Fti'VOF~ L i ~,<_; ". .1.. el ,_ 9: 30 P. ,'1. 1'1C1'r-ie S. CDtrc'au/ c:l{.:=rk