1671-09-13[September 13, 1671] th At a town meeting the 13 of September 1671, Thomas West was chosen for the Grand Jury, Josias Roots chosen for Constable. At a town meeting the same time abovesaid it was agreed that a place for burial should be provided and an acre of ground to be gotten. There is a place for burial of an acre bought of Lieutenant Dixsy lying by the Country Highway on the one side & bounded on the other side upon Nathaniel Gove & Josias Roots. It is agreed by vote that John Patch and William Rayment shall lay out & receive the acre of ground for the town’s use. It is voted there shall be a rate made of £30 by the selectmen to defray town charges. It is ordered that the supplying of Mr. Hale for this year ensuing with his wood shall be by way of rate. It is also agreed that the Selectmen are to agree with some person or persons to supply Mr. Hale with his wood this year following.