2006-02-01 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: February 1, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairman), Suzanne Beaudoin, Tony Paluzzi, Pam Kampersal, David Brewster, Bill Squibb, Patricia Adams, Elizabeth Dunne BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Ellen Flannery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Tina Cassidy (7:30-8:00 p.m.) RECORDER: Maryann DiPalma Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He introduces members of Committee and others present. He explains that Tina Cassidy, Planning Director, is here to provide a brief presentation on the surplus Airport parcels that the City will be leasing or selling. Tina Cassidy: Surplus Airport Land Parcels Cassidy reviewed the zoning map and explained its context relative to the Beverly Airport. She states the airport is an active airport but all property within the airport and on Sam Fonzo is not being utilized. She explains the number of landings has been declining in the last 3 to 4 years, but that does not mean the airport is in any jeopardy of closing down. Cassidy goes on to explain there are 4 parcels, which the City has declared surplus, and Request for Proposals will be out shortly which have options of selling or leasing the land, which are all IR Zoned. ?? 10 ½ acres that could support 50,000+ sq. feet of office space, and may be split into two separate 5 acres lots, this parcel has wetlands and some challenging topography; ?? 4 ½ acres at intersection of LP Henderson and Sam Fonzo, that could support about 26,000 sq. feet of office space, which contains some replicated wetlands that were required when Sam Fonzo Road was built; ?? 3 acres behind the airport manager’s building; ?? A very small sliver, 20,000 sq. feet that would provide the frontage on LP Henderson Road for a privately owned parcel. Buchsbaum asks what type of development is allowed under IR Zoning. Cassidy responds these parcels can be used for light industry, office buildings, research and development. She explains that there are some uses that need special permits from the Planning Board, such as subsidized elderly housing, hotels, and restaurants, and depending on the size of the building, site plan Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 review may be required, and the Beverly Salem Water Supply Board would be solicited for comments on proposals on special permits. Cassidy explains the RFP process, format and target timeline for their release. Kampersal asks why the City is selling the property instead of buying and protecting property within the watershed, as the Romney administration has been encouraging. She states there is contamination on numerous sites up near the airport and is concerned that further development will exacerbate existing problems. Cassidy responds that the City would never knowingly jeopardize the drinking water supply, and is confident that these developments can be permitted to constitute the lowest impact as possible, for instance the RFP’s will include incentives and bonus points for developments that include Low Impact Development practices such as green roofs, groundwater recharge cisterns and the like. She goes on to explain that none of the sites in question are contaminated. Buchsbaum asks if any other members have questions. Brewster asked if the FAA has any authority as to what gets built. Cassidy states they have the right to comment on use and height of buildings and explains the restricted zones for visibility on approach and take off. Buchsbaum states the Committee can further discuss this as a group and look closely at watershed issues during the Open Space Plan update. Members thank Cassidy for coming in and presenting and providing valuable information. Approval of Minutes Paluzzi moves to accept the minutes of the January 4, 2006 meeting as amended. Seconded by Brewster. All in favor. Motion carries 8-0. Committee Membership Buchsbaum states there is nothing new to report on this item. Right of Ways Tall Tree Drive Maxner states that Jerry Marsella was unsuccessful in getting the old surveyor information. Buchsbaum states that he and Dave Gardner accompanied City Solicitor, Roy Gelineau, on a couple of site visits, Tall Tree Drive being one of them. Maxner explains Gelineau has requested copies of the Planning Board and Conservation Commission minutes and wants to review all permits and approvals to familiarize himself with the issues concerning this matter. National Grid (Mass. Electric) Parcel off of Boyles Street Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Buchsbaum states that National Grid has an application before the Conservation Commission for expansion of its East Beverly Sub Station. He has written a letter to National Grid requesting that they consider allowing for public parking and an access trail across their property in order to connect to Conservation Commission land off of Tall Tree Drive. Maxner states National Grid wrote in response and reads the letter to the Committee. She states she will work with the city’s GIS coordinator to develop a schematic diagram