2002-07-11LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2ndMeeting Thursday July 11th 7PM Lynch Park, Carriage House Members Present: Elizabeth Caputo, Richard Benevento, Virginia Currier, Ginny McGlynn, Tom Clark, Mike Collins, Debbie Hurlburt, Tom Scully, Gerry Cathcart and Joan Fairbank. Members not in attendance: Bob Griffin, Bob Richardson and Ellen Flannery. Also present, Parks & Recreation Commission members and Nancy Brewka Clark, playwright & Guild member, The minutes of the June meeting were accepted. (I regret that I had inadvertently omitted Bob Griffin’s name from the list of members in attendance and will correct that record.) The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission introduced themselves and committed their support to the committee for this project. Mark Casey explained the operation of the “Friends of Recreation” and how that non-profit organization can be used for fund-raising for the Lynch projects. Bruce Doig, chairman; Patty Adams, Lauren Young, Liz Caputo, Dave Gardner, Arthur Powell and Mark Casey (Treasurer of the Friends of Recreation) of the Parks & Recreation Commission attended. Nancy Brewka Clark updated the committee on the fund-raising and educational projects to take place during August and September. All the plays are under the direction of Betty Taylor of the BHS English and Drama department. · Homecoming Week, final Sunday, August 11, 2002, 2 skits will be performed about the Evans era. One in the Rose Garden involving Taft’s daughter Helen, son Charlie and a cousin. The other skit in the Guild room of the Carriage House with 2 of the Evans grooms and a housmaid. This will be concluded by Tom Scully’s PowerPoint presentation of the old estate. It is an opportunity to promote the play, develop awareness of the upcoming play and ask for donations. th · September 14 is the gala play performance of “Good Heavens, Mrs. Evans”, with food, desserts, and alcohol included in the ticket price of $60 or 2 for $100. th A second performance on Sunday September 15 at 3PM will be $12 for adults and $5 for students. The committee then elected Richard Benevento as chairman of the Advisory Committee. Joan Fairbank will serve as secretary. Committees were set with their charges and chairpersons: · Buildings, Infratructure and Grounds: Mile Collins, chair; Bob Griffin, Bob Richardson. · Historical Preservation and Education: Virginia Currier, chair: Tom Clark · Beuatification and Enhancement: Liz Caputo, chair: Gerry Cathcart · Policies and Use; Virginia McGlynn, chair: Debbie Hurlburt, Joan Fairbank · Fundraising: Tom Scully, chair: Debbie Hurlburt Members of these committees may be expanded to include other members of the community with interests and expertise. Joan had obtained a copy of the Building Commission’s roof report as presented by Gale Associates. In summary: The roof cannot be re-patched again. The estimate of the cost for the roof work is $160,000. The RFQ Process Richard Benevento distributed a detailed report that he prepared for the first step of the process. The $5,000 originally considered for the project was increased to $25,000 to come from the Recreation Department Enterprise Fund with the Commission permission, would be expanded to give a more inclusive conceptual plan with drawings that would be able to be used for future fund-raising. Debbie Hurlburt questioned the plan of asking the Cecil Group (developer of the Master Plan) and CDM (developer of an old Lynch Park Master Plan and seawall work.) Both have completed numerous city projects. Peter Gilmore will be consulted on this procedure. Richard will set future Agenda items. Please call him at least one week in advance, to have items that you may want to see included. The meeting concluded at 9PM with a PowerPoint presentation the historical pictures of the make up of the property now known as Lynch Park. Respectfully submitted, Joan Fairbank th The next meeting is Thursday August 15 at 7PM in the Carriage House.