2002-03-187:15 PM Public Hearing re Zoning Ordinance Referred to Planning Board 7:50 PM David Gardner-Open Space and Recreation 7:58 PM Public Hearing-Petition mass Electric-Conduit Federal St. Referred to Public Service and Aid regular Meeting of Beverly Cityregular Meeting of Beverly City Council mar 18, 2002 Council mar 18, 2002 Roll Call All : Councilors were present. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag : Led by Councilor Troubetaris Appointments: Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Meeting of March 4, 2002 Communications from His Honor the Mayor : #9A March 12, 2002 Frances Macdonald City Clerk City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Mrs. Macdonald: I hereby VETO Beverly City Council Order #9, Dated March 4. Although I agree that a fire study is necessary, a scope of services should be incorporated and a firm idea about cost should be determined. The order should identify what the scope of the study should entail, whether it should relate to policies, fire station locations, etc. and in order to budget for this expense a cost estimate should be included. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid #115 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby request that your Honorable Council authorize the Mayor to sign the two attached Subordination Agreements for property owned by Brian and Clare Williams, 28 Winthrop Avenue, Beverly, MA 01915 as per the attached communication from William O’Hare, Community Development Manager. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor 51 Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #116 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby request a transfer of Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Nine Dollars and Ninety-One Cents ($8,749.91) to account “Planning Department Salaries – Staff Planner” from account “Reserve for Unforeseen.” Said sum of money to be expended under the direction of the City Planner. Attached is a communication from Planning Director Debra Hurlburt concerning this request. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to Finance and Property #117 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mr. John J. Ruehrwein, 32 Pine Street, P.O. Box 3016, Wakefield, MA 01880, to serve as a Constable in the City of Beverly for the express purpose of serving Civil Process. Attached is his letter of request for reappointment, which has been approved by Police Chief John Cassola. His term will be effective from May 1, 2002 through April 30, 2005. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #118 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, the following citizens to serve as Alternate members to the Zoning Board of Appeal: Ms. Jane Brusca 11 Greenwood Avenue To complete the term left vacant Robert McLemore expiring October 1, 2002 Mr. Joel E. Margolis 52 One Worthington Green To complete the term left vacant by Scott Ferguson expiring October 1, 2003. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to legal Affairs and Accounts #119 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Ms. Joanne Panunzio, 31 Old Planters Road, Beverly, MA 01915, to serve as a member of the Library Board of Trustees. Her term will effective until January 31, 2005. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid #120 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: As you may know, there have been several traffic delays due to the new working lights at the intersection at Henry’s Market. For your information, we have been working with the State exploring ways to alleviate the traffic back up and will experiment with different cycles to ascertain which cycle will best make the traffic flow more smoothly. I will keep you informed as to our progress. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid #121 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: Please be advised that Commissioner of Public Safety, Kenneth Pelonzi has appointed John Cassola as the Permanent Chief of Police for the City of Beverly effective today, March 18, 2002. Very truly yours, Thomas M. Crean, Mayor 53 Referred to Public Service and Aid Communications from other City Officers and Boards #122 March 18, 2002 Honorable City Council City of Beverly City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Members of the Council: This is the Open Space and Recreation Committee’s March 2002 semi-annual report in accordance with its founding ordinance. The Committee continues to make progress: Continued with subcommittee work including trails, regional issues, public participation and master planning Completed a draft Action Plan – 2002 Presented the Action Plan to the Mayor and Council Continued discussions with City officials on land acquisition Prepared a draft trail map and solicited public comment Attended (by regional subcommittee) north shore regional open space conferences The work immediately ahead: Conducting a public hearing on the Committee’s Action Plan – 2002 Contacting private open space property owners including institutional landowners Coordinating with Master Plan Steering committee and other boards on the master plan Finalizing the Action Plan – 2002. approval expected during the Committee’s April meeting. Conducting Earth Day activities Conducting Biodiversity Day activities in late May-June. The Committee appreciates and thanks you for your continuing support. For the Committee David Gardner, Chairman, Open Space and Recreation Committee Receive and Place on File #123 Honorable City Council 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Members of the Council 54 As you are aware, the City of Beverly has two affordable housing development units which were approved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Appeals several years ago. Dunham Castle Condominiums on Dunham Road and Dane Square Condominiums on Dane Street were approved in the late 1980’s with the condition that a certain number of units in each development be set aside for first time home buyers from Beverly. Whenever the owner of one of these affordable housing units wishes to sell his or her condominium, the deed restriction for the units require the owner to notify the City. The City then attempts to find a buyer who meets the specified eligibility