July 14th
Beverlv Harbor Manae:ement Authoritv-Subcommittee on Facilities & Maintenance
For: Chair John Frates, Eileen Twiss (for file) and Mayor Scanlon
CC: Lou and all members of Subcommittee on Facilities and Maintenance
Facilities and Maintenance Subcommittee Met on July 14 at 6:30 P.M. Beverly Public
Library, Fogg Room
Present were: Greg Ward, Charlie Raymond, Sylvan Menezes and Stella Mae Seamans
Lou Bochynski came later.
Around 5:30 p.m. Greg and Charlie met with Lou at the Glover Wharf, the
commercial and pleasure piers and the dock.
At 6:30 P.M. the subcommittee met at the Library. It was emphasized that now, July, all
the slips, both commercial and pleasure areas, should be rented out. There should be no
empty slips. A year ago on 07/07/04 at the full committee ofBHMA meeting, the Mayor
made the request to make sure slips are rented out, revenue is coming in and that safety is
taken care of Presently-July 2005, there are 5 vacant slips in the commercial area and 3
in the recreational area. At a minimum, BHMA has lost over $20,000 this year.
Just as we were leaving at 7:45 P.M. Lou came in. He was late because he had lots of
interruptions, he explained. Then Lou told how he was working very hard with the new
summer hire, Brendan, who is helping out during the summer, is a history major and not
at all technical. However, Lou admitted Brendan was very positive in outlook.
Lou talked about the "Wait List" (He had the list with him.) of who paid $50 to stay on
the list, this summer.
Greg hoped Lou had time now to get to filling the empty slips and to letting Brendan do
some ofthe mowing, weeding, painting, and cleaning up. Lou explained how he has to
show Brendan how to do things. Presently, they are working on one of the benches.
Commercial: We asked about Tom Wickers boat and its length. Is there space for it?
Could his boat go where the safety boat is? The aim is to get both Wickers and Oster
boats into slips soon. Hartnett's boat is almost in.
Pleasure: What is going on at the pleasure side? Lou said there are a lot of people
leaving on the pleasure side, could be as high as 6 empty slips.
Lou said he would work very hard to get more boats in by August. We said: "that's your
job, go for it." We cheered him.
Lou said the subcommittee should work on "fall rates" at our next committee meeting.
We shall invite the mayor to our next meeting & get some questions to him beforehand.
Subcommittee adjourned before 9 PM
Respectfully submitted: Stella Mae Seamans