2004-03-10 CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Beverly Beautification Committee DATE: March 10, 2004 PLACE: Beverly City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Rod Shropshire, Ellen Todd, Nancy Ormiston OTHERS PRESENT: Tina Cassidy, Planning Director 1. Welcome and Call to Order: 3:00 p.m. Chairman: Rod Shropshire 2. Approval of minutes a. The minutes of the meetings of August 2003, September 2003 and February 2004 were approved. . 3. Status of City Hall beautification efforts and remaining work a. The need for donations to committee efforts is ongoing. b. The restoration of the Washington portrait will be completed mid-April. 4. Discussion on City Hall Open House. a. The open house will be scheduled to coincide with the city council meeting on May 17 contingent on council approval. A letter will be sent to the council by Shropshire and Cassidy. 5. Traffic Island Program a. Cassidy reported that the city crews will be responsible for watering the plantings at the Rt. 128 interchanges. b. New signs will be phased in over three years. c. Ormiston will provide a copy of the traffic island sponsor contract to the committee to review. A cover letter from the chairman of the committee will be sent with the new contracts. 6. Other Businesss a. Committee membership 1. The appointment of Ann Devereaux to the committee was approved. 2. Jo Lennox has resigned from the committee due to other commitments 3. The mayor's office has a list of volunteers who wish to serve on committees. b. Business district plantings a. Cassidy has contacted the Director of the Main Streets Program to discuss the installation of planters and hanging baskets on Cabot and Rantoul Streets. Their design committee meets on March 17 and the issue will be introduced. A representative of their group will attend the next meeting of the beautification committee. 7. Old Business a. A new location to display the 'Cats' Meow' pieces was discussed. The Beverly Room of the Library was suggested. b. Historical Documents suitable for display in City Council Chambers will be sought. The Historical Society and the Library Director will be contacted for suggestions and possibly to loan documents for display. Todd will contact the Historical Society. Cassidy will contact the Library. 8. Schedule next meeting The next meeting of the Committee will be on April 14 at 3:00 p.m. in the committee room, third floor, City Hall. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted Ellen Todd Secretary