2001-02-08CITY OF BEVERLY Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Master Plan Steering Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: February 8, 2001 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Dinkin, John Thomson, Donald Preston, William Rodenbaugh, Linda Goodenough, Maureen Troubetaris, Joanne Avallon, Virginia McGlynn, Scott Houseman, John Murray, Wendy Frontiero, Wendy Pearl, George Simon, Bruce Oveson, Larry Ralph, John Young BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Planning Director Tina Cassidy, Ken Buckland of The Cecil Group RECORDER: Karen Bradley Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Introduction Cassidy states that most of this evening's meeting will be spent discussing the details of the first workshop that will take place on February 15, 2001. Cassidy hands out a copy of the final set of workbooks to any of the members who have not yet received a set. Buckland states that as of tonight the website should be available. He states that the website address is www.ci.beverly.ma.us. Cassidy states that Preston, Young and Avallon have been going throughout the city hanging posters and distributing workbooks as well as meeting with various organizations. She states that this has been a tremendous help and their hard work should be acknowledged. Cassidy states that in addition they have also designed a "Dear Friend" postcard and asks each member to take at least ten of these cards and distribute them to friends and family. Review of Agenda of Workshops Buckland states that he would like to go through an outline of next week's workshop and would like feedback from the committee. Avallon states that she is concerned about being overloaded with issues that may arise from the watershed issue and asks the best way to handle this. Buckland states that he will make suggestions about where this issue can be addressed while reviewing the agenda. Welcome and Introduction- Buckland states that a Steering Committee member, Cassidy, the Mayor or possibly someone from the City Council should make a brief introduction to thank the public for attending. At this point, Steering Committee members that are present could be introduced. Master Plan Steering Committee minutes February 8, 2001 meeting Page 2 Review of the Workshop Agenda and Background Information - The Cecil Group will explain the process and what is intended to be the final outcome of this workshop. The PowerPoint presentation will be shown in order to set the stage; what are we trying to do with the alternatives, what are we looking for from the participants at this workshop, and state the infrastructure goals and objectives. He explains that going from the goals and objectives to specific actions to be taken should be displayed so that the public understands the transition that is to be accomplished. Buekland states that there is a blank slide at the end and it would be appropriate to incorporate the water issue into the utility section of this presemation. Response to Questions and Comments - Buckland states that five minutes should be taken to answer any questions from the public. At this point, the public should be put into workgroups. He suggests putting people at tables of 12 as they come in and gather any additional people around those tables if necessary. Group Discussion - Preliminary Choices - Buckland states that 45 minutes have been set aside leaving 15 minutes for each alternative. He states that preliminary choices are to be recorded by a person at each table. Group Discussion- Making Choices/Recommendations for Action- Buckland states that the preliminary choices are to be reconfirmed. He states that the facilitators for each group should make sure that the recommendations are on topic with the workshop. Summary and Wrap-up - Buckland states that the co-facilitators will work together to formulate their summary of choices and recommendatiom. Buckland next explains a worksheet that he has designed for the facilitators that will prepare them for the workshop. The worksheet explains how the facilitators should lead and close the workshop. He states that by following these steps, this should enable them to complete this process. Buckland asks for comments and ideas from the committee members. Pearl asks if the facilitators will use flip charts to keep control of the group discussions. Buckland states that the workbooks have been designed to avoid any free-for-all discussions allowing time segments for each alternative developed by the group. He states that ultimately, each group should come up with five to ten specific ideas to bring forward to the larger audience. Ralph asks what if people have not studied the workbooks prior to the workshop? Buckland states that it is unlikely that everyone will have reviewed the workbooks in advance, therefore the facilitators are there to explain each step as the workshop progresses. Cassidy suggests that the welcome and introduction portion of the workshop could be shortened to allow people to review the workbooks at the beginning of the group discussions. Master Plan Steering Committee minutes February 8, 2001 meeting Page 3 Avallon states that the presentation should be specific to the topic of each particular workshop. Rodenbaugh suggests utilizing the blank slide to explain the alternatives of the workshop to give people a better idea of what their choices are. Houseman states that pointing out important sections in the workbook could be useful to set some of the ground work for the rest of the workshop. He suggests setting aside 10 minutes for the people to review the designated sections of the workbook. Cassidy states that it could be possible to cut the welcome/introduction down to five minutes. Murray suggests keeping all documents uniform using the draft "Transportation and Infrastructure Systems" workbook as a guide so as not to confuse people. Ralph asks if the quality of the maps will be improved. He states that he had trouble reading the black and white copies of the maps. Buckland states that the PowerPoint presentation is in color and is very readable. He states that the maps in the workbooks will be enlarged to improve quality. Ralph asks if the Infrastructure map could be spruced up in any way in order to point out the water supply problem. He suggests putting a circle around Wenham Lake. Cassidy states that she could provide the zoning map that shows the watershed overlay districts. Buckland asks the committee if this is highlighted and bulleted as an infrastructure issue, how do they want to label it? The committee decides to label it "Water Supply Protection". Ralph states that the Hannah School does not exist on the map and should be corrected. Young states the in the Alternatives for Economic Development workbook on pages 8 and 9, there are some paragraphs that are repeated. Ralph suggests stating in the introduction that the committee has tried to be as accurate as possible, however, due to the continual changes throughout the process, any inaccuracies should be overlooked. Troubetaris states that it is important to emphasize that this is the beginning of the