depicting the Committee’s request graphically and submit to National Grid as soon possible. She explains the commission scheduled a site inspection for Saturday, February 25 at 10:15 a.m. and will email the Committee members of any results from that site visit. Natural History Newspaper Articles Kampersal explains that the new editor of the Citizen, Dan McAlpine, had misplaced the Norwood Pond article and requested that it be resent. She states she included a couple of photos of that area, which will hopefully be place with the article. Dunne states she will start working on an article to be submitted shortly. Vitale Site Land Swap The Committee discussed the request by the City for the Conservation Commission to give up control of the Vitale site in exchange for a comparable City-owned open space parcel. Discussion ensues regarding site history and Article 97 issues. Committee members discussed water supply issues and if the Commission would be setting a precedent by going through this swap. Dunn agrees to write a draft letter on behalf of the Committee. Signage & Trail Markers Buchsbaum states that he, Beaudoin, Brewster, and Dave Gardner went out to Sally Milligan Park to put up trail markers. Beaudoin states one eight grader accompanied them and he was a tremendous help. She explains that each year the eight graders must do 15 hours of community service and the Committee should keep this in mind for any projects that it needs done. Committee members agreed to schedule a site walk to place additional markers on trail in Witches Woods. Members agree to meet at the end of Greenwood near Stone Ridge Road on Sunday, February 26 at 2:00 p.m. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Earth Day Maxner stated she developed a tentative schedule and themes for the walk/events and reads off the following: ?? April 22 or April 23 (in afternoon), Vernal Pool Exploration, Host: Open Space Committee, at Norwood Pond (meet at end of Elnew Avenue) Leader: Ron Johnson ?? April 30, (afternoon), (theme to be determinted), Host: Beverly Conservation Land Trust, at Greenwood Avenue/Witches Woods (meet at Stone Ridge Road end) Leaders: Jane Brusca & Stella Mea Seamans ?? May 6 (Low Tide at 1:00 p.m. or May 7 Low Tide at 2:00 p.m.), Tide Pool Exploration, Host: Open Space Committee, at Lynch Park (meet in parking lot) Leader: Robert Buchsbaum ?? May 13 (afternoon), possibly a plant theme, Host: Conservation Commission, at J.C. Phillips Nature Preserve (meet in parking area off of Rt. 97) Leader: to be Determined. Buchsbaum states Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coastwatch could possibly lead the tide pool exploration, and he offers to contact her to inquire if she’d be willing to lead that event. Brewster states that Witches Woods is fantastic in late May for bird migration and return and would be willing to lead a walk at that time. th Maxner states she is unsure of the theme for the May 13 event at JC Philips, but thought either a wetlands plants identification or something along that lines. Mary Reilly states she thinks that Erika Sonder, who is a wildflower expert and artist, may be interested in leading a walk and offered to contact to inquire. Discussion ensues regarding publicity for these events, and it was agreed that articles will be placed in the Beverly Citizen and Salem News; Mary Reilly offered to help print flyers that can be distributed with the Parks & Recreation Commission and posted throughout the City. Tax Title/Owner Unknown Buchsbaum states that he, Dave Gardner, Amy Maxner, Tina Cassidy, Roy Gelineau and John Dunn met to discuss priority parcels to see if the city would be interested in acquiring these parcels for open space and recreation purposes. He explains there were two parcels were discussed in detail, one off the end of Connor Road, which is tax title and the other at Greens Hill which is owner unknown. Buchsbaum will keep the committee updated on this issue. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Updating the Open Space & Recreation Plan Buchsbaum provides an overview of the 2001 Plan which included review of the Analysis of Needs, Community Goals with Priority Parcels. He explains the Committee needs to develop a new list of priority parcels. It is agreed that Ward representatives will review their wards and update what needs to be done. Buchsbaum states he has revised the Introduction and will forward his draft to members by email. He states this item will be placed on the next agenda with more time allotted for discussion and developing an approach to the update. Other Business Buchsbaum asks if any members have any other business to discuss before adjourning. Kampersal asked the Committee to consider the protection of the watershed as a priority for protection, and thinks that open space must be high on the list for protection in this area. Buchsbaum stated the Committee would be looking at the watershed overlay district while updating the Open Space Plan. Adjournment Paluzzi moves to adjourn. Seconded by Beaudoin. All members in favor. Motion carries 8- 0. Meeting is adjourned at 9:30 p.m.