1783-05-16[Town Meeting May 16, 1783] th At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly May 16, 1783. Mr. John Dyson was chosen to serve on the Grand Jury at the Supreme Judicial Court to be holden th at Ipswich on the third Tuesday of June next and Capt. John Lovett 4 and Capt. Zachariah Gage were appointed as the law directs to serve on the Petit Jury at the above said Court. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly legally warned and th assembled on the 16 day of May 1783. Larkin Thorndike Esq., was chosen moderator of said meeting. Voted that Mr. Thomas Hovey be a warden in the room of William Obear refusing to serve. Voted that Mr. William and Israel Green shall have liberty to work out their highway taxes the current year on the way between their dwelling houses and the country road under the care and inspection of the Surveyor of the Highways of ward no. 11. The [illegible] letter from the Committee of Correspondence of the town of Boston being read and thereby communicated to the Town and thereupon voted that the Selectmen be directed to write and answer to the Committee of the Town of Boston’s letter. Voted that the Selectmen be hereby requested to keep a watchful eye against the return of any of the refugees so-called and that if any of them should return to this Town to proceed with them agreeable to the directions of Congress and the laws of the Commonwealth in that case made and provided. Voted that Capt. William Bartlett, Mr. Andrew Cabot and Capt. Asa Leach be a Committee to take under consideration the sixth article of the warrant which is viz. to see if the Town will turn the course of the water that runneth down ferry hill so-called some other way down to the sea and act thereon as they think proper. And make report to the town what will be for the best to be done relative thereto at the next town meeting. Voted that Capt. William Bartlett, Mr. Nathan Dane and Josiah Bachelder, Esq. be a committee to take under consideration and examination the affair of the several constables receiving of counterfeit money for taxes and make report what may be proper to be done relative thereto to the town at the next town meeting. Voted that Capt. James Lovett, their Town Treasurer, be directed within fifteen days from this date to issue out his executions against all the delinquent constables of the year 1781 and all delinquent constables before that date. Voted that Capt. James Lovett, their Town Treasurer, be directed within sixty days from this date to issue out his executions against all delinquent constables for the year 1782. Voted that the sum of one thousand pounds be in assessed and raised on the polls and estates of the town for purposes of paying the town debts, interest on the town securities and defraying of the necessary charges arising within said town. At a meeting of the male persons that were twenty-one years of age and resident in this Town one year preceding that have a Freehold estate within the Town of Beverly of the annual income of three th pounds or any estate of the value of sixty pounds legally warned and assembled on Friday the 16 day of May A. Domini 1783. Selectmen proceeded at said meeting. Then did elect Mr. Nathan Dane to represent them in the General Court appointed to be convened and held for the government service at State House in Boston or such other place as may hereafter be appointed for the General Court to convene at agreeable to the Constitution upon the last Wednesday of May the said person being chosen by the major part of the electors present at said meeting. Voted that Mr. Nathan Dane their representative be hereby instructed to use all the influence in his power at the General Court that the absentees and refugees etc. so-called may not have any liberty to return to this Commonwealth but the [illegible] and from having any lot or portion amongst us.