2003-03-05 BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: March 5, 2003 PLACE: Committee Room at Beverly City Hall BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gardner (Chair), Robert Buchsbaum, Cindy Modugno, Anthony Paluzzi, James McNeil, Elizabeth Dunne, Kathy Skrabut and Ellen Flannery. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: William Squibb and Paul Knight OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner RECORDER: Cheryl Lamont (tape) Chairperson Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Paluzzi makes a motion to approve the minutes from February 5, 2003 as amended. Modugno seconds. All in favor. Motion passes (8-0). OLD BUSINESS Trails – Status of Trail Map Reproduction Buchsbaum stated he received a $100.00 donation from Nature’s Classroom. Modugno states that she spoke with the City Treasurer who will set up an account for the donations and release expenses as needed. Modugno states that she will contact the Beverly Chamber of Commerce to see if they would like to make a donation. Members feel that the donations should be acknowledged and added to the text of the map. Paluzzi states that the map will be reproduced in brown stock, similar to a paper bag. Chairman Gardner expresses his hope that the donations will be forthcoming over the next several weeks and that the map will be ready in about a month. Sally Milligan Management Plan Buchsbaum stated that he compiled all comments and suggested changes to the Sally Milligan Plan and will incorporate comments given, mark as a “draft” copy with a cover letter asking for their input, and mail it to Parks and Recreation and the Conservation Commission. Paluzzi Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2003 Meeting Minutes makes a motion for Buchsbaum to make needed changes and for the draft plan. Flannery seconds. All in favor. Motion passes (8-0). Henderson Road status Paluzzi states that a lot of people attended the Conservation Commission’s special meeting to discuss the Vitale Site, and that the Conservation Commission is going to take a vote at its March 11 regular meeting. He states that the Commission will be voting on whether it will support using this site for playing fields. Paluzzi feels that the public is generally split 50-50 on the disposition of this parcel of land because of the fly ash. Chairman Gardner stated that it is the position of this Committee that this is a reasonable site for recreation, and that another authority determines the safety of the site for such use, as everyone is concerned that the site be made safe. Chairman Gardner states that the opportunity should not be foreclosed to create playing fields by grading the site at New England Power’s expense so that later on, if safety is not a concern, the City can go ahead and use it instead of ending up with a situation similar to the Brimabal Avenue landfill, which is unusable. Action Plan and Map Chairman Gardner states the Action Plan and Map will be reproduced “in house”. Phyllis Kennedy, Planning Department, will make and collate copies. He states that Maxner and Russ Fisk, MIS Department, are collaborating on the cover, and that this document will be reproduced on white 11x17 stock with a tinted picture in light green ink. Maxner passed out maps to members, which will be bound in the back of the Action Plan and distributed to the various City boards. Gardner states that the large map will be talked about at a later date, distributed and/or posted. Bass River Subcommittee Chairman Gardner states that the Tanzella family who owned the majority of the lots in that area has sold it recently to a developer named Thompson from Danvers. Gardner states that he has talked with Thompson and urged him to speak with Deb Hurlburt, Director of Planning, so that he will gain an understanding of how difficult it will be to build on that site because of Conservation Commission requirements of set backs and river rights, etc. Gardner expressed his hope that Thompson, rather than buying this parcel outright, would have exercised a purchase and sales agreement option with the City. Gardner stated that Thompson has not contacted Hurlburt. Gardner stated that he would call Thompson again in the hopes that the Committee engages in some type of fundraising to purchase some of the property there. 2 Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2003 Meeting Minutes NEW BUSINESS Action Plan Publicity Program Chairman Gardner states that he would like Action Plan copies to be made available to pass out, as well as Trail Maps, when appearing before community meetings (Kiwanis, etc.) where a presentation done on boards can be shown. Funding Program/Working with Beverly Conservation Land Trust Chairman Gardner asks if the “non profit” status is still up in the air. Maxner states that it is. Buchsbaum asks if the Committee would discuss Earth Day scheduled for Sunday, April 27th. Buchsbaum states that plans have been made to have the same group do the Vernal Pool at the Gazebo at Beverly Commons, starting at 12:00 and they will stay as long as people show an interest. This would be a good spot to give out trail maps. Modugno states that Hurlburt had several great ideas and developed the presentation over the several years she was in Salem. Maxner will ask Hurlburt about getting information for the presentation that she made in Salem. Chairman Gardner expresses his hopes that there will be enough time to discuss this topic further at the next scheduled meeting early in April. Chairman Gardner states that he would like to see projects such as a bridge crossing the brook at Sally Milligan, construction/design of the kiosks, and maintaining the field at Sally Milligan. The Committee discussed if the kiosks should look the same. Modugno states that there may be space issues as some of the properties for these structures. Committee members felt that it would be good to have them all designed the same so that there would be recognition as to what they were. Modugno states that some publicity would be helpful to let people know what the Committee is doing and make a plea for funding/architectural design for the kiosks. Gardner asks if it would be a good idea to call Montserrat to see if they would be interested in donating time for this project. Members agree that it was worthwhile to investigate this possibility. Skrabut states that if the Committee is going to be doing presentations in front of various groups that it would be a good idea to standardize the presentation so that any Committee Member could conduct the power-point presentation. She explains that this would enable each Committee Member to show that they have reviewed the content and agree with the focus rather than try to each create their own presentation. Chairman Gardner states that Tom Scully has power-point presentation software, and will find out if he is willing to lend it out. Modugno states that she has power point on her laptop that she can offer for use if Tom Scully does not. Gardner would like to see some blow-ups of Sally Milligan Park on a couple of boards and then standardize the presentation for any Committee Member to use. 3 Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2003 Meeting Minutes Chairman Gardner would like this topic to be on the agenda for next month and would like Committee Members to bring their thoughts on this to the next meeting. Hannah School Land Plan Chairman Gardner asks if there is anything the Committee can do on that. Buchsbaum replied that the PTO is working on this. Setting Up “Friends of Parks” Volunteer Program Modugno asks if this was to be “Friends of Parks” or “Friends of Sally Milligan Park” and if this was to be geared toward one particular park. She feels that if Committee Members start with one particular park and do a good job and lead by example that the other parks will fall into place. Modugno suggests that the Committee should sponsor a birthday party for Sally Milligan Park. She suggests that people sign up for keeping an eye on the property, maintain the trails, maintain the kiosks and then move onto the next piece of property. Flannery asks about the inmate program and if they performed duties such as this. Paluzzi states that Norwood’s Pond is becoming overgrown and that in a period of time the pond will become wetlands. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) has now become involved and may be interested in dredging that pond to save it. Maxner states that the ACOE has approved a Preliminary Restoration Plan (PRP) and will be able to start in the fall. She states that she and Hurlburt met with two representatives of the ACOE in December who gathered preliminary information and determined that further exploration of the pond is in order. She states that the PRP is the first official step in investigating the project’s worthiness. Maxner stated that a local Biker’s Association, the Essex County Velo, contacted Hurlburt and would like to be property monitors for the Conservation Commission property along Greenwood Avenue and Common Lane. Chairman Gardner states that this group would need to know what is appropriate and what is not. Buchsbaum states that Committee Members could spread the word to get the project rolling. Modugno suggests developing a newsletter. Committee Members decide on Saturday, April th 26 at 2:00 for “Sally Milligan - Friends of Park” clean up activity. Committee Members would like to get this information out on the website. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Gardner states that he has a copy of a letter from the City Solicitor to the Beneventos that puts them on notice that they are not to obstruct the public access. Chairman Gardner asks Committee Members if they would be interested in changing the meeting time from 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Members agree that 7:30 p.m. would be more convenient. 4 Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2003 Meeting Minutes Maxner states that the Planning Department got a publication from DEM, regarding various forest management practices conducted by several Massachusetts towns and cities. Maxner passed out two copies for Board Members to look over. This item will be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting. Chairman Gardner states that he will contact Hurlburt about getting information to be used for Earth Day. NEXT MEETING AGENDA ITEMS AND DATE Items for next month’s meeting agenda: 1. DEM Publication Brochure 2. Action Plan Publicity Program – Sally Milligan Draft Standardized Presentation 3. Earth Day The next scheduled meeting will be held on April 2, 2003 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Modugno makes a motion to adjourn. Flannery seconds. All in favor. Motion passes (8-0). Meeting is adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 5