1684-06-05[Town Meeting June 5, 1684] At a general town meeting legally warned the 5:6:1684 there was chosen for grand jury man for this year John Solos. It was also at the same town meeting 5:6:1684 principally to consider of some more effectual town way concerning Mr. Hale his maintenance then did fully agree and vote that from this time forward the town will allow and pay to Mr. Hale yearly in money of New England sixty-four pounds per year and that the Selectmen then in being when the respective payments is due shall see to the payment thereof: which money is to be paid quarterly that is to say sixteen pounds per quarter. The condition is that this contract now shall make void all former contracts between Mr. Hale and the town with respect to his seventy pounds per year and his firewood: and Mr. Hale did accept also this shall not cut off any former debts.