2000-02-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DAI'E: PLACE: COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7, 2000 Beverly City Hall David Gardner (Chairman), Anthony Paluzzi, Charles Raymond, Guido Lauranzano, Claire Thompson, Rathem Tracy, Robert Buchsbaum, Ellen Flannery, Bill Squibb Richard Baker David O'Connor (Cecil Group), State Representative Michael Cahill and Assistant Moira Coyle Jeannine Dion David Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Aoproval of MeetinK Minutes Flannery: Motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2000 meeting, seconded by Tracy. All members in favor, motion carries. Overview of Recent Events Gardner stated that a three page leuer on the Committee's recommendation regarding open space acquisition priorities. which was ~nalized at the last meeting. was submitled to City Council. The Council has asked tile Open Space and Recreation Con~nittee to make a presentation at this evening's meeting. Gardner stated he will be making a slide presentation ou behalf of the Committee regarding several parcels of interest iu the city. The presemation will be approximately 10-I5 minutes in duration. Gardner stated he, Tom Scull>' and Tina Cassid3, met with Mayor ScanIon and the Mayo' was receptive and supportive of the Committee's recommendations. Buchsbaum stated tile pmlrayal in tile Salem Beverly News was not correct. tte stated there are several properties worthy of being protected. Cassidy slated that the City mix5 be able t,~ pt~rsue an Urban Self-tlclp grant li'om lhc Stale to help with lhe acquisitkm of one or more of the parcels. Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes February 7, 2000 Meeting Page 2 Gardner introduces David O'Connor from the Cecil Group. O'Connor presents an overview of the requirements, responsibilities and schedule fur preparing a revised Open Space and Recreation Plan. The overview describes who is responsible for each section of the Open Space and Recreation Plan and a schedule for completion of the report. Gardner asks O'Connor if he has a copy of the 1995 Open Space and Recreation Plan. O'Connor responded that he is not sum but will check his office and let Tina Cassidy know if he needs a copy. Cassidy states she would be happy to send a copy to O'Connor. O'Connor states that the City of Westford, Massachusetts was able to receive 65% reimbursement for athletic field construction because they were part of a school renovation plan. Buchshaum asks if that pertains to existing schools. O'Connor responds that it may be reimbursable if it is a renovation of an existing facility. He states he could clarify this. O'Connor explains that those properties which are most important to the city - those which are vulnerable to change - must be identified. O'Connor states that when the draft is complete the Committee should solicit public conu-nent. Key city agencies should provide comments and a public meeting is recommended to discuss the plan. Cassidy suuports the concept of a public meeting. She states when the goals and objectives for the upcoming master plan were developed in June of 1998 it was done through a series of workshops. O'Connor states that letters of support should also be included in the report. The more support the report receives. the better. O'Counor states that if there arc deficiencies in the report pointed out by the public, they must be dealt with. Gardner asks how in~portant it is to get in line lbr thnding. O'Connor responds that demographics have a lot to do with funding. He states that it doesn't hurt to have the legislative delegation fulb' in thvor and have a well thought out plan in place. Gardner asks what the Cecil Group needs from the Open Space and Recreation Committee. O'Connor responds that he would like to review the 1995 report before commenting. Cassidy states she xvould start working on Section V/haventolT of Lands of Conservation and Recrealinn Interest) and Section VI Communitv Goals and will start with the .\ssc~sor's ,>llice to obtain the inli>rmation nccdcd. Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes February 7, 2000 Meeting Page 3 O'Connor says tile Committee needs to nmke sure the groundwork needed lbr the report is done. lte states the Five Year Plan is where everything is synthesized. O'Colmor states he will interview City Planner Thin Cassidy oll the Goals and Objectives, and slates a draft should be ready by the end of February. Flannery asks if the deadline could be moved to March 6th. Everybody agrees it would be fine to move the deadline to March 6~h. The quarterly update presentation to the City Council is scheduled to take place on March 20, 2000. State Representative Michael Cahill states that the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs emphasis community involvement. He asks if anyone has spoken to personnel at that office to smooth the way for an upcoming application. Cassidy responds that she e- mailed Jennifer Jillson Soper and asked for the latest Urban Self Help application. She states she will touch base with Soper and let her know what the Committee is up to. Tracy asks if the Open Space and Recreation Conm~ittee should be soliciting conm~ents. O'Connor responded that comments should be solicited from associated agencies (i.e. Planning Board, Conservation Commission, etc.), the public and State Representatives. Fracy asks when tILls solicitation for comments should occur. O'Connor answers that it should happen after the draft sections are completed. Lauranzano states it would be helpful to have a list of agencies. O'Connor responds that he could provide a list to the Open Space and Recreation Committee. Buchsbaum adds that it would be positive to obtain endorsements fi'om Essex County Greenbelt, DEP and the Massachusetts Audubon. Flannen.': Motion to recess tile meeting for the City Council meeting, seconded by Thompson. All members in li~vor, motion carries. City Council Meetin,o Cassidy introduces hcrsclfand zhe members of the Open Space and Recreation Committee to the City Council and the public. Cassidy states the Committee has prepared a presentation which will be given by David Gardner, its Chairn~an. Gardner outlines tile cvahlation criteria the Committee used xxhen reviewing the properl los: Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes February 7, 2000 Meeting Page 4 · opportunities lost · neighborhood impacts · inl?astructure · linkage to other open space · cost and tlanding · parcel size · type of control · active/passive recreation · visual benefit · natural resources · consolidate existing open space Gardner states the properties under review are the Santin & Hill properties, Green's Hill, the Dallas (Symes) properties, Bartlett Estate, the Carbone property on Eisenhower Road, Morton Thiokol and Johnson's Tree Farm. Gardner states the Open Space and Recreation Committee recommends acquiring the Santin & Hill property to protect Sally Milligan Park, and Green's Hill. A member of the public asked if the Open Space and Recreation Committee is trying to buy the properties. Cassidy responded that these are preliminary recommendations of the Committee and it would be up to the Mayor, City Council members and others to decide. Gardner states the City will likely have to move quickly on acquisition of these parcels. Mayor ScanIon states he is hoping to get help from State Representative Micliael Cahill on State funding. Councilor Don Martin asks ira drainage report is available on the Dallas proepny. Mayor Scanlon states he is detemfined to fix all the drainage problems in the city. City Councilor Maureen Troubetaris states that if open space is next to a school the city might be able to receive 65% reimbursement. Troubetaris asks if the reimbursement applies to purchasing a piece of property. Cassidy responds that she is not sure. Scanlon states he will review the possibility. Members return to the conli~rence room. Paluzzi: motion to reconvene the regular meeting. seconded by Flanncry. AH membors in favor. motion carries. Gardner asks if there are any comments from Coinmittee members. Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes February 7, 2000 Meeting Page 5 Buchsbaum states the Committee needs to get to the business at hand - the report. Gardner infom~s members that two items on the next agenda will be 1) presentation to the City Council in March and 2) Open Space and Recreation Plan update. Flannery: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Tracy. All members in favor, no one opposed. Motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 8:55 p.m.