requirements, usually with success. The guidelines and deed restrictions that to with each affordable housing unit also require that the City be given the option of purchasing the unit. If the City decides not to exercise that option, it must execute a “Waiver of Right of First Refusal.” This waiver only applies to the transfer in question at the time. The deed restriction requires that such a waiver be signed before each and every change in ownership. The owner of Unit #307 at 38 Dunham Road, Linda Alexander, is in the process of selling her unit. Accordingly, I am forwarding the attached Waiver of Right of First Refusal to the Council for its consideration, and hopefully its authorization for the Mayor to execute the waiver on the City’s behalf. Thank you for your consideration to this request. If you have any questions, on the process of the waiver itself, pleas do not hesitate to contact me at extension 173. Very truly yours, Debra A. Hurlburt Planning Director Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #124 March 13, 2002 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA Dear Councilors On Sunday, April 28, 2002 the Beverly Board of Health will be participating in the 6 th Annual North Shore Wellness Fair held at Salem State College’s O’Keefe Center. Sponsors of the event include Beverly and Salem Hospitals and the cities of Beverl and Salem an the towns of Marblehead and Swampscott. To help promote the Fair in Beverly we respectfully request your approval to hang a banner on Cabot Street for approximately a week prior to the event (April 19-28). I have already received approval from the Chamber of Commerce. I want to thank you for your anticipated support of this request. Very truly yours, Beverly Board of Health William Burke Referred to Public Service and Aid #125 March 13, 2002 Beverly City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 55 The Beverly Airport Commission is aware of a proposed language change to current zoning that would allow a special permit be granted for congregate Elderly Housing for Elderly and/or Permanently disabled not only for Residential District but also for Industrial District (IR). Please not the attached. This would allow congregate housing for elderly and/or permanently disabled in IR zoned land. In at least one IR section near the airport this would place such housing directly underneath Beverly Municipal airport aircraft operations (we refer to the proposed “Cailin Road” project off of Route 97. The residents of such development would be subject to aircraft noise and aircraft flying a low as 500’ above ground level. The Beverly Airport Commission wished to go on record as to being opposed to any residential development in IR areas that may be effected by airport operations. Representatives of the Beverly Airport Commission plan to attend the Public Meeting on Monday, march 18, 2002 at 7:15 PM to oppose the language change. Receive and Place on File #126 Beverly City Council City Hall Beverly, MA Facts/Questions/Concerns/Comments from Beverly Airport Commission re Cailin Road Development 1. The proposed Cailin Road project that includes congregate housing is less than half mile from the airports Runway 16-34. Residents and workers would be subject to noise from airport/aircraft. 2. The proposed Cailin Road project area is under the traffic pattern for Runway 16-34. The airport has approximately 275 takeoff and landings per day. The residents and workers would be subject to traffic pattern noise. 3. The proposed Cailin Road project is approximately one third of a mile (1,76o”+/-) from a proposed taxiway for Runway 16-34. 4. The proposed Cailin Road project is approximately 700’ from airport property that is reserved for non-aviation development. 5. The proposed Cailin Road project is approximately 600’ from the Federal Emergency management Agency (FEMA) compound. 6. Utilities-The airport has heard that the proposed project water/sewer tie-in may be on airport property (the area in from of the former Casco Chemical site). The airport commission would have to give its permission. 7. The airport commission needs to be involved in any meetings, discussions etc. that involves airport property. 8. Why does the whole zoning ordinance need to be change? Why isn’t the project just pursuing a variance? A blanket zoning change may leave it open for abuse. 9. I there a height restriction for any residential buildings? Receive and Place on File Communications, Applications and Petitions #127 Petition Mass Electric for J. O. Pole on Berrywood Lane Referred to Public Service and Aid #128 Communication from The AirPorter re use of public ways in City of Beverly 56 Referred to Public Service and Aid #129 Communication re Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission Receive and Place on File #130 Request to either buy or rent Ryal Side Fire Station Referred to Finance and Property #131 North Shore Regional Voke Budgets Referred to Finance and Property #132 Beverly Farms-Prides Crossing request to hang banner over West Street Referred to Public Service and Aid #133 Comm from Verizon re double pole status along Cabot and Dodge Streets Referred to Public Service and Aid Reports from Committees: #19 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Supplemental Appropriation request have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #89 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Fencing at Pershing Avenue have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the order be referred back to Finance and Property 7-2 Vote Martin & McGlynn against Order read once and adopted #113 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Communication re task force for consolidation of departmental tasks of have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: 57 Submit the accompanying amended order and recommend its adoption 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #36 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was revered the matter of feasibility study for lights at Bates Park and Bridge Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the Mayor see if there is any Grant money to do a feasibility study for a traffic light at Bates park Avenue and Bridge Street for the purpose of public safety. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #41 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance Administration re Hazardous Waste and Oversight Committee have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption In the year Two thousand and two An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "Administration” Hazardous Waste Oversight Committee Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: Chapter 2, Division 12, Hazardous Waste of the revised ordinances of the city of Beverly, 1989, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: in its entirety Division 12 DELETE ADD: - Section 1SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (a) Composition There shall be a Solid Waste Management Committeeconsisting of seven (7) members, each appointed for a term of three (3) years, or until their successors are qualified; provided, however, that 2 members shall be appointed for an initial term of one (1) year, two members for an initial term of two (2) years, and three members shall be appointed for an initial term of three (3) years. The membership shall include persons interested in fostering decreased solid waste and increased solid waste recycling in the City of Beverly. Ex Officio, non-voting members shall include a representative of the city department responsible for solid waste disposal and the Health Director. (b) Authorities and Responsibilities (1) The Solid Waste Management Committee shall act in an advisory and consulting capacity to the Mayor, City Council, and other interested city departments, boards, committees or commissions and to the citizens of the city, relative to any and all matters concerning solid waste management except those matters concerning hazardous wastes that are, pursuant to Article , Section 2 of these Ordinances, made the responsibility of the Hazardous Waste Oversight Committee; (2) The Solid Waste Management committee shall identify ways of increasing recycling and waste reduction; and 58 (3) The Solid Waste Management Committee shall serve as a resource for the general education of the public with respect to matters concerning solid waste management, solid waste reduction and recycling. (4) The Solid Waste Management Committee shall address itself to the following matters dealing with solid waste management: a. Assisting city officials in establishing a solid waste management policy that aims to decrease waste disposal, particularly by enforcing Massachusetts waste bans, and to increase recycling. b. Encouraging increased recycling and decreased waste disposal by Beverly citizens, schools and businesses by utilizing available funds as needed for educational materials. c. Encouraging composting using household composters and the city compost site. d. Establishing a mechanism for periodic review of citizen inquiries. e. Reviewing monthly recycling and waste tonnage in order to assess the effectiveness of education programs. f. Requesting updates on solid waste management at schools and other municipal public buildings on a regular basis. g. Assisting in writing grants for funds for education, purchasing of recycling bins and composters. (c) The Committee shall meet in the month of January of each year to elect a Chairperson who will preside at the meetings of the Committee. The Committee shall meet no less often than bi-monthly. Section 2 -HAZARDOUS WASTE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (a) Composition There shall be a Hazardous Waste Oversight Committeeconsisting of three (3) members, one of whom is a chemist, one of whom is an attorney and one of whom is a member of the general public knowledgeable in hazardous substances. The municipal coordinator designated by the Mayor pursuant to M.G.L. chapter lllF shall be a member of the Committee, ex offcio, without vote. (b) Authorities and Responsibilities (1) The Hazardous Waste Oversight Committee shall act in an advisory and technical consulting capacity to the mayor, CityCouncil, board of health, fire department and other interested city departments, boards, committees or commissions and to the citizens of the city, relative to any and all matters concerning hazardous or toxic substances and the use or disposal thereof, and the ultimate effect such chemical constituents shall have upon the environment of the city. (2) The committee shall address itself to the following matters dealing with hazardous or toxic substances: (a) Implementation of the state Right to Know Law, M.G.L. chapter lllF. (i). Employer MSDS reporting. (ii) Answer citizen "right to know" inquiries. (iii) Establish committee hazardous waste and toxic substances policy. (iv) Oversee work performed by environmental consultants retained to implement chapter l11F. (v) Review monthly bills for services rendered. (vi) General supervision and guidance provided for environmental consultants. (vii) Establish a monthly mechanism for review of citizen inquires. (viii) Provide technical review of specific environmental issues. 59 (ix) Review anticipated changes of chapter 111F. (b) Oversee with technical support and guidance all issues dealing with hazardous waste and toxic substances within the city. (i) Work as the technical oversight committee with the Board of Health on issues dealing with hazardous waste and toxic substances. (ii) Be a resource committee for the city to review and make advisory recommendations to the Mayor and City Council relative to hazardous waste incidents within the community. (iii) Be a technical resource committee for the fire department when it is involved with hazardous waste or toxic substance incidents. (iv) To function as resource for the purpose of educating the public in hazardous materials disposal, identifying hazardous materials and encouraging hazardous waste reduction. (v) To encourage the Mayor and City Council, subject to appropriation, to fund an annual hazardous waste collection. (c) The Committee shall meet in the month of January of each year to elect a Chairperson who will preside at the meetings of the Committee. The Committee shall meet no less often than bi-monthly. This ordinance to take effect as provided by city Charter First Reading: March 18, 2002 Final Passage: April 1, 2002 9-0 Vote Ordinance read once and held for final passage as per Charter Provisions #79 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was revered the matter of Confirmatory taking of Maestranzi Property have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the “confirmatory Taking” of the Maestranzi property as described in 1999 Council Order No. 24, as per the request of City Solicitor Peter Gilmore. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #98 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance- Amend restriction on use of public water supply have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption. In the year Two thousand and two An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "Public Works” re Article V Water Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: Chapter 20, Section 20 of the revised ordinances of the city of Beverly, 1989, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: ADD: Section 20-126A RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY 60 (a) Authority This Ordinance is adopted by the City of Beverly under its police powers to protect public health and welfare and its powers under M.G.L. c.40, §§21 et seq. and implements the City of Beverly's authority to regulate water use pursuant to M.G. L. c. 41, §69B. This ordinance also implements the City of Beverly's authority under M.G.L. c. 40, §41A. (b) Purpose The purpose of this ordinance is to protect, preserve and maintain the public health, safety and welfare whenever there is in force a State of Water Supply Conservation or State of Water Supply Emergency by providing for enforcement of any duly imposed restrictions, requirements, provisions or conditions imposed by the City of Beverly (c) Definitions shall mean any individual, corporation, trust, partnership or association, or other Person entity. shall mean a State of Water Supply Emergency State of Water Supply Emergency declared by the Department of Environmental Protection under M.G. L. c.21G, §15-17. shall mean a State of Water Supply Conservation State of Water Supply Conservation declared by the City of Beverly pursuant to paragraph (d) of this ordinance. shall mean all public and private users of the City of Water Users or Water Consumers Beverly's public water system, irrespective of any person's responsibility for billing purposes for water used at any particular facility. (d) Declaration of a State of Water Supply Conservation The Mayor, acting through the Director of Public Services, may declare a State of Water Supply Conservation upon a determination by the said Director of Public Services that a shortage of water exists and conservation measures are appropriate to ensure an adequate supply of water to all water consumers. Public notice of a State of Water Conservation shall be given pursuant to paragraph (f) of this ordinance before it may be enforced. (e) Restricted Water Uses A declaration of a State of Water Supply Conservation may include one or more of the following restrictions, conditions, or requirements limiting the use of water, as well as any other restriction, condition or requirement that the City of Beverly determines to be necessary to protect the water supply. The applicable restrictions, conditions or requirements shall be included in the public notice required under paragraph (f). i) - Outdoor water use, whether by hose or Odd/Even Day Outdoor Watering automatic sprinklers, by water users with odd numbered addresses is restricted to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Outdoor watering by water users with even numbered addresses is restricted to Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There shall be no outdoor watering on Sunday.. ii- All outdoor water use is prohibited. ) Outdoor Watering Ban iii) - Outdoor water use, whether by hose or automatic Outdoor Watering Hours sprinklers, is permitted only during daily periods of low demand, to be specified in the declaration of a State of Water Supply Conservation and public notice thereof. iv) - Filling of swimming pools is prohibited. Filling Swimming Pools v) - The use of automatic sprinkler systems is prohibited. Automatic Sprinkler Use (f) Public Notification of a State of Water Supply Conservation; Notice to DEP 61 Notification of any provision, restriction, requirement or condition imposed by the City of Beverly as part of a State of Water Supply Conservation shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Beverly, or by such other means reasonably calculated to reach and inform all users of water of the State of Water Supply Conservation. Any restriction imposed under paragraph (e) shall not be effective until such notification is provided. Notification of the State of Water Supply Conservation shall also be simultaneously provided to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. (g) Termination of a State of Water Supply Conservation; Notice The Mayor, acting through the Director of Public Services, may terminate a State of Water Supply Conservation upon a determination by the Director of Public Services that the water supply shortage no longer exists. Public notification of the termination of a State of Water Supply Conservation shall be given in the same manner required by paragraph (f). (h) State of Water Supply Emergency. Compliance with DEP Orders Upon notification to the public that a declaration of a State of Water Supply Emergency has been issued by the Department of Environmental Protection, no person shall violate any provision, restriction, requirement, condition of any order approved or issued by the Department intended to bring about an end to the State of Emergency. (i) Enforcement The Commissioner of Public Services, the Director of Municipal Inspections, the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, or their designees, shall be authorized to issue citations for violations of this ordinance. (j) Penalties Any person violating this ordinance shall be liable to the City of Beverly in the amount of $50.00 for the first violation and $100 for each subsequent violation. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. (k) Severability The invalidity of any portion or provision of this ordinance shall not invalidate any other portion or provision thereof. This Ordinance to take effect according to Charter Provisions First Passage: March 18, 2002 Final Passage: April 1, 2002 9-0 Ordinance Read once and held for final passage as per Charter Provisions Vote #100 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance Motor Vehicles and Traffic have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption In the year two thousand and two An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled Motor Vehicles and Traffic re No parking Tow zone Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: That Chapter 14, Section 120 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Beverly, 1989, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: 62 DELETE: C14 Sec. 120, Highland Avenue, northerly side, from eighty (80) feet west of Cabot Street to Railroad Avenue ADD: C14 Sec, 137 ., Highland Avenue, northerly side, from eighty (80) feet west of Cabot Street to Railroad Avenue This ordinance to take effect upon passage according to City Charter. First Passage: March 18, 2002 Final Passage: April 1, 2002 9-0 Vote Order read once and held for final passage as per Charter Provisions #102 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Leases Beverly harbor Management Authority have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the attached Lease Agreement for Beverly Harbor Management Authority for slips a the Glover Marina and the Beverly harbor Management Authority. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #111 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Request Johnson Golf to explain rates and membership structure have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and place on file 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #115 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Subordination Agreements Williams have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying orders and recommend their adoption. Ordered: That His Honor the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the attached SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT for Brian and Clare Williams, 28 Winthrop Avenue, in the amount of $15,000.00 as per the attached communication from Community Development manager William O’Hare. 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #115A The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Subordination Agreements Williams have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying orders and recommend their adoption. Ordered: That His Honor the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the attached SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT for Brian and Clare Williams, 28 Winthrop Avenue, in the amount of $5,500.00 as per the attached communication from Community Development manager William O’Hare . 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted 63 #80 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Open Space and Recreation draft Action Plan, 2002 have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and place on file 9-0 vote Order read once and adopted #96 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of appointment- Board of Health have considered said matter and beg Joseph Walsh leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the Appointments 8-0 Order read once and adopted #97 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Appointment-Cable TV Advisory Committee have considered said Amy Siemasko matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the Appointment 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #103 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Petition of Mass Electric for conduit in Federal Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption ORDERED: That the city council grant permission for the Petion of Mass Electric for a conduit in Federal Street. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #105 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of North Shore ARC request to hang banner over Cabot Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That North Shore ARC be allowed to hang a banner across Cabot Street for the month of April, 2002 and be it further ordered that they be properly insured and that the banner be hung by a licensed rigger. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #127 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Petition of Mass Electric for a JO pole Berrywood Lane have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption 64 Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly will hold a public hearing on Monday April 1, 2002 at 7:58 PM in Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to a petition of Mass Electric for installation of J. O. Pole in Berrywood Lane. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted Resolutions: Eagle Scout Matthew A. L. Cullen Unfinished Business: Motions and Orders: #135 By Councilor McGlynn: Ordered: That Robert N. Buchbaum be reappointed as the Ward Four Representative to the Open Space and Recreation Commission Receive and Place on File #136 By Councilor Costa: Ordered: That the Cannons removed from Historic Walnut Hill be returned and placed on the pedestals as soon as refurbishing is completed. Referred to Public Service and Aid #137 By Councilor Martin Ordered: That the School Department submit annually, to the City Council, a line item budget during the Budget review period. Referred to Finance and Property #138 By Councilor Morency: Ordered: That William Squibb, 509 Cabot Street be reappointed to serve as the Ward Three Representative to the Open Space and Recreation Commission. Receive and Place on File #139 By councilors Flaherty and Morency Ordered: That the City Engineer request that the appropriate state official appear with him before the Public Service and Aid Committee to explain the plan to properly implement the traffic lights on route 1A to alleviate the current chaotic traffic situation. Referred to Public Service and Aid 65 #140 By Councilors Morency and Flaherty Ordered: That the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Mayor and the City Solicitor be invited for a contract discussion in Executive Session with Legal Affairs and Accounts on Monday, March 25, 2002. Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts Meeting adjourned: 9:45 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC 66