2001-08-16 CITY OF BEVERLY Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Master Plan Steering Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: August 16, 2001 LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Essex Street BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:Richard Dinkin, Wendy Frontiero, Linda Goodenough, Virginia McGlynn, John Murray, Wendy Pearl, Donald Preston, Larry Ralph, John Thomson, Maureen Troubetaris, John Young BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Joanne Avallon, Scott Houseman, Bruce Oveson, William Rodenbaugh, George Simon ALSO PRESENT: Planning Director Tina Cassidy, Ken Buckland of The Cecil Group RECORDER: Karen Bradley Welcome Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of minutes: June 14, 2001 meeting Cassidy asks if there are any suggested changes to the draft minutes of the June 14, 2001 meeting. There are none. Thomson: motion to approve the meeting minutes dated June 14, 2001, seconded by McGlynn. All members in favor. Motion carries. Discussion of subcommittee work Cassidy states that Housing and Economic Development subcommittees have not had a chance to meet since the June meeting. Buckland states that the subcommittee meetings are important to focus further discussions for finalization of the Master Plan. Cassidy says that she will have her office set up the remaining subcommittee meetings in the next few weeks. Land Use and Zoning (J. Avallon, J. Murray, W. Pearl, D. Preston, L. Ralph, J. Thomson, J. Young) Pearl reads and explains the comments and suggestions that resulted from the Land Use subcommittee meeting on August 9, 2001 (see notes attached, which are incorporated herein by reference). Resident Mary Rodrick states that the committee should contact the MBTA regarding the proposed extension of the Blue Line to Beverly. Cassidy states that there is no support for the Blue Line coming into Beverly, and that was evidenced by a public hearing held by the City Master Plan Steering Committee minutes August 16, 2001 meeting Page two Council some years ago on the subject. She states that both she and the Mayor have made it clear to the MBTA that the City does not support the idea of extending the Blue Line here. Transportation and Infrastructure (V. McGlynn, W. Pearl, W. Rodenbaugh, G. Simon) Pearl reads and explains the comments and suggestions that resulted from the Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee meeting on August 14, 2001 (see notes attached which are incorporated herein by reference). Upon completion of the subcommittee’s comments and suggestions, a discussion takes place on the reuse of municipal buildings. Preston states that the term “highest and best use” is being used quite frequently throughout this Master Plan process and asks for a definition of this term from Buckland. Buckland defines this term to be what you would expect a developer to build to make the most money. Preston states that this Master Plan is being completed from a community perspective and that consideration of that should be used when using this term. Open Space and Recreation (J. Avallon, W. Frontiero, S. Houseman, L. Ralph, J. Young) Ralph reads and explains the comments and suggestions that resulted from the Open Space and Recreation subcommittee meeting held on August 12, 2001 (see notes attached which are incorporated herein by reference). Some general comments are made about refinements to the sections, including suggestions to provide definitions for all types of open space, create a glossary of terms for all sections, and provide more detailed information for inventory that include percentages. Ralph states that it would be helpful to acquire recent plans developed by other groups to avoid any potential conflicts between them and the master plan. Cassidy states that while this is a good idea, it would be a tremendous amount of work to provide copies of every appropriate study and report to each member. Buckland states that the group should assume that each committee has done a reasonable job in their areas of expertise. Ralph also mentions a suggestion that the master plan should include an analysis of average staffing levels for certain municipal departments. Next Steps Cassidy states that she will distribute copies of the comments and suggestions contained in the three subcommittee reports to all committee members prior to the next meeting. She will assist in scheduling the economic development and housing subcommittees meetings in the coming weeks, and the committee should expect reports from these two groups at the September meeting. Master Plan Steering Committee meeting August 16, 2001 meeting Page three Buckland states that the structure of the subcommittee reviews should be to review and identify the key issues on the topic at hand. The next steering committee meeting will take place on Thursday, September 13, 2001. Adjournment Dinkin: motion to adjourn, seconded by Preston. All members in favor. Motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 9:20 p.m.