2006-02-13 BEVERL Y MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Minutes of the Regular Meeting February 13, 2006 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Lydon, Mahoney, Nelson, Vitale, White ABSENT: Commissioners Dettorre, Duval, Simpson, Tognazzi, Trask PUBLIC: Mr. Bettencourt, Steve Castle, Dave Graham, Jeff Lurie, Rich Mello, Ken Robinson A. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Vitale called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM 1. Presentations: a. Bettencourt Noise Complaint - Mr. Bettencourt appeared to discuss aircraft noise over his Thorpe Circle neighborhood in Danvers. After discussion, Chairman Vitale suggested a future meeting with the control tower chief, Beverly Flight Center, Airport Manager and Dave Graham to discuss possible solutions. b. Edwards & Kelcey - Dave Graham updated the commission on the Rwy 34 extension bid packages, date of a proposed state aviation caucus, a Mass. Airport Manager's Meeting at State House, and helping Commissioner Trask with public relations packets. c. Something Different Restaurant - Linda McCarthy informed the commission of a new sub-tenant for the barracks building. It is Dr. David Koh who will use space to publish a medical magazine. Ms. McCarthy also had a question on the validity of a sub-lease that is currently in effect at the barracks building. Chairman Vitale suggested she consult with an attorney and said the lease sub-committee may at some time meet to discuss it. d. Hangars # 1, 2, 3 Update - Ken Robinson updated the commission on Hangar 1 improvements, jet fuel tank removal and status of the proposed self service fuel island. 2. Reading of the Minutes for February 2006 - Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the minutes from the January meeting. Vice Chairman Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimouslly. 3. Reading of the Financial Report - Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White presented the financial report for January 2006. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS 1. Sub-Committee Reports: a. Property/LegaIlFinance Sub-Committee - Vice Chainnan Mahoney updated the commission on Hangar 4 proposed development status. Due to a 50' commercial set back from a residential district, the Hangar 4 development proponents have withdrawn their interest, even if a 1967 letter from the then Attorney General said such zoning would not apply to the airport. As a result, Mr. Frank Elliott may now be interested in refurbishing Hangar 4. Mr. Pete Rogers has no interest in refurbishing Hangar 4 but is interested in developing T-Hangars in the in-field area across from Txy "B", if Taxiway "B" is closed. Vice Chairman Mahoney recommends a meeting with all who would be affected by a Taxiway "B" closure in that area, and depending on the results may effect Pete Rogers decision to go forward or not with in-field development. In the mean time the sub-committee would continue talking on Hangar 4' s refurbishment. Chairman Vitale concurred with a Taxiway "B closure meeting and that it should also include FAA, MAC and the control tower. b. Public Relations Sub-Committee - Chairman Vitale spoke on behalf of Commissioner Tognazzi and updated the commission on proposed public relations brochures. c. Facility Maintenance Sub-Committee - No report. C. NEW BUSINESS - None D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT 1. Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the commission on the traffic count, MALS repair, fuel tax status, Hangar 4 status, FAA lease conversion request, off-airport tree cutting status, status of airport related House and Senate bills, City Solicitor information, state aviation caucus information mosquito control meeting, Rwy 34 meeting information, Rwy 9-27 pre- ' design information, P API information and noise complaint information. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS 1. Per Chairman Vitale, BVY Aviation Day has been postponed until next year. 2. Per Chairman Vitale, a proposed airport support group should meet every two (2) months. 3. Chairman Vitale told the commission what local politicians he proposed to give airport tours to. 4. Chairman Vitale informed the commission of a meeting he had set up with Donna Witte of FAA. 5. The tentative date to discuss a potential Taxiway "B" closure is 3/1/06. F. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lydon, seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed unanimously.