2005-08-29 Joint Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Planning Board TOPIC: Joint Public Hearing with the Legal Affairs DATE: August 29, 2005 PLACE: Council Chambers, Beverly City Hall BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Richard Dinkin, John Thomson, Eve Geller-Duffy, Jason Silva, Ellen Flannery, Charles Harris, BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Donald Walter, Joanne Dunn OTHERS PRESENT: Leah Zambernardi, Assistant Planning Director Ward 1 Councilor Maureen Troubetaris, Ward 3 Ward 3 Councilor John Burke, Ward 6 Councilor Patricia Grimes RECORDER: Robin Levesque Dinkin calls the Special Meeting of the Beverly Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m. City Council Order #105: Proposed Zoning Amendment – Open Space Residential Design Ordinance (OSRD) Thomson states that the multi-colored mark-ups include all changes made by the Planning Board and John Burke. Thomson states he did a final run through and added a few changes for consideration by the Board tonight that will make the Ordinance cleaner. He also states an observation that on page 9 the language addressed to Richard Dinkin is not part of the amendment. It is just a note and should be removed. Thomson states that another needed change is a comma after the words "in perpetuity by" in the second line of Section VIII. 2. Thomson states that also included in members email packages are proposed amendments from a member of the Attorney General's office who's job it is to review municipal bylaws amendments for towns (not cities). He states that he and Scott asked for his comments because he is very knowledgeable. The comments are not official comments of the Attorney General's office. They are comments of this experienced individual. Thomson states that Planning Director Tina Cassidy has also recommended a change which was submitted for members' consideration. He asks members whether they want to consider these amendments from the member of the Attorney General's office and from Cassidy as part of the Board's recommendation of if the amendments should be presented at the Legal Affairs meeting. Dinkin asks if everyone has had an opportunity to read the draft. Thomson suggests that the Board take up Cassidy’s recommendations. Beverly Planning Board - Meeting Minutes August 29, 2005 2 Page Dinkin states Cassidy’s proposed amendments are clear. Thompson explains the comments from the member of the Attorney General's office and asks whether the Board wants to consider his comments. Thomson: Moves to accept the amended ordinance, including the amendments made by a member of the Attorney General's office and by Tina Cassidy and to recommend to the City Council that they adopt the Ordinance. Seconded by Harris. (Thomson, Flannery, Walter, Geller-Duffy and Silva in favor)(Dinkin opposed). Motion carries 5-1. Geller-Duffy: Moves to adjourn. Seconded by Walter. All members are in favor. Motion carries.