2005-02-03 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Beverly Public Library February 3, 2005 PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, M. Troubetaris, G. Ward, R. Costa, S.M. Seamans, S. Menezis, T. Birner, C. Raymond GUESTS: L. Bochynski, Atty D. Smith, & Asst City Solicitor R. Munroe J. Frates opened the meeting. Public Input - None A Motion to accept the Minutes of December meeting was made by M. Troubetaris, and seconded by T. Bimer. D. Neuman told that he had a conversation with the Planning Director, to remind her that the hotel at Cummings Center is to be built on filled tidelands, and they have to abide by Chapter 91. He made a motion that we send a letter to DEP reminding them of the Chapter 91 requirements. S.M. Seamans seconded this motion. All approved. D. Neuman reminded all that Chapter 91 will apply to the Ventron property. He stated that he attended their presentation. It was very nice, and it has a lot of nice features. Authority spoke of Michael's Directional Drilling, and L. Bochynski stated that it was brought to the City Solicitor, Michael's has acknowledged. N.S. Marine will do the work. Asst. Solicitor R. Munroe introduced David Smith. D. Smith told that he took a look at the slip contract, both the old and the new. The new one contains some good provisions, and some unnecessary provisions. He stated that we need more boat information. He will work on this and forward to the City Solicitor. He stated that the Contract and the payment offees should be all processed at the same time. We also need a copy of the current registration or documentation. D. Smith spoke of the complicated documentation ofthe "Best of Times". There are liens against this vessel. S. Menezis made a motion that we hire D. Smith to handle the "Best of Times". D. Neuman seconded. All approved. Committee Reports The Facilities Committee made the recommendation that a fee of$110.00 per foot from April to October 2005 for recreational boats. They also recommended a fee of $76.00 per foot from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 with a 20' minimum for the commercial boats. D. Neuman made a motion to accept. S. Menezis has concerns about the ''work through" (use ofthe hoist) fees. D. Neuman stated that the Facilities Committee discuss this at their next committee meeting. D. Neuman stated that the winner for the proposals was Vine Associates. This is for the planning, design, etc. ofthe commercial side of the marina. It was stated that ifthe McKay School is converted to condos, there would be a walkway around the pond. There is talk of a pier off Ober Street. Should this be an issue for the BHMA? It was asked of anyone knows what is going on at the Gas Co. property. Are they dredging? D. Neuman spoke of Port Marina. The case is dragging out. The next Facilities Committee meeting will be on Thursday the 10th @ 6:30 p.m. We will try to get a room at the Library, and let the Asst. City Solicitor know. S.M. Seamans made a motion to adjourn. J. Frates seconded. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss