2004-04-14City of Beverly Beautification Committee April 14, 2004 Public Meeting Minutes Members Present: Rod Shropshire, Ellen Todd Others present: Tina Cassidy, Planning Director 1. Welcome and Call to Order: 3:00 p.m. a. Chairman Rod Shropshire called the meeting to order. b. Cassidy reported that Rinus Oosthoek was unable to attend this meeting as planned but he or another representative of the Main Streets Program will attend the May meeting. 2. Approval of minutes a. The minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2004 were approved. 3. Status of City Hall beautification efforts and remaining work a. The window treatments have been installed in council chambers. b. The restoration of Washington's portrait is complete and it has been returned to council chambers. 4. Discussion on City Hall Open House. a. The open house is scheduled for May 17. b. The committee reviewed a draft letter of the invitation to the City Council. c. The list of volunteers and donors will be sent to all committee members for additions and corrections to insure accuracy. d. Light refreshments will be served at the event. e. Cassidy and Shropshire will contact the local newspapers to publicize the event. 5. Update on traffic island program a. The committee reviewed and revised a draft of the island sponsor contract. This will be finalized and sent to all sponsors of record with a cover letter from the chairman of the committee. Those wishing to renew for the coming year will sign and return a copy of the contract to the planning department. b. The program will be called the 'Adopt-an-Island' program. c. Uniform signage will be implemented. A picture of the new signs will be included in the packet sent to sponsors. Sponsors will pay a fee to cover the cost of the sign. The city will order the signs. Cassidy will contact the Peabody city planner for information on the signs used in their island program. d. A list of low maintenance plants will be provided. 6. Other Businesss a. The committee discussed the 'Beverly Main Streets Sweep' and 'Earth Day at the Common' scheduled for April 24. The chairman will send a letter to offer our support and to express interest in participating next year. 4/16/2004 b. The windows in council chambers need to be cleaned before the open house c. Cassidy will contact Councilors Flaherty and Guanci about relocating the Cat's Meow pieces. 7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. in the committee room, third floor, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Ellen Todd Secretary 4/16/2004