process to finalize the choices of what the community wants. Cassidy suggests using a sign-in sheet that includes the name and address of people in attendance in order to have a mailing list to contact people for any additional meetings. She states that this could be a way of contacting people for that fifth follow-up meeting. Buckland asks the committee if the community should be advised of the follow-up meeting at this point. Master Plan Steering Committee minutes February 8, 2001 meeting Page 4 Cassidy states that the last workshop is March 29, 2001. She asks Buckland how long it would take to compile the results of the four workshops. Buckland states that the Master Plan Steering Committee should meet prior to the follow-up meeting to review the results. He suggests informing the attendants of the workshops to look for information regarding a follow-up meeting that will take place sometime in May 2001. Pearl asks if the facilitators will have nametags. Buckland states that all facilitators should stand out and nametags are a good idea. Avallon asks if the facilitators will have easels. Buckland states that there will be large 3M sticky paper that can be stuck on the walls after each sheet is filled which will facilitate discussion within the groups. Buckland states there will ten tables set up with 10-12 people at each table. Additional tables can he added if necessary and people can gather around the tables if there is no more space. Buckland states that the facilitators should arrive at 6:30 p.m. to review the game plan. He states that the committee members can rotate as facilitators. Buekland states that he will send out guidelines for all the facilitators prior to the first workshop. Avallon asks if there will there be consultants available to answer any questions that the facilitators do not feel they can answer. Buckland states that the consultants from Parsons Brinckerhoff will also be present to answer any questions that arise. He explains that Parsons are the engineers that have been helping with the Master Plan review. Buckland states that The Cecil Group will provide the easels, posters, markers and signs for the tables. Cassidy states that she will be responsible for the sign-in sheets and nametags. Houseman suggests that as groups come in they should be broken up to sit at different tables. Cassidy states that seats will be designated at sign in. Thomson asks if the goal at the end of the second group discussion is to prioritize ideas. Buckland states that the final goal is for each group to develop at least five definite ideas. Troubetaris asks how to finalize the ideas. Buckland states that the facilitators will assist The Cecil Group to make sense of the summary comments from the group discussions. He states the importance of the committee's feedback while using caution to keep personal opinions out of it. Murray asks, as the chief facilitator, are you going to be the one to answer "How will Beverly pay for the school's roads and utilities'?" at the end of the meeting. Buckland states that the answer to that question will be whatever makes sense to the community, whether it is economic development or user fees. Murray states that the people have read that in the workbook and someone should be ready to answer that question when it arises. Buckland states that the ideas that are developed at the workshop will be reviewed at the end of the workshop. Master Plan Steering Committee minutes February 8, 2001 meeting Page 5 Hope Benne, 44 Hillcrest Avenue, asks if there is any narrative on the current City budget available that will help people understand it. Cassidy states that general information may be available from the Finance Director. Cassidy suggests contacting John Dunn at City Hall for that information. Avallon asks if the facilitators are to present the final summary. Buckland states that a community resident would be preferred. He states that by doing this it gives the idea that the final summary is from the people of the community. Pearl asks if there will he any break during the workshop. Buckland states that before the second group discussion there will be a break. Hope Benne, 44 Hillerest Avenue, asks if there are traffic studies that show what level of traffic become unacceptable and how are these levels set. Buckland states that the levels are set by the Institute for Transportation Engineers and that traffic levels are set by using a listing called the Level of Service. He states that a Level of Service F indicates that the intersection has failed. The measure is taken based on the length of time that it takes a vehicle to get through an intersection. Cassidy states that there are published standards developed by ITE that will explain the measures for each level. Buckland asks if the committee members feel comfortable with all the material that is in the workbook for the first workshop. Young states that there is no comparison to other communities for accident rates. Preston states that Beverly is low in comparison to other communities in the State of Massachusetts. Cassidy asks Buckland the status of the Finding Report. Buckland states that it will finalized and published on the website prior to the workshop. Benne asks what the population density is for Beverly. Cassidy states that based on the last Census conducted in 1990; Beverly's population was 38,195 for 15.68 square miles of area. She states that doing the division will give you the population density. Pearl asks if during each alternative action in the workbook should be discussed in the group discussion. Buckland states that those actions are suggested alternative actions and that each work group should progress in accordance with their members and ideas. Rodenbangh states that on page 92 of the Findings Report, protecting the water supply should be pointed out. Buckland is in agreement. Cassidy asks the committee if there are any other issues. There are none. Cassidy reminds the committee members to arrive at the Senior Center at 6:30 p.m. Master Plan Steering Committee minutes February 8, 2001 meeting Page 6 Pearl asks if people in attendance should submit their ideas on each alternative. Buckland states that there will be a box to submit their ideas. Cassidy suggests inserting some blank paper for each alternative would be helpful. Preston asks if the website will be interactive for comments. Buckland states that The Cecil Group's e-mail address will be put in for people to e-mail any comments. Simon asks if it would be effective to show other towns choices for some of the alternatives. Buckland states that they have done that in the past and it proved not to be particularly useful. Cassidy states the MAPC is in the process of completing a build out analysis for the City of Beverly. They are scheduled to present that at a meeting of the City Council on March 19, 2001 as well as a discussion of the Community Preservation Act. She states that the last build out analysis for the City was conducted in 1998. Preston asks the committee members to take some posters to put in any community areas throughout the City. The meeting is adjourned at 8:35 p.m.