2005-02-08Special Meeting City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Special Meeting Board: Historic District Commission Date: February 8, 2005 Members Present: William Finch, Matthew Lewis, John Condon Members Absent: James Younger, John Frates Others Present: Leah Zambernardi Recorder: Leah Zambernardi Mr. Finch calls the special meeting of the Historic District Commission to order at 9:10 a.m. He states the purpose of the meeting is to conduct a site visit at 12 Park View Avenue and to conduct some other administrative business for the Commission. Mr. Finch explains that the Commission has received an application to demolish the house at 12 Park View Avenue. Owner Francis Kavanagh and architect Daryl Aldrich are also present. Mr. Finch reviews with Mr. Kavanagh and Mr. Aldrich the Commission's procedures for reviewing a demolition permit application and the criteria by which it reviews a house for historical significance and preferably preserved. Because Mr. Condon needs to leave, the Commission puts this matter on hold and addresses some other business of the Commission. Zambernardi reminds the Commission that the City prevailed on an Appeals Court case in August of 2004 related to replacement windows at 61-63 Front Street. She states that since that time, the condo owners have not come into compliance with the original Certificate of Appropriateness (C. of A.). She states she has consulted with the Assistant City Solicitor on this matter and he has suggested that the Commission send a letter to the owners requiring that they comply with the C. of A. before it seeks further enforcement action. She submits a draft letter for the members to consider. Mr. Lewis makes a motion to send the letter to the owners. Mr. Condon seconds the motion. The motion carries unanimously. Ms. Zambernardi states she has invited the Assistant City Solicitor to the Board's February 16 meeting to discuss enforcement options. Mr. Condon leaves at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting is adjourned because of a lack of a quorum. Mr. Finch and Mr. Lewis remain to tour the interior of the house with the applicants and Ms. Zambernardi.