2005-05-05 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 5, 2005 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Jack O’Neil, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner, Patti Adams Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette, Bill Collins Board members absent: Gary Lambert Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Rod Maxner (Beverly Little League) Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. BEVERLY LITTLE LEAGUE Improvements for Harry Ball Field were discussed. Plans include paving parking lot, additional netting for safety, additional stands, new bathrooms, expanding the concession stand. All improvements will be done at no cost to the City. Motion was made to accept the planned improvements at Harry Ball Field. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Bruce reported some problems over the weekend with teams using fields that were too wet and muddy. One team that he spoke to was a Men’s Soccer Team using Memorial. Peter Chan from the team was present to discuss the situation. Discussion was held on the best way to alert leagues on whether or not fields are playable. One suggestion was to get an answer machine that Bruce can change message from home. Main problem is that Bruce cannot check all 30 fields every day to determine conditions, which could be different depending on the field. The Commission recommended that a new answer machine be purchased. ?? Gillis Park and Cove School equipment has been installed despite the rainy conditions. Earth Day was rained out after the first hour or so. ?? Touch A Truck is May 15th. Bruce will be away. Joscelyn will take over his duties. ?? Vitale Site: Recent meetings with the Mayor and City officials confirmed the plans for the site to include space for two fields, concession stand, parking area (125 spaces) and irrigation. Next step will be to present plan to the Conservation Commission. ?? Summer brochure should be out to everyone next week. ?? Lynch Park Advisory Committee: fund raising plans continue th ?? Carriage House roof bid has gone out and is due back May 16. Work to begin after Labor Day. Roof is presently leaking worse than ever especially in the Guild Room. Guild is moving their spring show to the Cove Community Center. ?? Discussed moving of Edwards School equipment to Dane St. Mr. Costa has arranged for a company to assist since DPW has been unable to do it. ?? Art Daignault recommends the removal of all non-compliant playground equipment. Equipment is located at Cove, Oak Heights, Lindsay, Longfellow, MacArthur and Vittori (swings). Bruce agrees with Mr. Daignault and suggests writing to the City Council. After their approval DPW will remove the equipment. Commission agreed. ?? Dog Park Committee: Mr. Collins reported no change to the status of the proposed Bessie Baker Park. ?? Drug Testing: We are considering an Oral Fluid method (mouth swab). Cost is only $30.50 compared to $65. HR is reviewing the information and checking the references. Pre- season testing was suggested with the possibility of a random test during the summer if employee is suspected of using. ?? Storm Water Management: Report was submitted as required by State Law regard pet waste signs. Only 15 out of 41 parks had a sign. ?? Budget: We have been asked to submit a level funded budget. Due to 53 weeks next fiscal year salaries will appear to increase. The extra money needs to be shifted from other accounts to keep the bottom line the same. Motion was made to purchase a new answering machine with a message that can be changed from outside the office. Motion carried with all in favor. Dave Gardner reported problems at Sally Milligan with bike jumps and painting of trees. Motion was made to request DPW clean out the area. Motion carried with all in favor. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department