1995-01-26 BEVERL Y PUBLIC LffiRARY BUILDING COMMISSION January 26, 1995 Minutes Present: John Coogan, John Quinn. Absent: Neil Olson. Also present: Thomas Scully, Library Director, Marshall Handly, City Solicitor, A. Anthony Tappe and Jeffery Hoover, architects. Marshall Handly, JefIHoover and Tom Scully reported on the progress of arbitration and completion of the punch list. Tom Scully and Marshall Handly Iret with Tom Kostinden, Jr. of TL T Construction and TLTs attorney Harvey Haefitz concerning outstanding punch list items. TLT agreed to either complete or offer a credit for the majority of outstanding items. The City Solicitor is to report to the arbitrator on February 3 on the progress of the work. Tom Scully reported that outside forces had been brought in to fix some items that were becoming critical. Contractors were working on the electrical punch list and HV AC punch list. Anthony Tappe has agreed to provide a bronze plaque for the library dedication and some discussion ensued as to what should be on the plaque. It was agreed to include Mayor Monahan, Building Commissioners, Library Trustees 1984-1993, Library Director and Assistant Director, Architects. MOTION: By John Quinn to adjourn the meeting. SO VOTED. Next meeting February 23, 7 pm. ~tt!; Library Director