1676-11-04th At a general town meeting November the 4 1676: there was chosen by general vote for Collectors to gather Mr. Hale his maintenance and to see the bringing in of Mr. Hale his fire wood. Samuel Corning jun. John Bennett At the said town meeting chosen for selectmen as followeth (viz) Mr. William Thorndike William Dodge sen. Exercise Conant Peter Woodberry John Dodge sen. th At the same town meeting November the 4 it was agreed with these several men hereafter named for these several proportions of cord wood, viz., Humphrey Woodbery sen. 5 cord of wood (viz) William Dodge sen. 7 cord and one third of wood, John Sallus tenn. cord of wood, Thomas Woodberry 5 cord of wood of wood Exercise Conant 2 cord of wood all which parcels of wood the Collectors a foresaid are to see brought by the parties abovementioned so that Mr. Hale may not want wood. th At the same town meeting November the 4: 76 Josiah Roots sen. chosen grand juryman for this town of Beverly for the year ensuing. At the aforesaid meeting William Rayment chosen to serve upon the Jury of Trials at the next County Court to be held at Salem. th At the same town meeting November 4 1676, it was voted that there shall be a Town Rate of fifteen pounds made by the Selectmen for the repairing of the meeting house and to pay the deputy his charge at the General Court.