2001-06-186:15 PM Arthur Powell re order 154 6:30 PM Public Hearing-Loan Order-NB Elementary School Referred to Finance and Property 6:45 PM Public Hearing-Appro. to Acct Green’s Hill Referred to Finance and Property 7:00 PM Public Hearing Budget 2001 Referred to Finance and Property 7:45 PM Public Hearing-Appro. Health and Interdepartmental transfers Referred to Finance and Property 7:55 PM Public Hearing-Appro. Roads and Sidewalks Referred to Finance and Property Meeting of Beverly City Council JuneMeeting of Beverly City Council June 18, 2001 18, 2001 Roll Call : All Councilors were present. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag : Led by Councilor McMahon Appointments: Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Meeting of June 4, 2001 as amended Communications from His Honor the Mayor : #163 June 14, 2001 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: We have communicated to the Superintendent of Schools our willingness to recommend to you the following action to provide the schools with additional funds. This action would be above and beyond anything discussed previously. 1. Lower the school required budget amount for health insurance by $100,000 2. Reduce the Mayor’s Reserve for Unforeseen by $30,000 and make that money available to the schools 3. Reduce to zero the $20,000 set aside for improvements to Harry Ball Field and transfer to the school budget the $20,000 The net effect of these three actions would be to add $150,000 to the school budget. Previously, we have also recommended that $200,000 from free cash be made available to the schools in September. 88 In return for this additional sum of $150,000, the school district would promise to return the first $30,000 of any additional State aid to the City to restore the Reserve for Unforeseen. Such an increase by the State is considered very unlikely. It is my considered opinion that we cannot add further to the school budget without endangering the overall expense budget. It is essential that we continue to perform well as a City. Even now, there is a request before you to transfer to the schools for the current year soon to end some $130,000 because of an overrun in the current year’s school medical-cost budget. Respectfully William F. Scanlon, Mayor Referred to Finance and Property Communications from other City Officers and Boards #164 Honorable City Council City Hall, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Councilors RE: Request for Stop Signs We have been asked to look into the possibility of placing STOP signs at the intersection of Thompson Road and Herrick St. Ext. and Pinewood Ave. at Herrick Street Ext. We have examined both locations and determined they meet the warrants and stop signs should be placed at these locations. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 89, Section 9, of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter 14, Section 86, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Beverly, we request the following stop signs; ADD: Thompson Road, southwesterly drivers on Thompson Road at Herrick St. Ext. ADD: Pinewood Ave., northwesterly drivers on Pinewood Ave. at Herrick St. Ext. Dennis O. Tarsook Traffic Sergeant, Safety Officer Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #165 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA Dear Honorable Council: This is to inform you that the following list of citizens have been appointed to serve as Election Workers for the Municipal Elections which will be held on September 25, 2001 and November 6, 2001. Sincerely, Frances A. Macdonald, CMC City Clerk Receive and Place on File 89 #154 A Frances Macdonald, City Clerk 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Fran I request that the City Council reconsider Order #154-the communication from Arthur Powell of Walnut Avenue concerning traffic patterns in the area of the North Beverly Elementary School. The council actually took no formal action on the order at its meeting last night. June 4, 2001. Council President Flaherty referred it to the Engineering Department and the Standing Building Commission without referring it to a committee which would receive follow-up from these persons, nor having the Council vote to Receive and Place it on File. Approve or Take No Further Action on the matter. Received and Place on File #154 Letter from Arthur Powell Receive and Place on File Referred to Building Commission and Engineering Department Communications, Applications and Petitions #166 Communication re unregistered vehicle on private property-Linda Anthony Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #167 Comm from MassDevelopment re Landmark School Receive and Place on File #168 Petition Mass Electric for JO pole on Hale St. Referred to Public Service and Aid #169 Communication re unregistered vehicle on private property-Ernie Elmore, Sr. Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #170 Request by League of Women Voters to hang banner over Cabot Street before each election Referred to Public Service and Aid 90 Reports from Committees: #146 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was revered the matter of appropriation to account funding for renovations to North Beverly Elementary School have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying amended order and recommend its adoption That the City Council of the City of Beverly approve the request of Mayor Ordered: Scanlon to appropriate by the enclosed loan order Eleven Million One Hundred Seventy Seven thousand six hundred and thirty seven dollars for the reconstruction of the North Beverly Elementary School. LOAN ORDER: Ordered: that $11,177.637.00 is appropriated for constructing an addition to and remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to the North Beverly Elementary School, including original equipment and furnishings and related site improvements; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor and the Director of Municipal Finance and under the direction of the Committee on Finance and Property, is authorized to borrow $11,177,637.00 under G.L. c44, 7,G.L.c.70B or any other enabling authority, and to file an application with the Emergency Finance Board to qualify the bonds under Chapter 44A of Massachusetts General Law; that the borrowing authorized by this order shall be in addition to the borrowing of $37,000,000 for various elementary school construction and remodeling projects authorized by the order approved by the Mayor on May 13, 1996; that the unissued portion of such $37,000,000 borrowing may be used in addition to the amount appropriated by this order for the North Beverly Elementary School project; that the City Treasurer is further authorized to file a certified copy of this order and provide such other information and execute such other documents as the Emergency Finance Board may require; and that all bonds or notes issued hereunder shall be certified to in writing as to the genuineness by Fleet national Bank or its successor or other bank or trust company situated and doing business in Massachusetts First Passage: June 4, 2001 Public Hearing: June 18, 2001 Final Passage: June 18, 2001 Order read once and adopted on a Roll Call Vote Roll Call: Yea: Costa, Guanci, Martin, McGlynn, McMahon, Murray, Smith, Troubetaris, Flaherty Nay: None Absent: None #147 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Appropriation to Account Purchase of Green’s Hill have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption 91 : That the Beverly City Council does hereby authorize the City’s Mayor to Ordered appropriate, subject to the approval of the City Council, the necessary funds to purchase, by eminent domain or negotiated purchase of otherwise, the following parcels of land for recreation purposes: The property together with the buildings thereon, know as the Crosby property or “Green’s Hill”, consisting of 14.50 acres more or less, of land above water, together with all flowage and other rights and easements and subject to all well rights and easements as are shown on the City of Beverly Assessors’ Map #10 as lots 195A and 202A. That said lands will be conveyed to said City of Beverly for access and recreation purposes, and that the Mayor of the City of Beverly shall be authorized to file on behalf of the City of Beverly any and all applications for grants and/or reimbursements from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts deemed necessary under the Urban Self- Help/SURF Act and /or any and all others in any way connected with the scope of this Article, and the City of Beverly shall be authorized to enter into all agreements and execute any and all instruments as may be necessary on behalf of the City of Beverly to effect said purchase. First Passage: June 4, 2001 Public Hearing: June 18, 2001 Final Passage: June 18, 2001 Order read once and adopted on a Roll Call Vote Yea: Costa, Guanci, Martin, McGlynn, McMahon, Murray, Smith, Troubetaris, Flaherty Nay: None Absent: None #148 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Appropriation and Transfers for medical aid and REWCO tipping fees have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the following: 1. That $259,071 in recently received State Aid be appropriated, $130,000 for medical over runs on the school side, $129,071 for medical over runs on the city side. 2. The enclosed series of transfer of budget surpluses to deal with the remaining medical cost over runs as well as litigation expense and a potential shortfall in funds available to pay RESCO tipping fees. Account Title G/L Number Transfer In Transfer Out Reserve for Unforeseen 11234/57820 19,800 Solicitor Litigation 11512/53079 100,000 Staff Planner 11751/53079 33,000 Firefighters 12201/51112 50,000 Elect Replacing Cables 12453/58772 30,000 NS Regional Voke 13154/53086 40,340 Resco Contract Fees 14152/53825 43,140 Highway Crack Sealing 14222/52723 40,000 92 Health Insurance 19141/51701 70,000 Totals 213,140 213,140 First Passage: June 4, 2001 Public Hearing: June 18, 2001 Final Passage: June 18, 2001 Order read once an adopted on A Roll Call Vote Yea: Costa, Guanci, Martin, McGlynn, McMahon, Murray, Smith, Troubetaris, Flaherty Nay: None Absent: None #149 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Appropriation to Account for road and sidewalk repairs have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly approve the enclosed Loan Order in the amount of one million five hundred thousand ($1,500,000) Dollars for road and sidewalk repairs. LOAN ORDER: Ordered: that $1,500,000.00 is appropriated for the construction and reconstruction of various streets in the city, consisting of the original construction of public ways or the extension or widening thereof, including land damages and the cost of pavement and sidewalks laid at the time of said construction, the construction of stone, block, brick, cement concrete, bituminous concrete, bituminous macadam or other permanent pavement of similar lasting character; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor and the Director of Municipal Finance and under the direction of the Committee on Finance and Property, is authorized to borrow $1,500,000.00 under G.L. c.44, §7; that the Mayor is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project; and that all bonds or notes issued hereunder shall be certified to in writing as to their genuineness by Fleet National Bank or its successor. The order must be published at least 10 days prior to final passage and requires at least a two-thirds vote, as in the case of any other loan order authorizing the issue of bonds. First Passage: June 4, 2001 Public Hearing: June 18, 2001 Final Passage: June 18, 2001 Order read once an adopted on A Roll Call Vote Yea: Costa, Guanci, Martin, McGlynn, McMahon, Murray, Smith, Troubetaris, Flaherty Nay: None Absent: None #156 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Request to purchase property at 91 Essex St. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File 93 Refer to City solicitor 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #67 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Zoning Ordinance IG Industrial General have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Order referred back to Legal Affairs and Accounts #115 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Lease Beverly Airport commission and CG Leasing Co. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption ORDERED: That the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the attached Lease Agreement between Beverly Airport Commission and CG Leasing, Inc. 8-1 Vote Troubetaris Order read once and adopted #189 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application Lodging House License-James A. Dooling, 32 Roundy St. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: No Further Action Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #143 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Request that Building Inspect report on storage containers have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #153 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of request for land takings for Lawrence Brook Project have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption That the Mayor effect the following takings and take such steps as are Ordered: necessary to accomplish that purpose: TC-100 PUE-1 Jeffrey and Sheryl Silva 95 Hale St. PUE-2 Francis J. & Roberta J. Regan 93 Bisson St. TC-101 PUE-3 Robert S & Patricia L. Lear 95 Bisson St. TC-102 PUE-4 John A. & Linda D. Kostrubanic 194 E Lothrop St. TC-104 PUE-6 David P. Leonard 86 Corning St. TC-105 PUE-7 Marcia Palumbo 89 Corning St. 94 PUE-8 Marcia Palumbo 89 Corning St. TC-106 PUE-9 Eleanor M. Santamarie 228 E Lothrop St. TC-107 (Trustee) 228 E Lothrop St. TC-108 Paul Keveny 230 E Lothrop St. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #155 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application for one day auctioneers license Frank Kaminski Auctioneers have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be granted 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #159 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of request to put question on the ballot-Community Preservation Act. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption That the City Council of the City of Beverly will hold a Public Hearing on Ordered: Wednesday June 27, 2001 at 7:30 PM 191 Cabot St. relative to request to put a question on the ballot (Community Preservation Act) . First Passage: June 4, 2001 Public Hearing: June 27, 2001 Final Passage: June 27, 2001 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #160 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Communication re Bass Haven Yacht Club and Dock Lane have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the proposed resolution that seeks to clarify and protect the title to a small portion of land owned by the Bass Haven Yacht Club. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #114 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of request to remove live trees at 191 Cabot Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City be allowed to remove the live trees in front of City Hall as per the request of City Arborist Phil Klimowicz Motion to amend to read two trees directly in front of City Hall Failed 6-3 Vote 4-6 Vote For Costa, Martin, McMahon, Flaherty Order read once and defeated Against: Murray, McGlynn, Troubetaris, Smith, Guanci 95 #150 The Committee on Public Service and Aid whom was referred the matter of Appointment-special Police for Beverly Hospital Arthur Beaulieu have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council Approve the Appointment 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #157 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of communication re Homeless Shelter have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows Receive and Place on File 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #168 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Petition Mass Electric for a JO pole on Hale Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to with Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 7:58 PM in Council Chambers, at 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to a Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company for installation of one JO Pole #1964-1 at 376 Hale Street. 9-0 Vote Order read once and adopted Resolutions: Unfinished Business: Motions and Orders: #171 By Councilors Guanci and Flaherty Ordered: That the City Council invite Thomas Knowlton, Salem/Beverly Water Supply Board to a meeting in September relative to the water supply in Beverly Referred to Public Service and Aid #172 By Councilor Flaherty Ordered: That all trucks over two and one half tons shall be prohibited from utilizing Balch Street. (Ordinance MV & T Ch 14, Sec 95-Banning of heavy truck traffic on certain streets) 96 Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #173 By Councilor Troubetaris Ordered: That a Four Way Stop Sign be placed at the corners of Giles Avaenue and Stewart Ave. Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #174 By Councilor Guanci Ordered: That Director of Human Resources, Mr. Thomas L’Italien appear before the City council, either in full session or appropriate committee, to present an overview of the work that his department is responsible for. The Department of human Resources is a new department created by the latest revision of the City of Beverly Home Rule Charter and is now mandatory in the organization of the city’s government. Referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned: 10:20 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC City Clerk 97