1999-11-01CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDERS: Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1, 1999 Beverly Senior Center, 90 Colon Street Chairman David Gardner, Vice-Chairman Robert Buchsbaum, Richard Baker, Kathem Tracy, Ellen Flannery, John Hopkins, Anthony Paluzzi, Charles Raymond, Guido Lauranzano Claire Thompson William Squibb (nominated but not yet officially appointed), City Planner Tina Cassidy. Tina Cassidy, Kathern Tracy Gardner opens the meeting by explaining that no minutes oftbe last meeting are yet available for review. He updates the members by explaining that he artended a seminar on the open meeting law, along with Paluzzi and Tracy, that was sponsored by the Essex County District Attorney's Office. He notes several important points he learned during the seminar, including the fact that subcommittee meetings of public bodies must be posted, and the need to insure that even field visits meet the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Next, Gardner states that at the last meeting, the concept of subcommittees was briefly discussed and he proposes the following subcommittee categories for discussion by the members: inventory, linkages, and public access. With respect to creating an inventory, members agree that mapping the vacant land in the City would be a good beginning point, and after a discussion agree that each of the ten members will take ten small-sized assessors' maps and mark which lots are vacant according to the City's assessors' records. Cassidy explains that she had hoped to have the assessors' printout available for this evening' s meeting, but was unable to because of on. going computer program changes in the assessors' office. She will have a copy within the next 7-10 days and will mail out appropriate segments of the printout to the members. Flarmery volunteers to chair the inventory subcommittee, which will consist of the current ten committee members. Gardner asks Cassidy to bring the MAPC build-out maps and the accompanying report to the next meeting. Hopkins asks about grant resources that might be available and what the submission deadlines are for the grants. Gardner states that for the large Urban Self-Help grants, the deadlines are usually June and that the City's current Open Space and Recreation Plan is still effective, so the City will be eligible to apply. State Representative Michael Cahill's staffer states that there are other grant monies available in the FY00 state budget that are being now being considered at the State House. Open Space and Rec. Cmte. Minutes November 1, 1999 meeting Page two Members hold a general discussion about communicating with abutting communities about their open space parcels and the potential to interconnect Beverly's open space parcels with those in neighboring towns. More discussion on this topic will take place in the Linkages Subcommittee meetings. Next, members discuss the possibility of visiting certain parcels across the City that are privately owned, and the way in which to obtain the necessary permission to access the sites. The committee elects to postpone scheduling any site visits until the inventory mapping is completed. With respect to the inventory mapping, members will have their respective maps colored in by using the same legend that was used by the open space committee in 1995, and will add one category entitled "PDL" (private developable land). Flannery: motion to create an inventory subcommittee consisting often members, seconded by Paluzzi. Members suggest that the subcommittee be limited to a maximum often members. Flannery: motion to create an inventory subcommittee consisting of a maximum of ten members, seconded by Paluzzi. All members in favor, motion carries. Flannery: motion to create a linkages subcommittee consisting of six members, seconded by Paluzzi. All members in favor, motion carries. Pahzzi: motion to elect Flannery as Chairperson of the inventory subcommittee, seconded by Lauranzano. All members in favor, motion carries. Members discuss the membership of the linkages subcommittee, and it is decided that Hopkins, Paluzzi, Thompson, Lauranzano, Squibb, and Tracy will serve on the linkages subcommittee. Flannery: motion to elect Hopkins as Chairman of the linkages subcommittee, seconded by Paln77i. All members in favor, motion carries. Gardner offers his assistance to any member who may need his help with the mapping project. Members were assigned the following maps: Maps #1 * 10: Maps #11 - 20: Maps #21 - 30: Flannery Thompson Raymond Open Space and Rec. Crate. Minutes November 1, 1999 meeting Page three Maps #31 - 40: Maps #41 - 50: Maps #51 - 60: Maps #61 - 70: Maps #71 - 80: Maps #81 - 90: Maps #91 - 98: Paluzzi Lauranzano Buchsbaum Flannery Tracy Hopkins Squibb The next meeting of the committee will take place on Monday, December 6, 1999 at tl~e Senior Center. Flannery: motion to adjourn, seconded by Paluzzi. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 9:38 p.m.