2005-07-23-Special Meeting/Site
City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Planning Board Special Meeting/Site Visit
DATE: July 23, 2005
PLACE: 405 Rear Elliott Street (Cleveland Road Extension)
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Richard Dinkin; Vice Chairman, John
Thomson; Ellen Flannery; Eve Geller-Duffy; Charlie
OTHERS PRESENT: Leah Zambernardi
RECORDER: Leah Zambernardi
Chairman Dinkin calls the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. He states the purpose of the
special meeting of the Board is for Board members to conduct a site visit at Cleveland
Road Extension #2 plan and to look at a Subdivision Approval Not Required Plan.
1. Cleveland Road Extension #2 - Site Visit
He states that the Vitolos are requesting to subdivide their lot into two parcels and to
extend Cleveland Road to provide frontage for the new lot. Engineer Robert Griffin and
Attorney John Colucci are present and representing the applicant. Dinkin states this is a
meeting to view the site and for Board members to ask clarifying questions of the
Griffin provides an overview of the project and shows plans to the members.
Thomson questions whether the Vitolos have the right to improve the way. He states that
the configuration of the corners of the Vitolo's property indicate their lot was from an
earlier land grant than the Beards who are next door. He speculates that possibly, the
paper road was established as part of a later subdivision. He states that he would like the
Vitolos to prove that they have the right now to improve the way or that they need to get
a grant of right from Mr. Beard to improve that right of way.
The Board walks the property line and notes the location of the new road and the new lot
lines. Thomson asks for clarification regarding the physics of dead end turnarounds. He
questions whether the fire department even needs a second hammerhead turnaround. He
notes there is already one being put in as part of Mr. Beard's subdivision. He states that
he would prefer that only one hammerhead is there (Mr. Beard's) and that a driveway be
extended from that for the Vitolos to access their lot. He states that minimizing the
Planning Board Minutes - Special Meeting
July 23, 2005
Page 2
pavement may be more preferable if the Board and the fire department feel that is a
reasonable and safe configuration.
Zambernardi questions whether such a configuration would require a ZBA variance for
frontage and a Planning Board waiver of frontage. Thomson states the Vitolos already
have frontage on a paper street and it would be a matter of the Planning Board waiving
the construction standards for the road as part of the subdivision.
The Board walks to the end of Cleveland Road and observes the end of the sidewalk on
Cleveland. Griffin states that as part of the Beard subdivision, the driveway on one side
will be extended to the end of Beard's turnaround. Geller-Duffy asks if the trees bordering
the pavement in this area will be taken down. Griffin states a few will probably be taken
down. Geller-Duffy questions the need for extending the sidewalk since the only
destination are two private homes. She also notes there will be very minimal traffic at this
location. Thomson agrees that he would prefer not to have the sidewalk extended but
acknowledges that is from a prior subdivision approval. Zambernardi states that Mr.
Beard would have to request a modification of the site plan from the Board in order to do
this. Thomson states that may be more cost efficient for Mr. Beard to request a
modification rather than constructing the sidewalk.
2. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans (SANR's)
a. Lothrop Street and Stone Street - City of Beverly
Zambernardi states that the City of Beverly is undertaking a land taking involving a parcel
at the corner of Lothrop and Stone streets. A small piece of the land is being taken by the
City for road improvements. The plan reflects this. Thomson asks if there is a note on the
plan stating the parcel is a nonbuildable lot. Zambernardi states there is not but there is a
note on the plan stating the purpose of the plan is to use the parcel for road improvements.
Thomson: Motion to endorse the plan as one not requiring approval under the
subdivision control law. Flannery seconds the motion and it carries unanimously.
b. Paine Avenue - Louis Laz
Zambernardi states that this ANR was presented at the last meeting of the Planning Board
on July 21, 2005. She states that the Board denied the plan because of technical
deficiencies in the plan locus. She states the Board authorized Chairman Dinkin to sign
the plan on the Board's behalf should these technical deficiencies be corrected. She states
she has Mylars of the revised plan for Dinkin's signature. Dinkin signs the plan.
The public meeting is closed at 11:00 a.m.