2005-05-05 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Beverly Public Library May 5, 2005 PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, S. M. Seamans, G. Ward, S. Menezes, C. Raymond, P. Miedzionoski 1. Frates called the meeting to order. Guests were R. Gelineau, S. & F. Kinzie, R. Gelineau, D. Carnevale, & B. Paul S. M. Seamans made a motion to accept the minutes ofthe previous meeting. This motion was seconded by S. Menezes, and all approved. Budget: G. Ward & D. Neuman went to see 1. Dunn. The budget may be proposed to the Council in I or 2 parts. The first 3 lines of revenue and the fIrst 10 lines of expenses are considered the budget. D. Neuman stated that Vine has produced a cost estimate, and the City needs to put up some ofthe money. S. Menezes made a motion to accept the budget as presented. S.M. Seamans seconded. All approved. Port Marina: 1. Silva and F. & S. Kinzie are trying to resolve conflicts. They stated that they are not opposed to public access. They are concerned with safety. They have come up with alternatives. Everyone moved close to see what the Kinzies propose. The proposal would include some fIll or pilings with a building on it with a restaurant on the second floor. F. Kinzie told that Beverly has one parking space for each boat. He doesn't think I to I is needed. There are 300 parking spaces and 260 boats. If a restaurant goes in 60 spaces would be needed for it, therefore I space for 2 boats would be OK. D. Smith says that is an interesting proposal, but his client needs to be included in the settlement. His client's issues are waterside. There are other issues that need to be taken into consideration. People on Water Street may have issues. Mr. Birarelli told that he has a public walkway, and it should stay where it is. D. Neuman told that it is clear that Mr. Birareli has a license. R. Gelineau agreed with the fact that a settlement is better that litigation. Everyone should be included. We need all parties included. D. Smith stated that BPM is asking the City for something. If the City is going to accept to please see that Mr. Thibodeau is included, and also Mr. Birarelli. F. Kinzie wants a global solution. He stated we would work with Mr. Thibodeau, but we shouldn't be held hostage due to the Thibodeau solution. There was a vote taken to go into Executive Session C. Raymond S.M. Seamans D.Neuman G. Ward y y y y 1. Frates P. Miedzionoski S. Menezes y y y It was voted to go out of Executive Session. C. Raymond Y S.M. Seamans Y D.Neuman Y G.Ward Y Regular meeting adjourned. 1. Frates P. Miedzionoski S. Menezes Respectfully submitted, E. Twiss Y Y Y