2000-11-20 City of Beverly Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: November 20, 2000 PLACE: Beverly Public Library MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gardner, Charles Raymond, Cynthia Modugno, Robert Buchshaum, Kathern Tracy, Guido Lauranzano, William Squibb MEMBERS ABSENT: Ellen Flannery, Richard Baker, Anthony Paluzzi ALSO PRESENT: RECORDER: Karen Bradley Gardner calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and asks if memhers have any suggested changes to the draft minutes of the committee's October 2, 2000 regular meeting. There are three suggested changes; On page one, fourth paragraph, second sentence should read as follows: Cassidy plans to review the two appraisals with the Mayor and facilitate negotiations with the property owners for acquisition of the property. · On page two, last paragraph, first sentence should read as follows: Raymond states that he has received a map for the south side of the Norwood Pond campus. · On page five, second paragraph, first senteme should read as follows: Beverly resident, Mary Rodrick states that preservation of open space should also protect the water supply. Buchsbaum: motion to approve the minutes as amended of the committee's October 2, 2000 meeting, seconded by Tracy. All members in favor, motion carries. Gardner asks Cassidy to update the committee on the Master Plan Steering Committee's progress on the public hearings. Cassidy states that the Master Plan Steering Committee has elected not to try to hold any workshops this November and December. She explains that they are in the process of completing a series of workbooks for the four workshops they have planned; transportation and utilities, residential development and housing, open space and economic development. Cassidy states that the year-end goal for the Master plan Steering Committee is to finalize the workbooks in order to begin the workshops in Jammry/Febrm*ry 2001. Gardner asks if any action has been taken on the Community Preservation Act. Buchsbaum states that the city has to form a commlttee to oversee the funds that would come through. He states that State Representative Cahill is gathering that information and will communicate any information he receives. Cassidy states that it would he a good idea to give members a copy of the Community Preservation Act. Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes November. 20, 2000 meeting Page two Gardner asks the members of the committee if there are any changes to the October 4, 2000 land forum minutes. Tracy asks if Claire Thompson name should be listed. Cassidy is unsure if Thompson has officially resigned from the committee and will investigate. Tracy states that her name appears on the October 2, 2000 minutes but not on the October 4, 2000. Cassidy states that the minutes should be consistent and will follow-up on it and make the necessary changes to the minutes. Raymond: motion to approve the minutes of the committee's October 4, 2000 meeting, seconded by Squibb. All members in favor, motion carries. Gardner asks the committee to review their calendar to plan a year-end holiday dinner. The members of the committee agree upon a few dates that work for everyone and Tracy volunteers to make reservations and will confer with Cassidy in doing so. Gardner next explains that tho committee will be going into executive session shortly and would like each committee member to prepare recommendations for the December 4, 2000 meeting for priority properties. The committee can then consolidate the recommendations to prepare a final list of priority properties to make a final committee recommendation. Buchsbaurn asks how the written document is coming along with the Cecil Group. Cnssidy explains that it is mostly complete at this point. She explains that there are three chapters that are close to completion but are in need of-update: 1. The action plan of this committee with regard to the open space and recreation plan. 2. Outreach of what the City has done with regard to open space needs to be compiled. 3. Summary of the action plan. She is hoping to get a draft of the open space plan to the committee members in December and would like to see this topic discussed in January. Gardner explains that the recreation depamnent is working on the recreation section of the plan. Buchsbaum states that this committee should focus some effort on active recreation. Squibb asks if the North Beverly Elementary is the only school without a playing field. Gardner states that Cove Elementary and North Beverly Elementary do not have playing fields. Modugno asks if there is a law that requires each school to have a certain amount of green space. Cassidy states that in order to be eligible for construction reimbursement by the State of Massachusetts a school has to have at least ten acres of green space. Gardner states that agenda items for the next meeting on December 4, 2000 will include discussion on Norwood Pond and finalization of second tier acquisition sites. Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes November 20, 2000 rneeting Page three Gardner states that he has written a letter to the Mayor requesting that the City Solicitor investigate both ends of Pole Swamp Lane, the western end of Branch Lane, and Witch Lane to determine ownership and possible encroachments. If it is determined that these are in fact public right-of-ways it is the request of the committee to survey the properties and take whatever action is necessary to eliminate the encroachments. Tracy asks who is responsible for clean-up days in the City. Modugno states that Joan Fairhank or Joyce McMahon could have that information. Buchshaum states the Coastal Zone Management organizes clean-up days for the region and suggests speaking with them. Gardner asks the members of the committee if there are any other matters to discuss. There are Gardner asks for questions and comments from the public. Renee Mary, 274 Hale Street, asks if the clean-up will take place around the City or along the ocean. Tracy states that she is planting trees around the City and came up with the idea that this could he done at the same time as an organized clean-up. Mary suggests contacting Ward Councilors. Mary asks if there are plans to use the Brimbal Avenue landfill for active recreation. Cassidy states that science and testing will determine the use of that 30 acres landfill. Mary asks if the land could be developed in stages based on the test results. Cassidy is not sure of the scientific answer to that question. Gardner asks Cassidy to explain the process of the executive session. Cassidy states that in some instances meeting in open session can have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governing body. She has asked Marshall Handly if this committee could meet in executive session. He explained that under M.G. L. Chapter 39, subsection 23B this committee could enter executive session. She states that each member of the committee will have to vote individually to enter executive session and the majority rules. Minutes are kept during the executive session and members of the public are not invited to that meeting. She states that the minutes become a public record and are available to the public except that they remain confidential as long as publication would defeat the lawful purposes of the executive session but no longer. She explains that the members must communicate to the public whether or not they will return to a Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes November 20, 2000 meeting Page four Lauranzano: motion to enter executive session, seconded by Tracy. Roll call is taken for votes in favor of entering executive session: Gardner- yes Raymond- yes Lauranzano - yes Squibb- yes Tracy- yes Modngno - yes Buchsbnum - yes Motion carries 7-0. Gardner states that the committee will not return to regular session following this executive session and regular meeting ends at 7:45 p.m.