2003-10-01Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2003 Meeting Minutes 1 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: Wednesday, October 1, 2003 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman David Gardner, Vice Chairman Robert Buchsbaum, Elizabeth Dunne, Pam Kampersal, Paul Knight, James MacNeil, Kathy Skrabut, and William Squibb BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ellen Flannery, Anthony Paluzzi OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner RECORDER: Phyllis Kennedy CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. He introduced Pam Kampersal, a new member representing Ward 5. ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Skrabut makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 3, 2002 as written. Knight seconds. (Buchsbaum and Kampersal abstain) All in favor. Motion passes 6-0. OLD BUSINESS Report on concept plan pro bono work for Green's Hill MacNeil states it is still in concept phase. He stated he followed up with the MIT Regional Planning Department but was unsuccessful. He also spoke to Peter Young of the NSCC but was too late for this school year as they have already started a project. He explains Mr. Young mentioned a group called Future Forests who does pro bono work but had no contact information. Gardner asked if the Committee could put in a bid for next year. Gardner hopes to have a group do a pro bono plan for Green's Hill to convert into a park as well as the Brimbal Hill dump site as a dog park or playing fields. Gardner states that these projects need to be pro-bono or funded and not be exorbitant in cost. Dunne states she has two contact sources she can follow up on. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2003 Meeting Minutes 2 Kampersal states she visited a home in Ipswich where environmentally friendly landscaping was done and suggested that he Committee explore this idea. Maxner states that she was aware of this project and volunteered to follow up with contacts at Coastal Zone Management. Recap of public meeting procedures Skrabut states that she e-mailed members a summary of the proceedings of a June 21, 2003 meeting of boards and commissions hosted by the City. There were a number of presenters who talked about the parameters and guidelines of the open meeting law and how one needs to conduct oneself outside of meetings. What she found interesting was that in the event of accidental get togethers it is not permissible to discuss business. Gardner asked if it was permissible to talk one-on-one if you should meet on a walk. Skrabut states that according to the information provided, it is not permissible to discuss committee business one-on-one. She explains each committee should have rules that are filed with the City Clerk. Buchsbaum said he believes there is an Ordinance established for the OSRC. Gardner asked Maxner to inquire about this. Lastly, Skrabut handed out copies of the "Riggins Rules." Discussion ensued regarding e-mail, and how it plays a role in communication and the Open Meeting Law. Gardner states he would like clarification about one-on- one discussion. Maxner stated as an example the Conservation Commission members can take in information but can't talk to the other members and can only have discussion at the meetings. Squibb believes the problem is when you discuss how you would vote on a matter. Buchsbaum responds it is more likely pertaining to regulatory commissions and that the OSRC is not making decisions but just advising other city bodies. NEW BUSINESS Semi-annual council report and action plan presentation Gardner states he put together a draft of the semi-annual report to the City Council to be presented by MacNeil, Buchsbaum and Knight at the City Council meeting of October 20, 2003. Maxner will inform them of the time they are placed on the agenda. MacNeil suggested showing the power point presentation. Skrabut suggested handing out the trail maps to the Councillors. Gardner agreed the Committee should pass out the map and summary of the action plan and asked Maxner to make 10-12 copies available for City Council members. MacNeil asked about talking about future activities. Gardner will e-mail him the list of proposed activities for the year. Skrabut suggested mentioning the private donor funding obtained for the production of the trail maps, which cost about $700. Garder will e-mail draft letter to City Council to Buchsbaum for his review and forwarding to Maxner to finalize. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2003 Meeting Minutes 3 Discussion of Green's Hill Concept Plan Gardner had listed major points of the concept plan to get the Committee's ideas in order. He wished to identify some alternatives and develop something to show people at Ryal Side Civic Association and to have a document to approach consultants with what the Committee has in mind. It was agreed to have some general concepts for potential use before going to the initial meeting with the Ryal Side Civic Association. Skrabut suggested taking an interested group to the site rather than meeting at the Civic Center. Gardner says that is possible and then the group could adjourn to the Civic Center. Ideas discussed included a green lawn and roadway from Bridge Street to Green Street and taking advantage of the path already there; having it fairly open and park like; keeping a few areas where trees would be maintained; and trails for a woodland walk. Buchsbaum states that this would need to be coordinated with the Conservation Commission. Other suggestions from members included: clean up of the site, but some of this has already done by the boy scouts; a sculpture made by the school children; a sledding hill; nature study with access to river, tidal flats and salt marsh; and a ropes course. Gardner states it could be organized around passive use and why that is appropriate due to the limited land and high slopes. Gardner states that he has an aerial photo of the area he thinks can be blown up. Gardner wonders if topographic maps of sufficient size could be generated to be put on a presentation board and on power point as well so that the Committee could start off with a plan that shows the site and general description of the property. Gardner asks what major features should be discussed. Buchsbaum suggested the natural features like the slopes, river, and woodland. Gardner suggested the views as well, as you are up high and can see the train and urban activity. Maxner suggested a general description of the flora, fauna and soils. Dunne suggests having sketches showing the citizens how the school would relate to the park, that they belong together. Squibb asks where the walking trail was going. Gardner responds there is a trail there now, and that a path runs from Bridge Street and terminates in a wetland on the north end. He states that most of the trail winds along the edge of the slope along the river. Gardner suggests showing graphics and talking about alternative uses with sketches showing how the school would relate to the park. He suggests retaining a green buffer for the Principal's concern. Gardner states another feature which may appeal to people is that this would be part of the Bass River trail which would enable one to walk or jog starting at Marciano's property on Elliott Street and access the Green’s Hill property by connected access. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2003 Meeting Minutes 4 Buchsbaum asks about the timing of this idea. Gardner suggests arranging meeting with Ryal Side Civic Association and inviting the PTO to come. Buchsbaum suggests the Committee have a plan that allows us to do maintenance periodically. Gardner replies he will talk about funding in general terms as it depends on what is put there. Buchsbaum suggested a site walk, as several people have not been there. A walk was scheduled for Wednesday, October 8 at 5:00 p.m., to meet at Ryal Side School parking lot. . Election of Officers Gardner states that the offices for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary are up for election. No new nominations are brought forward. Gardner and Buchsbaum state that they are both willing to continue to serve as present officers; Gardner as Chairman and Buchsbaum as Vice Chairman. Gardner states that Elizabeth Dunne is the Correspondence Secretary, however this position has not been called upon within the last year, but suggested that this position be kept on the record. Dunne agrees to continue to fill this position in case the need arises. Knight moves to vote the present slate of officers for another one-year term. Squibb seconds. All members are in favor. Motion passes. Buchsbaum asked when member’s terms expire. Maxner will find out and e-mail this information. Gardner states appointments roll over. Skrabut asks if a City Councilor appointment is due to expire, that particular Ward Councilor should be notified. Gardner believes that this would be appropriate. NEXT MEETING AGENDA ITEMS AND DATE The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5, at 7:30 p.m., 3rd Floor, City Hall, Committee Room. Buchsbaum asked Knight to contact the Ryal Side Civic Association to arrange a meeting in December regarding Green's Hill. Gardner states for the meeting on the 5th, the Committee could review the power point presentation and graphics for that meeting. Gardner states since the Committee is planning to do a presentation to the Kiwanis (also the Rotary, Lions Club, and PTO's throughout the year), the Committee can talk about setting a date for that as well (power point presentation, trail maps, action plan). Knight volunteered to help with this. Gardner states the Committee could decide whom to start with and come up with a list of projects the Committee can seek funds for. OTHER BUSINESS Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 1, 2003 Meeting Minutes 5 Kampersal distributed flyers for a Wenham Lake Watershed Association workshop to be held October 7, 7:30 p.m., at the Beverly Senior Center. Gardner reviewed the Action Plan with Kampersal and provided her a copy of the plan to scale, 24" by 36". He passed out some extra copies to members and asked Amy Maxner to have Gerry Marsella make two more copies for James McKnight and Elizabeth Dunne. ADJOURNMENT Gardner moves to adjourn. All members in favor. Motion carries 8-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.