2004-10-28 Board of Directors BEVERL Y CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION BEVERLY COMMUNITY ACCESS MEDIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 28,2004 PRESENT: D.Berman, R.Dunn, P.Earl, M.Jaworski, W.Kosmowski, T.Scully, T.Musante; Board Members R. McCausland, Executive Director The meeting was convened at 5:35 PM by D. Berman. The minutes of the September 23 2004 Board Meeting were reviewed and approved with one name spelling correction. Financial Report was presented by D. Berman. He explained that the budget based upon the Comcast Franchise Fee originally started at $150,000 with a 2.5% increase each year. Comcast currently has approximately 13,500 subscribers. D. Berman is working on the budget with the bookkeeper. A January to Decemberyear was used to determine an annual budget figure. Using this method caused some confusion of actual expenditures versus annual budget numbers. Some one time or seasonal expenses can skew the numbers as well. (ie. Insurance). It has taken until now to get the numbers needed to project a budget. P.Earl suggested that the bookkeeper and accountant come to a meeting and that a narrative budget explanation be done for the Board. D. Berman agreed to arrange for it. Beverly High School Reconstruction Plan: D.Berman and R.McCausland met with Dr. Hayes and were assured that BevCam would be included in the planning for the high school. The proposal for 2006 would have BevCam staying in the current location and then moving to the new building. There has been no final decision regarding the high school at this point. All agreed that we should be looking at alternative scenarios as there is no guarantee as to what the outcome will be but it is best to be prepared. P.Earl proposed a sub-committee to determine options. W.Kosmowski and T.Scully agreed to serve on the committee. Development Committee: D. Berman reported that the committee has met several times. W. Kosmowski will be Chairman with P.Earl and D. Berman serving on the committee. W. Kosmowski stated that they would like to better define an overfill picture of BevCam. He further stated that resources are necessary and he has begun to explore possibilities. They have identified two projects, one being the archiving of the Ted Josephs programs, which is moving along. The second is a BHS Scholarship, which would be funded by BevCam and others to be determined and would go to a BHS student involved in media. W. Kosmowski continues to pursue a grant from the Essex Heritage Commission, which is assumed to award $5000. and would require matching funds. He stated further that there is a need to develop a five-year master plan including a vision, goals and how to achieve them, as well as metrics to measure progress. Discussion centered around ways to acquire resources, including sponsorship levels that are yet to be defined and ways to promote BevCam, such as a short video, open houses, auctions and other marketing ideas. There was further discussion of the goal for more local programming. P.Earl suggested training grants from local businesses. M.Jaworski would like to bring in community non-profits and encourage them to do programming. All agreed that further work toward a greater proportion of local programming is a goal. Executive Director's Report: R.McCausland reported that new magnetic sign age for the van has been acquired. The new studio set has been completed. He reported further on the productions that have been completed and those that are planned. He updated memberships and training participants. He reported that the Metropolitan Area Panning Commission would be meeting at BevCam on Friday November 19 at 12:30 for lunch and tour and a presentation at I :30. The Board members are welcome to attend. At 7:35 PM a motion was made to adjourn for Executive Session The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM. Next meeting: Wednesday, November 17,2004 at 5:30PM. Respectfully Submitted, Toni Musante /