1991-02-14 BEVERLY PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING COMMISSION MINUTES February 14, 1991 Present: John Coogan, John Qu inn, Library Trustee Nancy Bender, Library Di rector Thomas Scull y, archi tects Tony Tappe and Jeff Hoover. Absent: Neil Olson. The meeting convened at 7:35 pm. MOTION: By John Coogan seconded by minutes of the February 7th meeting. John Qu inn to approve PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. the Letter was read from Commissioner Neil Olson resigning his position as Chairman of the Building Commission. MOTION: By John Qui nn seconded by John Coogan to accept Nei 1 Olson's resignation as Chairman of the Commission. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION: By John Qu inn to elect John Coogan as Cha i rman of the Commission. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Scully provided the Commission with a written report on some possible sites for temporary operations during construction. The Commi ss ion fe 1 t that the Essex Street Bu i 1 ding of North Shore Community College would not be an acceptable site for temporary operat ions because of the ope rat i ng costs and safety issues. Additional sites will be reviewed before the next meeting. A discussion followed with Tony Tappe and Jeff Hoover as to proceeding with the design of the new building. Tony Tappe said that they were in the process of hav i ng the i rest i mators re- estimate the project costs. They would have that information for the next meeting. The anticipated time line for the project calls for bidding the project in June or July, signing a contract in August and beginning work by the end of September. MOTION: By John Quinn seconded by John Coogan to authorize the firm of A. Anthony Tappe and Assoc. to resume work on the 1 i brary project. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION: By John Coogan seconded by John Quinn to adjourn. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Next meeting will be March 4, 1991 at 7:30 pm.