2005-04-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: April 7, 2005 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner, Patti Adams, Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette Board members absent: Bill Collins Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Lindsey Cox After reviewing the previous minutes it noted that people opposed to a motion should be identified by name in the minutes. The March minutes will be amended to show that Dave Gardner and Arthur Powell were opposed to the showing of Saving Private Ryan. Previous minutes were accepted with this addition. Lindsay Cox from Stroller Strides met with the Commission to discuss her program. She would like to have her group meet at Dane Street Beach, parking on the street, do a few stretches and then proceed with their power walk along Lothrop Street. Program is new to Beverly but very popular in surrounding towns. Classes will meet at 8:30 a.m. a few times a week. The Commission wished her luck with the program. DIRECTOR’S REPORT th ?? Earth Day: April 30 at Lynch Park th ?? Touch A Truck: date has been changed back to Sunday, May 15 ?? Vitale Site: discussions continue, plans are proceeding. Motion was made to write the Mayor asking that the Parks & Recreation Commission be involved in the final design of the site and that they request the site be equipped with irrigation, adequate parking, two full size fields, and lighting conduits and stanchions. Motion carried with all in favor. ?? Seawall at Lynch: Mike Collins is working to repair the holes that appeared this winter. ?? Lynch Park Advisory Committee: fund raising efforts continue. Roof project bid going out soon with st work to begin Sept 1. ?? Beverly Golf & Tennis: Save The Pool Committee had another fundraiser. They will meet with the BGT Commission next week. ?? Harry Ball Field: Parking lot to be paved before the season begins. ?? Bruce reported on a 2.5 day seminar he recently attended for Youth Sports Administrators held by the National Alliance for Youth Sports. He found the information and training provided to be very informative and valuable. ?? Holcroft Park: looking for funding, maybe a grant ?? ADA issues: the equipment at the following parks is unsafe and removal is recommended Cove, Oak Heights, Lindsay, Longfellow, MacArthur, Vittori. Will be adding HP spaces at the parks. ?? Dog Park Committee: Bruce mentioned that there had been several discussions about the proposed dog park at Bessie Baker since the last commission meeting. In addition, several alternate sites were discussed in conversations with various city officials, including city councilors, ASO, and others. There was a meeting held at the Beverly Airport Nike Road to discuss the possibility of using a city-owned parcel as a dog park. During this meeting several sites were discussed and Bil Collins proposed the Brookline Green Dog program. A site walk of the water tower property was set up and discussions about Standley Street and other sites were held. It was not known where things stood with the Dog Park Committee and the Bessie Baker site since Bill Collins was not in attendance. Mike Gaudette did say that there had been meetings but there was no progress since the public meeting was held. ?? Drug Testing: Bruce surveyed 26 city and towns and only 5 require drug testing. A more affordable testing (mouth swab) is being researched. Discussed whether to do a pre season test or random testing throughout the season. Motion was made to require summer employees to take a drug test. Motion carried with all in favor. The decision to test pre-season or randomly was tabled to the next meeting. ?? Budget: discussed the Enterprise Fund and the difference from this time last year. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody, Recreation Department