2004-11-03 CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board or Commission: Parking and Traffic Commission Subcommittee: Date: November 3, 2004 Location: Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Members present: Tina Cassidy, Bob Mead, Clark Mitchell, Sue Mueller, Dennis Tarsook Members absent: Recorder: Tina Cassidy Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 10:30 and explains that the Commission is assembled to review and discuss two applications that have been filed by Symes Development for the former Edwards School. They have filed both a special permit and site plan review application for the conversion of the building into 28 residential units. Attorney Tom Alexander represents Symes Development and introduces Jeff Rhuda from Symes Associates, Rich Williams from Hayes Engineering and Peter Abend from Abend Engineering. Alexander explains that Symes was the winning respondent to the City’s Request for Proposals to redevelop the former Edwards Elementary School site. They are proposing to create 28 condominiums in the building and provide parking at the rate of two spaces per unit. Cassidy explains that in the CC zoning district, studios and one-bedroom units would normally only need one parking space per unit, but the City Council required two spaces per unit in the RFP to address concerns of the neighborhood. Alexander asks if the City has any plans to make School Street a two-way road. Tarsook answers that Edwards Street was made into a two way a few years ago, but returning School Street to a two-way road will be costly because the lights at the corner of School and Cabot Streets were not designed for an additional signaling phase. As a consequence, it will cost about $40,000 to install new lights to accommodate a two-way design. The City is not pursuing the idea because of that cost, and Symes states that they have no need for two-way traffic flow. Cassidy asks for an explanation of traffic flow through the site. Williams explains that the aisles will be designed for one way traffic and will be 18’ in width. The driveway entrances on School Street and Edwards Street will be about 20’ wide with the flares when constructed. All parking spaces meet the minimum requirements of 9’ in width and 18’ in length. Cassidy asks if there is provision for trash removal. Williams answers that the trash will be collected inside the buildings in roll-off containers which will be wheeled into the parking lot for collection directly into a truck. Tarsook reminds everyone that there is a City ordinance that prohibits trash pickup between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Rhuda acknowledges that requirement, and states that Symes would insert the provision directly into the deeds of the condominium units if the Planning Board required it. Cassidy asks if the developer intends to construct any improvements to the sidewalks around the school. Rhuda states that they do not. Cassidy says that the City’s Disabilities Commission is going to request that Symes consider putting in handicapped accessible curb cuts at the corners of School/Rantoul and Edwards/Rantoul Streets. She also states that the purchase and sales agreement signed with Symes Development states that the City will not require off-site exactions. Rhuda lists a number of things Symes has already done or agreed to do off site, and while he is willing to consider the request he is not going to commit to such an improvement at this time. Cassidy asks if there are any other questions or concerns from members of the Commission. There are none. Cassidy states that the letter from the Commission to the Planning Board will recommend approval of the plan and acknowledgement of the City Ordinance relative to early trash removal. The meeting is adjourned at 10:50 a.m.