2004-12-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: December 2, 2004 Place: Beverly Depot Restaurant Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Mike Gaudette, Patty Adams, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner Board members absent: Arthur Powell Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, Tom Scully, Phil Klimowicz, Janet Doig, Jennifer O’Neil, Anne Gaudette, Karen Collins Minutes of previous were accepted as written. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Upcoming Events: North Pole Calling will be done 12/19 through 12/23 from 5:00 to 7:30PM at the Recreation offices. The Lynch Park Advisory Committee will meet at the Beverly Depot on 12/16 at 7:00PM Recent Events: There was a public hearing with the City Council on 11/15/04 to discuss the removal of three live trees from Monument Square. The decision at the public hearing was to trim the trees and review the situation in the spring. Phil Klimowicz stated that they are not planning to trim the trees. Phil is waiting to get a plan for the park from Ron Costa before anything is done. thth MRPA Conference: Was held on November 8 and 9 in Hyannis. Many interesting seminars. Montserrat College of Art Open House exhibit was a success. Endicott College used Lynch Park parking lot for MIAA games on 11/30/04. Everything went smoothly. Lynch Park Carriage House: Committee is waiting for approval from Ray Bouchard on the plans for the roof. Committee moving ahead with fundraising plans including an arts & crafts show in September and a David Lynch Appreciation Day in July next year. Vitale Site: No new word yet. Dog Park Committee: Bill Collins reported that the committee is proceeding with plans to create a fenced park at Bessie Baker. Tom Scully brought aerial photos of the area showing property lines. This will allow the committee to develop a plan for the park using accurate information for the layout. Veterans Memorial at Odell Park: The bell tower foundation has been poured but NS Tech HS has not started work yet. No word received on moving of the cannons. The walkway still has not been repaired. Field Committee: The committee has officially become a subcommittee of the Friends of Beverly Recreation instead of a subcommittee of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Plans continue for raising funds for field renovations. The committee has begun creating a prioritized list for field maintenance projects. Open Space: Bruce discussed the updated text for the kiosks to be placed at 7 open spaces around Beverly including Green’s Hill, Phillip’s Estate, Sally Milligan Park, Norwood’s Pond, and other locations. After reviewing the changes suggested by several commission members, a vote was taken and the updated text was accepted 7-0. Patty will pass the text on to the Open Space and Recreation Committee to be printed for the kiosks. DECEMBER 2004 MEETING MINUTES - Page 2 BG&T Commission: The group trying to save the pool at the BG&T Club has cancelled their last two meetings. It appears that the initial momentum for this group has faded. To date, they have not raised any money to fix the pool and they do not have a operational plan for the pool to meet yearly expenses to keep the pool open. Beverly Youth Collaboration: The YMCA staff is concerned about the condition of facilities at the Miles McPherson Youth Center. Attendance is dropping off because the facilities do not attract as many kids. Repairs need to be made to the skate park, basketball court and lights, in-line hockey rink, and the roof of the building. Dog Incidents @ all parks: There have been several complaints about dogs off leash at Cooney, Bessie Baker, Innocenti, Balch. This issue has been discussed with the Chief of Police and several members of the City Council. Complaints have come from ASO and City Councilors. Stormwater Management Plan: I am still working to finalize Pet Waste flyer to distribute with license renewal info in January. We also need to ensure signs exist in all parks telling pet owners to pick up after their animals. City Budget: Budget concerns are causing all city budgets to be looked at closely. YEAR-END REPORT Bruce reviewed a summary of accomplishments for the year 2004 with the commission. The topics in the year-end report included playgrounds and ADA accessibility, summer camps, parks, special events, beaches, Holcroft Park, CIT program, CPR/First Aid training for staff, concerts, movies, Homecoming, Adult Enrichment programs, Field Committee, Dog Park Committee, Lynch office renovations, Lynch Park Advisory Committee, Touch A Truck, painting the Dane St. bathhouse, and the Middle School Strength & Conditioning program, which was new in 2004. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Bruce Doig Recreation Department